Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 904: Anesthesia

After half a month.

At any cost, Nikolai sent several specimens of Collapsers and Lava Dogs in his hands to the X Progressive Academy of Sciences at full speed.

It's just that the price of such a potential serious overdraft will be weakness in the next ten years.

The frontline that was built temporarily by the academic community was originally planned to resist for three days, but in the end it only lasted for a day and a half, and was completely destroyed and declared lost under the full ravages of the collapsers.

And in this day and a half, nearly half of the time, it was relying on the gray bean soldiers to maintain desperately, so that the front line maintained the final resistance, barely completely collapsed.

After the war, not counting the Frost Witchcrafters performing secret missions, five of the ten pioneers fell.

The only good news on the front is probably that Weiqi, the Dean of the Upanishad Light Academy, died together with a Level 4 Destroyer. This was also the only Level 4 Destroyer confirmed to be defeated except for the bloodshed of the seal. .


Although I have not witnessed the process of the war, it is not difficult to imagine how tragic it was.

Nicholas was specially assigned to the easy task behind the academia. His eyes were filled with unconcealable sadness. After closing his eyes, he suddenly raised his head and looked out to the blue sky through the tower windows, trying to conceal his fragile emotions.

"Tutor, rest in peace."

Immediately after the death of the Frost Sorcerer, he saw the video recorded by his instructor before his death, recording the process of his own death.

After murmuring to himself, Nikolai left the busy tower step by step along the spiral staircase.

The news of the successful capture of the collapsible specimen has naturally long been known to the Academy of Advanced Sciences.

To dissect and study the specimens of the collapser and obtain the secret information of the physiological function of the collapser as soon as possible. This is not only the task of the X Academy of Sciences, but also a major matter of the life and death of the entire academia. Therefore, before Nicholas came back, all the early stages Preparations are already in progress.

Just wait for the specimen to arrive and start the experiment immediately!

The brightest shadowless lamp illuminates, and the live crystal **** are densely arranged around the room. Under the leadership of X, more than 20 laboratory assistants wearing pure white isolation suits slowly gathered from all around to the bright dissection table.

On the dissecting stage, there was only one collapsing person who was frozen.

With a height of more than two meters and a body full of violent aesthetics, even in the ice, this bull-headed human monster still made everyone in the laboratory feel a great sense of oppression.

Similar to this kind of anatomy experiment platform, the X-Progress Academy of Sciences has arranged a total of twenty places.

In order to obtain comprehensive first-hand information of the collapsers as soon as possible, the fourteen lava dogs and six specimens of the collapsers brought back by Nikolai were anatomical experiments carried out almost at the same time. Each laboratory has arranged X as much as possible. The most outstanding evolutionary scholars that can be mobilized in the Academy of Progressive Sciences.

Such an opportunity to become famous is rare in the entire history of academia. Naturally, applicants are in an endless stream, and even the position of experimental assistant needs to go through layers of checks.

As for the only Level 4 collapser, naturally X is personally responsible.

"Safety facilities report?"

X looked down at the experimental specimen, and said blankly.

"The energy source confirms the connection, and the laboratory safety prohibition power has been turned on to the maximum, which can effectively block the energy impact of more than 1500 degrees for an hourglass time."

"Temperature adjustment?"

"After adjusting the temperature, keep the room at a constant temperature of 4°C. It is expected that the ice seal will be unsealed under the regulator in ten minutes."

"Heart rate monitoring equipment?"

"The heart rate monitoring equipment has been tested. The heart rate of the collapsed specimen is 150 beats per minute. Observe that the myocardial tissue is in a dormant state. The full power value needs further observation."

"Dissecting instruments?"

"The dissecting equipment is complete, among them..."

After ten minutes of long preparations, the various facilities surrounding the collapsed specimens in the entire laboratory were completely mobilized. In addition to the twenty-odd laboratory assistants surrounding the dissection table, there were also sixty peripherals. Several peripheral assistants who are responsible for adjusting various observation equipment, and the huge scale of experiments with nearly a hundred people, this can be said to be the highest-level anatomy experiment in academia.

The ice seal on the body surface of the collapsed person has completely melted under the operation of the regulator.

The water is discharged for the first time along the special straws of the test bench.

X takes a deep breath and puts himself into the best condition.

"Turn on the safety lock."

Click, click, click, click, click, click.

The limbs, neck, and pelvis, six energy-absorbing rings firmly bound the experimental specimens to the dissection table, and the surrounding experimental assistants also tightened their nerves.

They knew that the anatomy experiment was about to begin!

"Start the experiment, scalpel number three."

The assistant of the experiment handed the knife into X's hand for the first time, and the movements were fluent. X scratched under the exposed chest cavity of the collapsible specimen, but made a squeaky, piercing rubbing sound.

After thousands of anatomical experiments, X realized for the first time that this was a functional defense caused by the excessively tough muscle fibers of the specimen.

"Powerful anesthesia spray."


After long-term trials in the academic community, anesthetic spray can effectively reduce the defense mechanism of cells. If it is enough to deal with ordinary organisms, it is obviously insufficient for the specimen in front of us.


This time it is a metal instrument. Through the subtle control of peripheral scholars, a marked area was sprayed on the position of the specimen's chest that needs to be dissected. While not damaging the overall material of the specimen as much as possible, a small area was changed by a'degradation technique'. The texture characteristics help the anatomy experiment to proceed smoothly.

