Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 237: Meet Yaqian again

Night falls.

In the fog in the Stone Pillar Forest, the visibility was even less than 20 meters. Under the silvery white moonlight, the turbulent fog was like tidal waves.

I don't know how many students there are, relying on the fog to hide themselves and spend the first difficult night in the assessment space.

This is the time for most students to rest and adjust, to restore energy in their bodies, organize their gains during the day, and prepare for tomorrow's test competition.

It is also the hunting time for a small number of students.

The power of the moon and the tide guided Lei Luo's body, flying through the misty stone forest and flying towards the direction of Zelan College.

Rumble rumble.

This place is relatively close to the edge of the foggy stone forest of Grand College, and the fog concentration is much sparser. There is a sudden battle sound of intense energy fluctuations not far away, which is really abrupt in the quiet night.

During the flight, Laylo looked out for a moment.


The two female students who were accompanied by them sprang out of the fog, looked panicked, and looked behind them.

In the fog, another tall and thin female scholar was chased out. Judging from the badge on her chest, she was actually a make-up student. I don't know which college she belonged to.

The grades of the students who take the make-up exam will not be included in the college grades.


After the girl briefly exchanged glances with Laylo, who was passing by, Laylo, who was not willing to delay the flight, stopped flying, and the two let out a light sigh.

"Sister Yaqian?"

"You are... the little junior brother of Bailing?"

This tall student is a classmate of Bailing. Lai Luo knew the senior sister when he was on duty at the time and space altar in the fortress.

Unexpectedly, she actually participated in this make-up exam.

"Wait a minute, I'm still one last badge away."

Saying that, Yaqian chased after the two of them.

After a while, Yaqian forced one of them to leave the assessment secret realm, and after she was satisfied, she put away the badge before returning to Lai Luo.

She hung the six badges on her clothes one after another, plus her own badge, for a total of seven badges.

After stretching, Yaqian looked relieved.

"You only collected two badges? The further you go, the stronger the students left behind. Are you planning to try your luck in the neutral zone?"


Lai Luo said with a puzzled look: "Senior, how do you know that I only collected two badges?"

He did not hang the badge on his chest like Yaqian, but put it in his pocket.

With a mysterious smile, Yaqian said: "Why do you think I am the time-space altar watcher in the furnace fortress? I'm not planning to steal some academic knowledge of the power of time and space. Unfortunately, the knowledge of time and space is too advanced, and I can't analyze it at all. It happened that I The new year's assessment was unlucky, and as soon as I entered the assessment space, I encountered a powerful guy, so..."

Shrugged, helpless.

"So after two years of diving, I came to make up the exam this year."

Yaqian looked at Lei Luo and said, "Fortunately, there has been a slight breakthrough in the knowledge of time and space in the past two years, so I am very sensitive to the fluctuations on these badges. I use the fog at night here to cover up and collect badges easily. Finally, I can Got a degree certificate for natural scholars."

He was able to use the academic knowledge of time and space to detect the traces of other students with the guidance of these assessment badges!

"Are you studying space-time academic knowledge?"

Lai Luo was surprised.

"Sister, are you interested in cooperating?"


Yaqian is a tall, skinny girl, as clever and eccentric as Bailing, she rolled her eyes when she looked at Lei Luo.

"Hey, hey, don't you want to hang out with the seniors here, right? The seniors are not those elementary school girls who can be deceived by your rhetoric."

shook his head and smiled

Lei Luo said: "After this graduation assessment, I plan to build a professional laboratory of my own. Of course, I will try to invite a rare time-space academic researcher like Senior Sister."

"Build a laboratory?"

Yaqian said stunned, "Bailing didn't tell me, she has a rich junior brother!"

Lai Luo smiled mysteriously, and didn't say much. After the space ring fluctuated, he was lifted up by the power of the moon and the tide, and an inconspicuous stone pier appeared in front of Lai Luo.

But with the flicker of Lai Luo's gravitational fluctuation, all the dust on the stone pier was swept away, and Yaqian was taken aback.

"The Altar of Time and Space!!!"

She looked at Lai Luo and said in disbelief, "How could you have a time-space altar? No, this time-space altar seems to be a little different."

The value of the space-time altar is almost equal to a large laboratory.

Lai Luo's space-time altar was collected from an inconspicuous corner on the third floor of the Sun Moon Demon Eye Pyramid, but because Lai Luo couldn't distract himself from studying the academic knowledge of time and space, this altar was also left in the space ring to this day.

