Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 544: Law weapon (6)


A group of bone-winged demons flew by. They belonged to the close relatives of the fallen bone demons. They were like a group of grotesque bats. Taking advantage of the dark night sky, thousands of them, densely packed in groups, spread their teeth and dance claws, towards the distant place floating. The metal fortress flew away.

There are countless groups of such monsters.

In contrast, this dark bird measuring only a dozen centimeters is really unnoticeable.

It flapped its wings and flew away. No one knew where it was going. Finally, it landed on the head of a huge behemoth.

Nine-headed insect demon, found this little guy.

"Which Demon King's pet are you?"

This is a huge giant with a length of 100 meters, a rough carapace, nine heads, and its teeth and claws!

Such a huge volume, even among ancient creatures, is considered the top rank.

It is a pity that in the underground world, the talent of the nine-headed insect is not outstanding, and this nine-headed insect has just been advanced to the devil for a few decades, and was called up by the **** of devouring, and its status in the invasion legion is not high.

In addition to the unparalleled size of the body, the nine-headed insects also possess this incredible sense of smell. This is their evolutionary talent after losing their eyes. They can perceive the aura of the superior through their blood instinct.

The Dark Sparrow stopped on one of the heads of the Nine-headed Insect, with a dark whirlpool in his left eye, looking at the giant.

"Haven't found my identity yet?"

The words of Dark Sparrow shocked the curious Hydra.

" are the Great Elder Curse!!?"

It stretched out its nine heads and said in disbelief: "Why did you come here? With your status, even if the Lord of Devourers is called, you can ignore it. Why come to the surface abandoned by the ancient demons?"

"Underground world, those things are getting more and more."

The Dark Sparrow said, and said: "The Curse Alliance has dealt with those things all year round, and more and more people of the tribe are infected and corroded to death. I must find a way out in advance, so I went through the tunnel of the decaying devil and came up to see this legend. The surface world."

"How is it, elder?"

Nine-headed insect said excitedly: "Is it the same as the rumors, full of weak creatures with delicious meat?"

The dark bird nodded.

"It is indeed more expansive and richer than the underground world."

It pecked its wings and said calmly: "I have a secret mission for you here. You need to use your talent to swallow this corpse, and from some of his fragmented and fragmented memories, look for a wizard called Dark Essence. Materials, and...a surface creature named [Power of the Sun]."

After the pitch black vortex of the left eye was twisted for a while, an anthropologist's body appeared.

It is not difficult to see from his exquisite bachelor's uniform that this is an advanced scholar with considerable status in the Gran academic circle.

In the underground world, the dark essence is extremely precious. It is the magical material that almost all the creatures in the deep craze are eager to obtain, as a medium for performing various sealing techniques.

"His hiss, good!"

There are not really nine heads of nine heads.

One of the worm heads with a dark green crown on the top of its head had exposed fangs and was extremely hideous. The scarlet tongue protruded from a huge mouth more than two meters long, and the corpse was swept in with a slight lick.

The dark bird waited patiently.

After a while, the nine-headed insect had a reaction, and its expression seemed a little strange.

"what happened?"

"There is no clear memory about the dark essence, scattered memory fragments, it seems to mention that a research institute and their kingdom capital have such advanced magic materials. As for the power of the sun, there are many in his memory. This It seems to be a very famous surface creature."

"It's just that?"

The dark bird said: "Since I mentioned him, you should be able to know what I want from its memory."

"That weapon?"

Nine-headed insect slowly said: "I see from its memory that this weapon is something that this kingdom has only developed in the past ten years. He is full of fear and awe. There is nothing else. If you want to obtain it, only Can be snatched from their king's hand."

Obtained from the king of this kingdom?

It's too risky!

It is almost impossible to complete.

In the underground world, the Diablo True Demon has expanded into a vast habitat with the supreme law and power, for all things to thrive, and evolved the power of phagocytic evolution.

This is a gift bestowed by true demons. It spreads indiscriminately in the realm of faith. Some large creatures have exerted this talent to the extreme. Not only can they gain language, adaptability, and evolutionary changes through swallowing, they can also be extracted briefly. To some special memory fragments.

Of course, the consequences of doing so are also serious.

That is to become more and more stupid.

Fortunately, the nine heads have nine heads, a few stupid, and a few others.

A touch of disappointment.

The Dark Sparrow doesn’t say much anymore. The waves of energy explosions in the distance make it very disliked. The shadow creature is not suitable for this intensive and violent war environment. In comparison, he prefers to strike in the dark. Must kill, and it came to the surface this time, the main purpose is to occupy a territory belonging to the Curse Alliance before the victory of the war, nothing more.


"Is that it?"

Distorted light and dark shadows in the distance, under the action of strong gravity, the body's breath is fully collapsed and suppressed, forming a more secret means than the dark bird, like a group of breathless ghosts, looking towards that Weirdly huge nine-headed insect.

"Such a giant came unexpectedly."

"It's over there, but not it!"

The weak canary said affirmatively, eagerly: "I want to get closer."

"When I get closer, I'm not sure I won't be discovered by it, here..."

Suddenly, a repressive aura of divine law reverberates from the vastness of heaven and earth, in order to engrave Leiluo's state, although it will not be frozen by the soul, but it also penetrates his gravitational restraint, making him feel a little uncomfortable. Looking away.

More than ten kilometers away, the **** of devouring stepped out of the mud and descended on the battlefield again.

The law ripples swept across, and under the mighty power, the soldiers of several battalions stiffened near the soil where the demon **** broke the ground. As a result, these soldiers were easily slaughtered with the cooperation of the monsters.

Countless arms seem to lead to hell.

At this moment.


"Come out!"


The huge giant tail suddenly fell from the sky. Although it was evaded by Lei Luo in time, it was accompanied by a shocking earthquake and an earthquake exploded, cracking a ravine of tens of meters.

This is the majesty of the nine-headed insect volleying one tail.

"Are you OK!"

From the floating crystal ball came the words of Windsor.

In the Principality of Gran, she is the only one who can mobilize space-time academy to the extreme, making a small-scale battlefield conversion to Lei Luo.

Thus, observing that Lei Luo’s locked coordinates were disturbed by strong energy, she hurriedly added: “The devil has come and is launching an attack towards the fortress. We must arrive at the front line of the center within half an hourglass time, otherwise it will be dealt with as a crime of malfeasance. ."

"Got it."

Reluo hurriedly responded, and put away the crystal ball.

Then he noticed the canary's gaze, and was looking at an inconspicuous little thing on the head of the giant body entangled.

"Is it?"

"This breath...yes! It's the Curse Alliance!!!"

Canary screamed: "Don't go near it, it's dangerous!"

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