Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 241: so beautiful

After a while, Lei Luo came to Yaqian's side.

"you made it?"

Yaqian's eyes lit up when she saw Lei Luo.

"What happened to the student from Xilan just now, who clearly has nine badges on his body, can't be given to him by someone else, why is he so weak? Is he disguising like you? It's a new one in the two years since I graduated. tactics?"

"Uh, huh, that's it."

Laylo responded with coping.

The weak eat the strong, and the fittest survive.

Nature has no mercy on the weak.

Whether it is Gran College or Zeeland College, they will not pity the students who have naturally eliminated dead students in this kind of academic exchange. This is also part of the evolution of nature's cruel competition and exchange.

Yaqian shook her head.

"There are two people over there, one has two badges on his body, and one has three badges on his body, do you want to go over?"

"never mind."

Lai Luo shook his head.

"Let's continue to go to the central area, what matters over there is important."

"You haven't told me yet, what exactly is going there!"

Yaqian looked at Lai Luo complainingly.

Lei Luo picked a bunch of small purple fruits from a vine wrapped around the stone pillar and handed them to Yaqian, while he took out the jerky and chewed it.

"It's nothing, it's just that Zeeland and Barda College each gave birth to a talented scholar with outstanding strength. I'm going to see it."

"Superior strength?"

Yaqian laughed dumbly, "How strong?"


Seeing Lei Luo's serious expression, Ya Qian's expression could not help but become solemn.

But then, Lai Luo said again: "Even if it's me, I'm afraid I won't have any chance to kill them, so for the sake of the academy's assessment results, they must be expelled from the assessment space as soon as possible."


Yaqian couldn't help laughing out loud, she turned back and forth, and was about to burst into tears.

"Little brother, are you trying to make my sister happy? Is this your trick to trick the junior sister? Hahahaha, so strong that you don't even have a chance to kill? Is this your way of complimenting others? Hahahahaha! "

Lei Luo looked at Ya Qian, who couldn't help but smile, and couldn't help but smile.

"Hehe, let's be honest, I just can't wait to prove through them whether what I'm pursuing is as great as I think. Sister, you should know this feeling, just like the time and space science you pursue, for it, you Willing to give up a lot, because you believe that if you just persevere, it will one day lead you to greatness."

"Well, that seems to make sense."

After a while.

Yaqian noticed something and stopped.

"There are people fighting over there, many people!"

"How many are many?"

Laylo asked.

"At least twenty people."

"so much!"

"Arthurs, how many badges have you collected?"

The breeze ruffled his long golden hair. The male student with feminine beauty looked at the tall, slightly sinister [Plasma Controller] Arthurs beside him.

"Just seventeen."

Behind Arthurs, the wings of the wind and thunder fluttered at a high frequency like a dragonfly, overlooking the ground hiding in the magic circle, looking at his twenty or so students in panic, with a cruel sneer on the corner of his mouth.

He turned his head and looked at the male student full of feminine beauty.

"Jaen, as long as you can cooperate with me this time, break this ice and fire upside-down magic circle, and help me hunt for the assessment badge below, I promised you the previous thing!"

The blonde student looked surprised.

"Just for these badges?"

He smiled and said: "What are you doing with so many assessment badges? Don't tell me, you want to compete with those three guys for the elite list! Hey, I heard that Bourne will officially challenge Seymour for the last time today. Your combat power is probably a lot worse than theirs, right?"

In Arthurs' eyes, he couldn't help but reveal the figure with long red hair.

Goo-dong, goo-dong.

His heart was beating wildly.

Clenching his fists tightly, Arthurs said in high spirits: "Why not? Humph! Although my combat power is not as good as theirs, the glory of the arena that I have harvested in the past few months is second only to them. Three people! As long as I am lucky enough for this graduation assessment, I might have no chance!"

On Jayne's feminine face, he was stunned.

"Isn't it? Are you really going to compete with those three guys for the elite list?"

"Without further ado!"

Arthurs said impatiently: "With my absolute speed, these guys below can't escape at all, but it happened that [Song of Ice and Fire] Bai Lian set up this magic circle here, and they actually planned to rely on the magic circle to stick in place! Yours! The ability to restrain all kinds of magic circles, although the performance of this ice and fire reverse magic circle is strong, but I think she is in a hurry, and it can only exert one-third of its power at most, are you sure?"

"She is [Song of Ice and Fire] Bai Lian?"

Jayne looked at the girl who presided over the magic circle.

"I've heard her name for a long time, but besides [Glacier Roar] Bai Qi, we are one of the most accomplished students in the magic circle. I heard that they are still from the same mysterious family?"

Jayne licked his tongue excitedly.

"My academics are the nemesis of all magic circles, and together with Ziyan's True Fire, it is the strongest energy-devouring force in the academy, don't worry!"

Saying that, he waved his magic wand.

The wounds above the head are densely clouded together, and it seems that a mysterious and terrible thunderstorm is brewing.

Seeing this, Arthur took a deep breath.

