Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 930: artificial sun

As one of the warchiefs who had participated in the battle of the cataclysm, Emperor Domination was by no means comparable to the bloodboiled warchiefs who had just been promoted.

Although compared to Sanxiong's strength, fury, and destruction, it is more than one level behind, and even compared to Zunlong and the several great chiefs guarding the clan, it is still slightly different, but it can be obtained from Stormwind Continent. Surviving the battle to encircle and suppress the natural disasters is itself the result of survival of the fittest after brutal elimination, which proves its significance.

And it does have the strength to be proud!

The ability of the emperor, in addition to its powerful fighting potential as a fighting nation, is its special phagocytic cells, which can convert organic matter into the energy needed by the body in the most perfect way, and absorb all kinds of organic matter most efficiently. .

It is because of this that it is almost invincible to the weak and small creature battle groups. Even if it is besieged by many creatures, as long as it cannot cause fatal damage to it, it will rely on its own phagocytic cells. Stop killing.

This is why it is always keen to slaughter the city alone.

Even with this ability, when fighting against some more powerful creatures, you can try to consume the opponent alive, or the endless escape process of physical strength, making the opponent desperate.


The emperor, who had activated his fighting instinct, burned his body with **** flames, like a cannonball piercing the sky, and punched him with a cruel smile.

Lai Luo naturally noticed the abnormal state of the body function and energy in the body after the Great Chief Honkaiju entered the combat state, that is, after entering the potential energy throwing state.

As a scholar, insight into energy is the instinct of all scholars.

And advanced scholars have developed this ability to an unimaginable level. Through the operation of some surface energy, they can gain insight into the essential laws of everything.

At this moment, in Lei Luo's eyes, the blood inflammation around Emperor Ba's body was like a balloon. While compressing it to promote its potential and physical strength, it was preventing the highly burning potential and physical strength from escaping too fast, forming a kind of A delicately balanced stance.

"Similar to those experimental subjects, it has improved by about 10 in all directions."

In a split second, Lai Luo, from the perspective of a scholar, sensed the Great Chief Honkaiju in all directions, and then seemed to predict the impact angle of the opponent's punch, and calmly waved the Particle World Eye Staff in his hand.


Accompanied by a violent shock wave like a substance, it even caused the flickering and flickering of forbidden runes at a low altitude of hundreds of meters.

When the people who were secretly peeping saw it clearly again, they couldn't help showing two very different expressions of shock and surprise.

Lei Luo did not move, and he calmly retracted the Particle World Eye Staff.

The Emperor flew backwards and slipped out more than a hundred meters, barely grasped his balance, and then looked down at his **** fist with visible bones.

He was injured after just a head-on blow with Laylo.

The Honkaikai who saw this scene took a deep breath, even Zunlong, who was ready to go, was also in disbelief.

"What are you doing!"

"That wand is weird!"

Emperor Ba soon realized that his injury at the moment was not only because of Lei Luo's strength, but also because of that strange magic wand.

Although through this blow, it admits that Lei Luo's own strength is indeed stronger than himself, but it is only slightly stronger. It is impossible to cause such a degree of injury. It is the strange power contained in that magic wand. This feeling …


The Emperor stared at the eyes of the Particle Realm Magic Wand, accompanied by the twinkle of the crystal skull head of the wand, it seemed to be alarmed, and shouted: "Impossible!!"

At this moment, it actually felt the power of the oppressive law of destroying natural enemies like the roar of the Milky Way from the eyes of the crystal skull.

If it weren't for the fact that the difference in the law system between the two was too great, it even suspected that the Galactic Roar might be sealed inside.

This is exactly the power of the Complete Body Particle World Eye Staff after sealing the Great Mother Bean!

The magic wand used to construct the magic power of the Nine Serenity Sealing Technique, so the mysterious power sealed in the left and right eyes of the head of the wand has been completely integrated with this magic wand.

the other side.

Lei Luo sneered: "If it's just this strength, I'm afraid it's just wishful thinking if your Excellency wants to step on my corpse."

Killing intent flashed in his eyes!

Unlike many other species that fight with their own strength, a large part of the strength of scholars is derived from various academics, and academics are woven from energy and laws. For scholars, it is like weaving a baskets in different shapes.

In this way, scholars can mobilize various academic responses at any time according to the situation.

In the process of combat contact between the academic world and the Honkai people, although there are often more defeats and fewer wins among the same level, it is not that the scholars have summed up a set of coping experience. This is also the summary of a few victorious scholars, that is, in the collapse Before the bad guys can overdraw their higher-level potential through the accumulation of fighting intent, they will take the lead in using their trump cards to attack with various powerful academic saturation, and strive to complete one-hit kills in the early stages of the battle!

