Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 927: Before the war

"Urgent information! Discover the movements of the Honkaiju army, and it will arrive at the X Progress Academy in about two days!"

The high-level academics who got the intelligence news were shocked.

The Honkai Impact's attack was so sudden that the X Progress Academy wasn't fully prepared.

"How can it be so fast."

Even Lai Luo was a little surprised, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

After all, there are precedents for the Blue Sky Academy of Engineering and the Mysterious Light Academy. It seems that these collapsers will carry out a long-term campaign to clear the occupied area. Now that the war between the two central colleges has ended in less than half a month, the X Progress Academy of Sciences has been launched. attack?

You must know that all the war plans of the X Progressive Academy of Sciences are aimed at half a month later and are preparing for it.

As a result, many high-level scholars gathered at the X Progress Academy of Sciences held a tense meeting overnight, determined to mobilize all forces, and do their best to make the X Progress Academy of Sciences exert more combat effectiveness within two days.

The vigorous emergency combat mobilization has begun!

Not only the various preparations within the X Progress Academy, but all the preparations are given priority, even if the routes of major airports have adopted diversion control to make way for various emergency materials to ensure that these materials can arrive at the X Progress Academy in the fastest time. .

Lai Luo came to the room of Sisiduo and McGana.

"How are you, how are you getting ready?"

At this moment, Laylo was not talking to Sisido, but the soul lens McGana.

As one of the countless descendants of the Dream Thief, after experiencing the personal teaching of the ancient Aurora, she has inherited most of the ability of the Dream Thief, and it is said that the world who created the dark world was the first to resist Creator man.

McGana nodded and said solemnly, "That's enough."

"How sure are you?"

Lai Luo seemed a little uneasy, or rather looking forward to it.

As a spy through McGana's clone, can he hide the perception of the Honkaiju clan?

"It has been tested, and the lava can't be distinguished. If there is no other screening method for these bull-headed creatures, it should be foolproof. After all, this ability has already been tested in the land of the star screen for thousands of years. It is completely mature in the second improvement, and it can be called a water mirror moon flower, ever-changing, with the false and the true, and the mystery is endless."

Laidlaw nodded at McGana's response.

"It's up to you this time."

Lai Luo squinted his eyes, looked out the window and said faintly: "To be honest, I don't have a complete grasp of whether this place can withstand the Houkai army, and for how long. The academic world knows very little about the information of the Houkai. , For the Primordial One behind it, it is even more confusing, if you can use this opportunity to detect some deeper intelligence, even at the price of X Advance Academy of Sciences, it is not unacceptable."

Cixi Duo interjected: "Is there any news about that senior Shura Dao?"

"That's what worries me."

Lei Luo slowly turned his head and said solemnly, "No news!"

The multi-eyed king, the human-faced spider mother, and the painted skin demon secretly gathered with the other five demons gathered this time.

These five demons were all powerful creatures that mutated after being irradiated by the wasteland, and were subsequently suppressed and domesticated by the various colleges, and became a relationship of mutual cooperation.

Among the five demons, this steel mane king is the leader.

This is a huge and burly black wild boar king, but due to the influence of radiation mutation, major distortions have occurred in the evolution process.

It has the most proud physique and can digest all the matter and energy it devours. At this moment, the physique in the form of three or four meters is just what it looks like after it has tried its best to shrink to the limit. Before it reached a symbiotic cooperation with humans, it was not a steel mane king, but a mountain war pig king.

Now that the real body has not been exposed for many years, many people have almost forgotten what it really looks like.

It can be said that if anthropologists were wiped out in the wasteland cataclysm, the creature with black needles all over the body in front of him would likely be the king of the new generation of creatures in the wasteland!

On his side, the other four demons are the ghost guest, the woman, the twisted demon, and the black water.

The gathering of these monsters this time has only one purpose, how to survive in this war.

"Why didn't you see that Meng Xiaowang?"

The person who asked the question was the ghost, a huge soft-bodied creature similar to a snail, and the shell on its back at the moment was the hideous skull of an unknown creature, and there was still some divine aura of law in it, which seemed to be someone The skull of the god's residence turned out to be its back shell at this moment.

The human-faced spider mother not only snorted coldly when she heard the words.

"Humph! That guy from outside the realm has long since joined the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences, just like that Lei Feng."

Of course everyone knows about Lei Feng from the Human Face Spider Mother.

It is said that this was a magical beast that Lei Luo accidentally tamed when he was young. Later, during the war of the wasteland catastrophe, during his nirvana rebirth, he harvested the divinity of the great immortal demon god, and then obtained a great evolution after that. Become one of the two guardians of the Grant Academy of Natural Sciences.

Just because it has been sleeping for a long time after acquiring the power of the law, many people have forgotten it, but its power has increased with the passage of time, and the multi-eyed king, the human-faced spider mother, and the painted skin demon are all deep. have experience.