Her fiery eyes were filled with endless longing. Ya Qian was so excited that her breath became short of breath as she surrounded this space-time altar. Many scholars who study the academic knowledge of space-time have never had an altar of their own!

Lai Luo explained: "This is an unexpected result of my exploration of ancient ruins. Because it is a legacy of ancient civilization, the specification structure is naturally different from the human space-time altar."

Yaqian kept nodding her head.

Suddenly, she thought of something, and her face changed.

"Don't you plan to sell this altar and build a laboratory?"

"of course not."

Under Yaqian's reluctant gaze, Lai Luo put away the altar again.

"I have a batch of gold coins stored here, which should barely cover the cost of building a small and medium-sized laboratory. I will expand and modify it slowly in the future. How about it, Senior Sister, are you interested in cooperating?"

"How do you want to cooperate?"

Yaqian said cautiously.

"I checked the next year's elite list reward table, 27,000 elite points can be exchanged for a fief, although it is only a small and barren town in the northwest, but it is enough to build a laboratory, senior. You are responsible for providing the intelligence information of the perception badges here, and I am responsible for collecting the badges to exchange for the rewards of the elite list, which will also serve as the cost of your investment in the laboratory. At that time, this space-time altar will be lent to your research in the laboratory indefinitely, how about it?"

"Twenty-seven thousand points..."

Taking a deep breath, Yaqian looked at Lei Luo solemnly.

"Then how many elite ranking points do you have?"

"Uh, more than 500 points."


Yaqian thought she heard it wrong, she was stunned, and the solemn expression on her face turned into a sneer.

"Tell me, you only have more than 500 points on the elite list now. Do you want to pass this graduation assessment and collect 27,000 points? One badge for 100 points, you need to collect more than 200 badges? ."

"Any questions?"

Lai Luo naturally asked.

Yaqian looked at Lei Luo like a monster.

"Are you crazy? Why are you so confident!"

Lei Luo smiled silently, and slowly opened the Mithril Dust with his left hand, and the silver radiance bloomed.

The right hand is a gravitational ripple.

In an instant, natural energies from all directions converged on Lai Luo's fingertips, forming a dark red concentrated energy ball.

Lai Luo buckled the Mithril Dust again, and the silver light disappeared, leaving only the pitch-black sphere at the tip of his right finger.


Yaqian stared at the gravitational energy ball.

The powerful gravitational restraint completely hides the energy fluctuations. Even at such a close distance, she cannot perceive the specific strength of this gravitational energy ball.

But there is no doubt that during the gathering of this gravitational energy ball, the powerful energy pulling force that made her terrified was by no means a lie.

Lai Luo did not explain much.

boom! ! !

The jet-black ball of light exploded onto a stone pillar, and was blessed by "Mithril Dust". The strength of this gravitational energy ball far exceeded that of ordinary gravitational energy balls, and the gravitational ripples bound the explosion flame within a diameter of one meter.


This 20-meter-high stone pillar with a diameter of about two meters could not withstand the blow of Lei Luo, and it was broken and collapsed.


Yaqian took a deep breath and her face softened a little.

"If there is such a strong attack as a trump card, we will join forces. If we are lucky, there may be some opportunities."

Lai Luo stared at Ya Qian, shook his head slightly and smiled.

Yaqian puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"Hehe, you misunderstood."

Lei Luo waved his hand, and the stone pillar on the ground with a diameter of two meters and a length of about ten meters, unexpectedly followed Lei Luo's low and dull hum, and slowly floated up under the power of the moon tidal wave and came to Lei Luo.

Under Yaqian's astonished gaze, Lai Luo stepped out onto the stone pillar, as if stepping on a canoe.

Laidlaw turned to look at This was just a casual, serious blow. "

"you are serious?"

Yaqian stepped on the stone pillar and stomped his feet. He wanted to understand Lai Luo's academic mysteries, but found that the stone pillar didn't seem to be blown up by elemental energy fluctuations, but a powerful magnetic force that she didn't understand.

Yaqian knew nothing about this class of students.

If it wasn't for Lai Luo, she might have left the assessment space just after she obtained six assessment badges.

"Of course."

Lei Luo manipulated the power of the moon and the tide to control the stone pillar, and actually used it as his flying mount, carrying Yaqian to continue to fly forward.

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