The energy vibration sound is fleeting, and the degradation technique has completely changed the texture characteristics of the marked area.

This is a special academic similar to Lei Luo's "spiritual art", which belongs to a brand new technology developed after the third golden age revolution in academia.

X cut again.

This time, although the skin of the marked area of ​​the collapsing specimen was cut open, the frustration of the tip of the knife made her frown slightly.

"Laser knife number nine."

Compared with more advanced laser cutting tools, the older generation of scholars is undoubtedly more keen to follow the ancient method, because for many specimens, the neural response produced by physical cutting and energy cutting is completely different.

The experiment assistant quickly took away the No. 3 scalpel and handed the No. 9 laser knife.

This time, X successfully dissected the collapsed abdominal cavity.

Di di di di...

"Report! The heart rate of the specimen began to increase, 152, 154, 156..."

"Report! The specimen's endocrine system is abnormal, adrenaline is 0.114, dopamine is secreted... God!"

Immediately after this scholar realized his negligence, his face paled: "Dopamine secretion is level 11!"

The level of dopamine secretion is closely related to the happiness and excitement of organisms.

In human research, the smarter the creature, the lower the level of dopamine secretion that can be obtained. For example, the highest level for scholars is 9, and the trigger conditions are already quite harsh.

To describe it specifically, to trigger the harsh conditions for a scholar to secrete level 9 dopamine, it probably requires one of his to explore the academic mystery for hundreds of years, and finally solve it at the moment the child is born, and also add the condition that the child is a dragon and a phoenix twin. The dean of the academic mystery was fully affirmed by the dean of the college. He promised a salary increase on the spot, and perhaps the wife said on the spot that she forgave the scholar for secretly dating his lover. He only needs to swear not to do so in the future, and the scholar does. I wanted to get rid of my lover's entanglement for a long time, and swear on the spot.

At this moment, after the relationship, love, and career achievements are satisfied, an unprecedented positive energy rises from the depths of my heart, which may trigger the scholar's 9th-level dopamine secretion.

But at the moment.

The dopamine secretion of this collapsing specimen increased from level 0 to level 11 almost instantaneously!

If converted into the secreted dose of scholars, it is almost equivalent to 60 years of continuous reproduction and mating between men and women from 20 to 80 years old?

X thought for a while, but only calmly said: "The laser energy stimulated the nerve touch of the specimen, and the specimen began to enter the subconscious state from deep sleep, causing endocrine abnormalities."

Next is the study of subcutaneous tissue and internal organs.

It is an extremely **** process for outsiders, but in the eyes of scholars, it is like opening a new continent. Experimental assistants keep talking about experimental observation and recording data. X is like a sophisticated machine, as far as possible from advanced scholars. Observation vision, unearth the evolutionary mystery of this biological specimen.

"It is recorded that the rib bone has a hardness of 17, with highly active regenerative cells."

Such a degree of rigidity, in terms of materials alone, can be regarded as the top category among the magical materials in academia.

In the dissection experiment that lasted only ten minutes, no matter which data of this biological specimen was, it was so shocking.

"The chest is dilated."


A metal stent instrument under the control of peripheral scholars slowly opened up the ribs of the collapsing person, and the internal organs of the abdomen of the blood collapse were unobstructed.

Gudong, Gudong, Gudong, Gudong...

At this moment, the heartbeat frequency of the collapser has exceeded 300 beats per minute.

Such a powerful heart appeared in front of everyone, like a huge coconut, and everyone would not doubt the huge energy contained in it.

X saw a weird organ in the chest cavity of the specimen at a glance.

This is a pale golden tissue structure located between the left and right atria.

"Body fluid collector."

X suppressed curiosity, still like a cold machine, inserting the extractors one by one into different internal organs. After taking the body fluid samples, the assistant on the side sent them to the outside for testing.

"Report! A fluctuation in mental consciousness was detected, and the specimen is about to wake up from the subconscious."

"Inject 300 mg of ethylacetate anesthetic."

Six mechanical arms were extended from the dissection table. After injecting corresponding amounts of anesthetics into the specimens from different parts, the peripheral assistant reported again that the specimens fell asleep.

On the dissection stage, the scholar is the god, dominating everything about the specimen!

X still has several tests that have not been completed, and the data from the laboratory has not yet been sent, so the final biopsy experiment stage has not yet been reached.

After two full hourglasses. U U Reading

After several uninterrupted anatomy experiments, the most detailed laboratory data of the specimens were finally detected separately.

X looked sideways a little, and took a few more glances at some of the data, thoughtfully.

"Report! A fluctuation in mental consciousness was detected, and the specimen is about to wake up from the subconscious."

This is the sixth time that peripheral assistants have reminded me since two more hourglasses, and it looks more and more frequent.

"Record, specimen adaptability evolution level 9, drug resistance 9, reaching perfect level."

"Stop the anesthesia and start the head dissection experiment. You need to have a clear awareness of the specimen, observe the brain's mental thinking and the information processing of the five sense organs, and start the second confinement of the skull."


In the depths of the dissection table, a bracket similar to a helmet was used to completely fix the bull's head to prevent the subsequent specimens from struggling and moving due to pain after awakening, which would affect the experimental process.

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