As for the other guardian, it is the Tree of Truth 42.

"It's always more reliable than winning those star melters, with our current power..."

Gu </span>Network woman seemed to be speaking with some lack of confidence.

Luo Fu is also a half-human and half-spider creature, but the difference is that it is not transformed by a wizard, but a natural mutation, and its shape is also different from Kuriana. Lianna's human-faced spider is the exact opposite.

As for the melting star, after so many years of getting along with anthropologists, although the two sides are contradictory, they have begun to merge, and their status is somewhat similar to that of half-elves. As the main body, several alchemy and casting colleges have been opened.

At the same time, these melters are working hard to establish the Central Academy.

In this war, there were two pioneers of the X-Progress Academy of Science who joined the melting star, and one of them was promoted in the academic world, named Shadow Star.

"Let's talk about your plans first."

The Twisted Demon is composed of countless skeletons, and its core part is composed of light blue mysterious light. It seems to be a spiritual creature, born in the ruins of the ancient battlefield in the Pangula Highlands, and the superhero of the past. The invasion of the human body has a lot to do with it, and the radiation pollution has distorted it into what it looks like today.

As for the black water, it is a rare elemental creature in the land of the star screen. Even before the wasteland cataclysm, the elemental creatures in the land of the star screen were extremely rare, and they had extremely high environmental requirements.

With the pollution of the wasteland catastrophe, the elemental creatures have almost disappeared, but this group of water elements has mutated because of this, obtained the blessing of the power of the law, and survived with difficulty.

The brain is densely covered with eyes, and the form of the multi-eyed king is quite terrifying even in the eyes of these distorted radiation creatures.

It said in a low voice: "We can take this opportunity to propose that we, the monsters, form a faction, make fine arrangements independently under the coordination of the parliament, resist these collapsers, and get as close as possible to the power status of the central academy in academia, and To prevent becoming a battlefield cannon fodder."

The five demons communicated with each other.

It is difficult for them to trust each other, let alone trust these ancient underground creatures.

The painted skin demon was dragged by the multi-eyed king to participate in this secret meeting. It didn't speak the whole time, and it seemed that he was not optimistic about these guys.


In the end, the secret meeting was still in the dispute of the respective interests of these monsters, and it broke up unhappily.

President X followed Yao Li and was secretly visiting the third basement of the X Progressive Academy of Sciences.

The first two floors are the regular materials of the college, which have been reviewed, and Yao Li is in charge of the three underground floors.

This is the place where the X Advance Academy of Science's shielding ban was successfully developed and the first place to complete the arrangement. It can also be said that it is the most important place for the X Advance Academy of Sciences besides the source of energy, and it is the place where all the war resources are stored.

Huge metal containers are lined up neatly.

These metal containers are the product of a standardized operation promoted by the Vladik War College.

Yao Li motioned to a student to open one of the containers.

With the sound of the mechanical gear turning, after the container was slowly opened, X stared at the huge figure inside the container and murmured excitedly, "The King of War of Vladik."


Yao Li excitedly corrected: "This is already the third generation. I have long suggested that the teacher should change its name, and it should be treated differently. It's called the grandfather of the Vladic War!"

X heard that, UU reading couldn't help rolling his eyes secretly.

The new dean of the Vladik War College is indeed the son of the genius of the new generation of scholars, but many people secretly call her a war madwoman.

Whether it is an improved eight-legged self-propelled gun, or a heavy metal chariot, including an anti-gravity private vehicle, etc., are all masterpieces of this guy, and even made a cost-effective equation calculation table based on the resources consumed by war weapons and the final combat power, It is for this reason that Dean Seratos chose to abdicate early and hide behind the scenes.

After half an hourglass, X completely counted the supplies and nodded in satisfaction.

The combat power formed by this layer of King of War alone is probably enough to equal the sum of the strategic materials of the fallen Mystic Light Academy and the Blue Sky Engineering Academy!

Soon, X came to the fourth underground floor.

This layer is in charge of Edward, the vice president of the Glenn Academy of Natural Sciences.

This short middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses, almost no one at the top of the academic world does not know him.

"Thirty thousand regular gray beans and forty mutant gray beans. This is the inventory document."

Edward's voice was still as low and calm as ever.

X took the documents, nodded after a serious comparison, and said with a smile: "With these bean soldiers, we can be considered to have more confidence in this battle."

Immediately, she seemed to have noticed something again, pointing to the deeper materials protected by the heavy ban, and said stunned: "Are these..."

Edward just nodded lightly.

His calm eyes made X feel a shudder.

"Yes, thirty-nine fission-grade radiation weapons, and one fusion-grade radiation weapon."

When X heard the answer, he couldn't help taking a deep breath. There was even a fusion-grade radiation weapon. Is this guy Lai Luo crazy!

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