Even if one-hit kills cannot be achieved, this intense fighting mode will often lower the level of overdraft potential of these Honkaikai afterward and fail to reach peak expectations.


The Dark Green Plague Project in the academic world just needs a Level 5 Honkaiju as a specimen.

Thinking of this, Lei Luo stared at the Emperor who was 100 meters away, light waves flashed on the staff of the particle world, and a bland bubble technique slowly floated up.


Seeing this scene, An Liya, who was facing off against Zunlong, was a little confused.

Zunlong's oppressive force made An Liya clearly feel that the other party was stronger than herself.

Although she has the power of the dual laws of alienation psychic and double-helix gene, and has the genetic engineering blueprint No. t as a guide, her strength far exceeds that of a fifth-level creature that has just advanced in the general sense. Her starting point at this moment may be many ordinary people. The end of the fifth-level creature, but compared to Zunlong, she still felt a huge pressure.

It seems to be stronger than the Honkaiju who took the initiative to attack Laylo.

In this way, she certainly hoped that Lai Luo could defeat the Emperor in a short period of time, so that she could escape.

Otherwise, if the battle lasts for a few days or a dozen days, although she has the confidence to hold the opponent back, it will take too much toll on her.


Lai Luo opened his mouth, and the power of the pure white law in his mouth was like a small stream, slowly pouring into this bubble.

This is by no means an ordinary law of high-temperature destruction, but the purest law that he used to build the true core of the star body. It was these pure laws and the thick mantle that he used to fight against the Great Mother Bean. For months, the mother bean emperor has not succeeded in absorbing his own ideas.

In the process, the power emanating from this originally ordinary bubble became stronger and stronger, and Anlia was overjoyed when she saw this.

Laidlaw intends to fight quickly, of course, is the best.

No one knows better than she how terrifying Laidlaw is when he's fighting at full force!

The white bubbles infused by Laidlaw's Law are getting bigger and bigger, and the light is dazzling.


Zunlong's expression was solemn, and he said to the emperor: "This kind of law level is not an ordinary fifth-level creature..."

However, it was only halfway through the dignified words, and it seemed to have noticed something again, and suddenly took a breath and said: "Even if it is not the power of the sun, the strength of this guy is probably not much worse, you better be careful. If you are careless, you may die here!"

As the party involved, the emperor can naturally feel the overwhelming terrifying oppression of the opposite side more clearly and intuitively.

Under normal circumstances, pressure is undoubtedly the best stimulant for the Houkai, which will make them burst into higher potential.

But if the pressure is too great, it's not what they really want.

This is also the reason why there is a swearing charge, the Honkaiju needs to be as gentle as possible to stimulate the damage, instead of being a king bomb.

The Emperor, who should have attacked again, froze in place at this moment.

Its body instinctively completed the second level of potential overdraft without knowing it.

The red eyes, the pupils gradually turned white!


The emperor let out an earth-shattering roar, and the energy in his body was like a flood of bursting embankments, and it continued to spurt in all directions, but this did not seem to end. Its fighting national cell instinct actually wanted to take this opportunity to open to the third floor at one time. Potential overdraft state.

From this, we can see how terrifying the oppressive force in front of the emperor at this moment is!

Compared to the berserk of the Honkaikai, Lai Luo's eyes were extremely calm.

Scholars' overly rational consciousness is like a cold scalpel, wandering between the laws of heaven and earth, penetrating the most essential mysteries.

While pouring the purest stellar high temperature destruction law into his mouth, a fist-sized pitch-black sphere gradually stabilized on his right hand, accompanied by high-frequency oscillations and violent distortion of light and darkness.

It is the fifth-level singularity technique that he has built with one mind and two uses!

Singularity distorts not only light and darkness, but also free energy and matter in the air. Under the strong gravitational collapse force field, everything will collapse into the most primitive particle state and merge into it.

Next, Lei Luo looked extremely solemn, and he seemed to be struggling a bit.

He has stopped breathing the power of the pure law of destruction in his mouth, and began to fully control the singularity in front of him, pushing it towards the white bubble filled with the pure law of high-temperature destruction. The speed is in his own eyes. It may be extremely slow to get up, but in the eyes of outsiders, it is only completed in an instant.

The pitch-black singularity that distorted light and darkness was completely submerged in the white bubbles.

rumble rumble rumble…

The coercion of the law level is like a stormy sea.

In an instant, with this bubble as the center, the sky suddenly darkened.

The gloomy aura was like a lonely universe, and time seemed to lose its meaning because of this. The terrifying gloom not only enveloped the entire battlefield, but also gradually extended hundreds of kilometers away with the ripples of the law.

Affected by this, some low-level creatures who fought tens or hundreds of meters above the battlefield seemed to be under great pressure, and fell like raindrops. down.

