Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 672: Five centimeters of super body space (16)

Two days later.

The Academy of Sciences on the other side of the Blue Lake has been entangled whether or not to participate in the academy alliance alliance ceremony.

The root cause of their entanglement is naturally that too many Gran aristocrats have been left behind and joined in the academy, and these aristocratic classes, in turn, are incompatible with the dean Lei Luo of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences. Contradiction.

But in the end.

Considering the future of the college, the three deans decided to send an insignificant team to participate in this alliance ceremony.

And since it is irrelevant, the size of this team is almost no different from ordinary tourists. Riding in the most inferior and old balloon airship, it is almost close to the deadline of the League, and it is worthy of the X Academy of Sciences. .


In the death storm, the extraordinary scholar [Sword of Victory] Sath, staring at the death storm outside the protective cover with his eyes under his deep eye sockets, was dark and never stopped. He looked down at the time. The deadline for the alliance is 12:00 noon today. Previously, the current time is around 10:00 am, and according to the distance, you should be able to reach the eye area where the X Progress Academy is located in about five minutes at most.

I have many thoughts.

How will the Blue Lagoon Academy of Sciences continue to develop in the next college alliance, and where will it go?

Sass was confused.

At this moment.

Rumble rumble rumble! ! !

Suddenly, the violent energy tremors in the depths of the death storm shocked him. Looking up, what Suo Neng could see was still a dim and yellowish sky.

At this time.

Several scholars also rushed out of the cabin control room.

One of the middle-aged female scholars came to the side of Sass and said in surprise: "The energy reaction probably occurred at about ten kilometers in front of the coordinate, and there was a death storm blocking it. At such a long distance, I really can’t imagine the intensity of that. I am afraid it has exceeded a thousand degrees!"

A thousand degrees, this is an attack intensity that most royal academicians can hardly reach!

This middle-aged female scholar's estimation is not unreasonable.

Alpha Death Storm has the effect of isolating perception. As far as Sass’s own experience is concerned, even if he bursts out with all his strength, at most people a hundred meters away can sense some energy fluctuations. The death storm completely covered up.


At this moment, the coordinates were still more than ten kilometers away, and there was another terrible energy fluctuation.

This time the energy fluctuation is even clearer than the last time.

The middle-aged female scholar next to Sass hurriedly shouted: "Stop moving!"

The sound of the bellows of the balloon airship gradually ceased. In order to maintain stability, the balloon airship parked in the death storm had to lower its flight altitude and anchor itself to fix itself.

After a series of urgent busy schedules, everyone was out of breath.

During this period, in the depths of the death storm ahead, violent energy shocks were heard again and again, and Sass suddenly stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

Gudong, Gudong, Gudong.

Efforts to suppress their own breathing, apart from the death storm roaring outside, everyone can only hear their own heart beating.

After a while.

[Sword of Victory] Sass said in a low voice: "The frequency of energy fluctuations seems to be reduced."

The middle-aged female scholar next to him heard the words and hesitated: "Then we..."

It is not difficult to see that she, who did not support this action, has already retreated at this moment.

No matter what happened there, it was obviously beyond the ability of the team on the other side of the Blue Lake at this moment, and she didn't want to make unnecessary sacrifices.

"Go, must go!"

Sass finally made his own decision.

"No matter what happens, we must at least take a look and know the beginning and end of the matter. Even if the Academy Alliance is completely destroyed tomorrow, we, as scholars, must preserve the fire of knowledge and pass on the development history of civilization."

The middle-aged female scholar heard this and knew that this guy's romantic sentiment had come up again.


The status of the two in the academy was originally a competitive relationship. They competed for the position of the deputy dean who is about to leave, but many times they have been following behind this guy. If they were not related to the dean, I am afraid that many people would see it. , It is impossible to form a so-called competition with this guy.

In fact, even he has never thought about competing with him.

Even setting aside academic knowledge achievements, whether it is interpersonal relationship or academic prestige, he is considered the best candidate to inherit the position of deputy head of the academy. This time the dean sent himself to come with him, it seems that he has to make a thorough decision. The meaning of leaving the position of deputy dean.

With this in mind, even though she was unwilling to compete, she still gritted her teeth and denied the honor of the vice president.