"Beautiful Miss Laura, I will surely greet your beauty with supreme honor, please wait for me."

Ice and fire upside down the magic circle.

Bai Lian and [Glacier Roar] Bai Qi are very similar, and people often mistake them for their appearance.

In the Principality of Sealand, for everyone, there are two things that they pursue in their life.

Power and honor!

As for academic knowledge, warrior fighting spirit, or the believers of the gods who have almost disappeared, or even cruel witchcraft, they are just means of pursuing power and honor.

But Bai Lian is different.

She is one of the rare students in Zeeland College, who exists only for academic knowledge.

Deducing the energy rune structure of the magic circle is her greatest hobby. As for the elite ranking points and other powers, she has no interest.

Including this graduation examination.

She just intends to use her magic circle to stick to the assessment period ten days later, complete the assessment with minimum standards, and obtain a natural scholar certificate.

Do not fight or fight.

That's all.

Arthurs kept hunting targets in the stone forest, fearing his absolute speed, and people kept begging to enter the magic circle to avoid, Bai Lian agreed.

As a result, there were more and more people in the magic circle, hiding to the point where Arthurs couldn't give up.

It's not that she is kind.

Rather, she wanted to see what kind of strength the so-called absolute powerhouse of the academy had, and whether she could break through the magic formation she presided over!

"Oops, it's [Energy Devouring Thunder] Jayne! His thunder mystery, which has the effect of devouring energy, is the nemesis of all magic circle structures,"

Inside the magic circle, a student looked up at Lai Luo in the sky and exclaimed in shock.

The others looked at Bai Lian one after another.

Bai Lian didn't speak, she just stared at the sky calmly.

As time passed, the mist in the stone forest gradually began to thin.

For a long time, Xilan Academy has regarded Bai Qi as the highest achiever of the magic circle. Whether it is a classmate or a mentor, they only regard themselves as a student after Bai Qi.

That's because in the hearts of all people, there is a subconsciousness of power ranking, not a simple magic circle accomplishment.

no doubt.

[Glacier Roar] Bai Qi's strength has reached its peak in the academy, tied with Seymour Xiong and Byrne.

But Bai Lian knew that it was precisely because of this that Bai Qi's magic circle accomplishments were far behind her, because she paid too much attention to other things, and deliberately pursued them. While gaining these things, she also lost a lot. .

On the other hand, he followed his father's words and devoted all his energy to researching the mysteries of the magic circle!



A dazzling thunder light fell from the sky, smashing the magic array mask on the ground.

The rays of the sun flashed, and thousands of energy runes flashed from the magic circle, but they were far away.

Jayne was surprised when he saw this.

"It seems that the power of this magic formation is still under my estimation, hahahaha!"

The energy rune is like boiling water, getting more and more irritable. After Jayne was a little surprised, he didn't care.

"My thunder power can continuously bombard the magic circle by plundering the energy of the magic circle. How long can her magic circle support it? Hahahaha!"

Seeing that Jayne was so confident, Arthurs was relieved a lot, and made a low "um".

But then, after the second thunder, Jayne let out a light hum.

"What's wrong?"

"Hey, something seems wrong!"

Jayne hurriedly activated the third thunderbolt. The magic formation that was on the verge of being torn apart didn't move at all under the bombardment of the third thunderbolt, and even the attached time-devouring power couldn't give back too much energy.

as if...

This magic circle has self-awareness and is resisting its own attacks.

"The power of adaptation! She has integrated the power of adaptation into the magic circle! Impossible, it is said that this power of adaptation can only be achieved by master-level magic circle attainments. How could she incorporate the power of adaptation?"

Arthur, who was beside him, had a gloomy expression on his face.

In the magic circle, the people who were originally terrified also breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Bai Lian in surprise.

At this moment, Bai Lian felt extremely satisfied.

I succeeded myself.

Even Bai Qi, it is absolutely impossible to do this step.

But this is just a small step on the road to success. The mysteries of the magic array are endless, and they need to be pursued in a lifetime!

In Zeeland College, the battle between breaking and defending, and the verification of academic exchanges, is just a microcosm of one of the countless academic exchanges in the assessment space.

"what to do?"

Jayne looked at Arthurs with an ugly face: "I didn't expect that the academy still hides such a guy. As far as the mystery of the magic circle is concerned, she should have surpassed Bai Qi."

Unknown efforts are ultimately successful.

A powerful enemy is helpless.

how beautiful everything is...


Jayne and Arthurs seem to be aware of something, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com's complexion changed greatly, and they all backed away.

With a "puff", the thundercloud in the sky was broken apart by a beam of destruction light, and the thundercloud was dispersed with an unstoppable momentum.

In the horror of the two, a dark red giant eye slowly opened.

"Then... what is that?"

In the magic circle, the smiles of Bai Lian and the students were frozen on their faces.

Like a turtle in a urn, looking up at the giant dark red eye that overlooked it, a fiery, ominous, and destructive aura filled the air.

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