Such terrifying celestial phenomena even made the two Great Chiefs of Fury and Destruction, who were waiting silently in the distance, stood up abruptly and looked at the past with a look of astonishment.

"How can there be such a strong power of law!"

The power of the law of this level, even if two people face each other, they must be on a needle-heavy tent and can't avoid it!

Almost out of instinct, the two disappeared in place at almost the same time, flying towards the origin of the eruption of this terrifying law.

The grayness of the sky only lasted for a moment.

The next moment, is the dazzling high temperature, high heat and light.

The layers of fire and waves are raging and majestic, and its power seems to be endless. With the X Progressive Academy of Sciences as the center, the temperature of the land within a radius of thousands of square kilometers is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The creatures on the ground and in the sky who were fighting, all looked at the source of the law, and then closed their eyes in pain as if they were looking directly at the sun.

There were two suns, one big and one small, in the sky!

And that mini sun, which was the size of a watermelon, was in front of Lai Luo at the moment, exuding a thousand rays of light.

This is the supreme academic achievement completed after the power of Lei Luo's double laws has been completed, and he has spent more than a hundred years in Xingyuan Sacred Mountain, comprehending the astrology, simulating the cosmic celestial body, the sun, and combining the power of destruction with the law of gravity. It is also at this moment. The explosive power he has mastered is the strongest academic, and he believes that it is close to the power of the sixth-level biological strength...artificial sun art!

The reason why it is said to be close to the power of a sixth-level creature is that he has not fully grasped the mysteries of the laws, and integrated them. At this time, he just used brute force to forcibly combine them, barely breaking away from the stage where there is only one appearance. , but it is still far from grasping its true secrets.

This is also one of the reasons why Lai Luo said to An Liya at the beginning that he was only barely able to spy on a sixth-level biological level, not just because of the Great Mother Bean.

"Who are you!!"

Zunlong was already feeling bad.

Even he himself was affected by it, unknowingly opening the second layer of potential overdraft state.

This level of power burst, although it seems to be a spell that lasts for a moment, but it is too exaggerated. Even the power of the sun has not been reached before, and even Liyou holding Galaxy Roar is probably nothing more than this!


Maybe even less!

Lai Luo naturally ignored Zunlong's fear.

Although the art of artificial sun is strong, the emperor who seems to have opened the third-level potential overdraft state is by no means an ordinary fifth-level biological level. It already has the second-stage strength of fifth-level creatures. Now If so, it has almost reached the threshold of the third stage.

Whether this artificial sun technique can kill with one hit is only five or five.

If it is really a one-hit kill, this guy is unlucky, and if he can't kill one-hit, it is naturally the best choice for the dark green plague plan.

Thinking of this, Lai Luo flew out with the artificial sun in his hand, aiming at the emperor who had been locked by it and fell into the unprecedented pressure.

More than ten meters away, the two sides collided in the field of law in an instant.

With the gentle push of Lei Luo's right hand, the emperor's law field melted like a knife cutting tofu.

"Artificial Sun Art. UU Reading"

Lai Luo's voice was neither happy nor sad, as if the most objective order of the universe and celestial bodies.

But in the eyes of the emperor at this moment, the sun hit him, but he was falling to the sun.

In an instant, the body seemed to have been penetrated hundreds of millions of times by the most violent cosmic rays. The strong light in an instant even penetrated its body, opening the third layer of the emperor who had overdrawn its potential. Ye Bianzhou, with the artificial sun held by Lei Luo in the middle of his abdomen, slid a dark red tail mark in the sky at super high speed, and flew out uncontrollably after passing the furious and devastated two people. Hundreds of kilometers, fell to the ground.

rumbling rumbling...

Along with the terrifying high temperature and high heat explosion, a scorching white light sphere with a radius of about one kilometer expanded.

After the substantial shock wave spreads for a while, it actually swayed back to this battlefield area hundreds of kilometers away, as if being swept by a 12th-level gust of wind, the terrifying sand and gravel fragments hit the metal with a loud noise, and people turned on their backs and did not. For too.

"not dead!"

After Laiduo closed his eyes and sensed it for a while, he said in a surprised tone.

However, just when he was going to collect the so-called dark green plague plan specimens, he was suddenly shocked by two powerful laws, and he couldn't help but stop, and his face instantly stiffened.

Two Honkaikai with completely different styles appeared hundreds of meters away, and looked at Lai Luo with a cold and focused expression.



The two-meter-thick bald-headed collapsed man and the three-meter-tall, jet-black, long-haired collapsed man introduced themselves.


Although it is only a momentary intuitive feeling, in Lai Luo's eyes, these two are like two active volcanoes that may erupt at any time, two violent versions of Shura Road!

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