"No, I think this trip is just a senseless sacrifice. No matter what happens there, we won't change any results if there are more."

In the end, the two formed a confrontation.

The result of this confrontation was that after the two of them lasted for half an hourglass time, the coordinate direction of X Progressive Academy of Sciences in the depths of the death storm was completely calmed down. [Sword of Victory] Sass took the not-so-many blue lake shore. Half of the 30-odd scholars continued on their journey to the X Progressive Academy of Sciences.

"Director, there is a wind wall in front of you!"

A mental perception scholar shouted.

[Sword of Victory] Seth looked down at the time, 11:24, before the deadline of the alliance, he took a deep breath and sent a visit signal to the wind wall.

For the wind eye, it is much easier to travel from the inside out than to forcibly break in from the outside.

The same is true.

It is much easier to support a stable air vent from the inside of the wind eye for communication between temporary business envoys than to forcibly maintain an invading air vent from the outside.

But this time.

Sass sent several signals in a row without getting a response.

As the time got closer and closer to 12:00 noon, his anxiety became more and more anxious.

at last!

With a buzzing sound, the front wind wall was affected by internal influences, and gradually began to thin. After a short while, a huge tuyere of tens of meters was formed. The visitor [Sword of Victory] Sath was about to say something politely, but when he His gaze crossed these dozens of guardian scholars who were waiting for their vigilant gaze. After seeing the inside of Fengyan, his open mouth stopped completely stiff with a smile on his face.

Among the dozens of guardian scholars in front of him, not only were the scholars of the X Progress Academy, they were also mixed with the strong alliance leaders of other academies, the deputy dean of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences [Herstar Touch] Animo, who was here. One of the most conspicuous and eye-catching positions.

These people stared at the visitors in front of them with a vigilant look.

"Uh... I'm the Alliance Team of the Blue Lagoon Academy of Sciences. What happened here and why..."

Finally, [Sword of Victory] Sath took a deep breath, looked back from behind these guardians, and said with difficulty.

As far as the eye can see.

There are bottomless ravines everywhere in the city, just like land plowed by spring ploughing.

Smoke billowed from the building and the corpses were dizzying.

The prosperous city, originally surrounded by five airports, is tragic at this moment. At the sight, the small half of the city has become burning ruins. Only two of the five airports are still in good condition. One is crumbling with billowing smoke. The two are completely reduced to ruins.

The city is filled with the desperate cry of residents and the flight paths of dazzling scholars.

[Sword of Victory] Sath’s eyelids jump wildly.

That towering tower of progress also seemed to have suffered some blow. There was a violent explosion at the middle level, which had already exploded through the internal structure and was crumbling.

At this moment, although countless pilots are trying to save the tower, the collapse is only a matter of time.

The balloon airships with heavy smoke could no longer hold on, sliding out a trail of heavy smoke from the sky and falling.

After these airships fell to the ground, the flames soared into the sky and exploded violently, causing secondary trauma to the city.

"It was an attack by a superhuman force. They have discovered the alliance here and launched a preemptive strike on us."

After confirming the identity of the visitor, a guardian of the X Progressive Academy of Sciences explained his grief to his heart.

When Sass heard the words, his heart shuddered.

After hesitating for a while, he took the scholars who swallowed saliva behind him and stepped into the eye of the wind, and walked into the ruins of the city, his eyelids furiously looking sideways, a depth of only three or four meters in diameter, but bottomless. The pit seems to be a blow from the sky.

He looked up to the sky.

The smoky **** sun!

There is a huge eye on the sky, blinking and looking down at everything on the ground.

"what is that?"


He couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water.

And the scholars here who will be responsible for receiving them, after confirming that this was just a small and insignificant force, stopped paying attention, and instead quarreled with each other.

"Fight back, we must fight back and avenge the dead!!"

"What about the wounded? The tower won't last for long. Once the source of energy collapses, this eye of wind will disappear at any time!"

"Calm down, now the deans of the major colleges are discussing countermeasures. The attack of the superhuman is too sudden, we must not mess!"

[Sword of Victory] Sass looked around at everything around him, and he suddenly realized that the situation in this battle seemed far less optimistic than he had imagined.

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