Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 250: Sweep New Zealand (8)

"Hey, could it be my hallucination?"

[Ghost Giant Ape] Groz, took a deep breath, blinked a few times fiercely, and looked at the incredible [Glacier Roar] Bai Qi.

"He just... seems to have really moved?"


The giant white-headed owl dived rapidly, and the female swordsman in blue fell from the sky.

Behind her, there are three elemental energy swords, and the dark green spar in the center of her forehead is eye-catching.

Her gaze briefly passed over [Glacier Roar] Bai Qi, [Song of Ice and Fire] Bao Lian, [Mountain Ghost Giant Ape] Groz, [Abyss Demon Sword] Qing She, and [Hurricane Three Shadows], then stared at the iceberg. A jet-black giant with a height of more than three meters.

"what happened?"

She hasn't figured out the situation yet.

But from the stone giant, she faintly felt a terrible pressure, and took a deep breath.

"Who is this?"

rumbling rumbling...

With the vibration of the earth, a huge figure gradually emerged from the fog.

This is a giant like a hill.

On its shoulders, stood a man with disheveled hair, wearing a horn helmet on top of his head, proudly staring at the iceberg.


After a brief period of astonishment, he noticed the weak [Glacier Roar] Bai Qi, and he laughed outrageously "hahahaha", looking ecstatic.

"[Glacier Roar], since you are so weak, you should get out of the assessment space by yourself, lest I do it and waste time!"

He turned out to be malicious to Bai Qi.

In the Principality of Sealand, which pursues power and glory, [Glacier Roar] is one of the three peaks of the Golden Generation Elite List of the Sealand Academy of Natural Sciences. If she can be expelled from the assessment space in advance, then her final results in the academy will be greatly affected. The improvement is undoubtedly a surprise.

After all, he is the fourth person in Xilan Academy, next to [Flaming Soul Demon], [Light and Shadow Hidden], and [Glacier Roar].


[Song of Ice and Fire] Bai Lian said angrily, "My sister is running out of energy for the sake of the honor of the academy, for the sake of the overall situation, and for defeating this terrible Gran student. How can you do this!"

"Hum hum hum, what does this have to do with me?"

He stood proudly on the stone giant, sneering sneeringly, his eyes were aggressive, and his surprise was undisguised.

[Bingjie Roar] Bai Qi ignored [Earth Crusher] Roger.

At this moment, her eyes have completely fallen on the iceberg, the stone giant with a sarcastic smile.

It seems to be across the iceberg, admiring the good show outside.

"How exactly did you do it?"

There was incredible despair in her eyes, and she kept shaking her head in self-denial, and there was even a touch of moisture in her eyes.

"You... are using me?"

[Mountain Ghost Giant Ape] Groz and [Abyss Demon Sword] Qing She looked at each other and took a step back.

The situation here is obviously beyond the control of [Glacier Roar], and they have to face possible mutations at any time.

[Hurricane Three Shadows] The three of them silently approached.

[Bai Xiao Female Swordsman] still didn't understand the situation here, and frowned: "Who can tell me, what happened here? Who is he? The academy did not arrange a decisive battle plan. , no matter which of them wins the final victory, we must obey his call and attack the Barda Academy with all our strength, okay?"

No one answered her.

If it weren't for her white-headed owl mount, she would not be qualified to attract the attention of people here.


The dark stone giant in the iceberg seemed to be amused by the farce outside, and it raised its head and laughed.

Although there was no sound from the iceberg due to the seal of the dark essence, it was not difficult for everyone outside to see its sarcasm.

With its undisguised huge range of movements, a crack spread out from the core of the iceberg, but after reaching the surface of the iceberg, it was suppressed by the energy isolation rune of the dark essence.

"Impossible, impossible! Even if you break free from the freezing of my ice jug, it is impossible to break free from my absolute zero sealing technique. This is the sealing technique I developed!!"

Bai Qi looked at the black runes on the surface of the iceberg and roared hysterically.

Inside the iceberg, the stone giant smashed the ice jug into pieces with his left hand as if he was pinching a toy. With an evil sneer like a provocation, his left hand "Mithril Sealing Dust" slowly opened.

The silver radiance was released from the iceberg.

"This...this is?"

Bai Qi looked at all this in a daze.


On the surface of the iceberg, the dense dark essence energy isolating runes, like high-temperature gunpowder, was affected by the silver light and ignited a silver flame.

influenced by.

The dark essence rune gradually turned into tiny particles, broke away from the surface of the iceberg, and floated into the air like wisps of dust.

"No! Stop it!!!"

Bai Qi looked at the dark essence on the surface of the iceberg and screamed hysterically.

"what should we do?"

[Abyss Demon Sword] Qing She, asked anxiously, he realized the seriousness of the matter.

"I...I don't know, the books never describe this happening!"

But compared to the panic, puzzlement, and surprise of others, the aggressive [Earth Crusher] Roger said coldly, "You should pay more attention to yourself!"

With his arms around him, looking down from above, he drove the mountain giant below him to walk towards [Glacier Roar] Bai Qi step by step.

As for who is the sealer in the iceberg?

As long as it wasn't for Seymour and Byrne, he didn't pay attention.

Click, click, click...

As the silver light gradually dispelled the dark essence on the surface of the iceberg, the cracks in the iceberg gradually increased. After several consecutive attempts to reinforce the iceberg seal, but to no avail, Bai Qi sat on the ground limply.

She turned to look at Roger [Earth Crusher] with tears in her eyes: "You don't even know what kind of terrifying monster you are going to face."

"Hahahahaha, is it?"

Roger was not frightened by Bai Qi's words, and he didn't even hesitate.

The mountain giant carried the majesty of the earth, and slammed it down with an unrivaled force!

There was no more energy left in his body, and even if Bai Qi was not reconciled, he had to activate the assessment badge transmission function with a sigh and leave the assessment space.

Twelve assessment badges turned into fine beams and fell on the ground.

"huh huh huh huh."

The mountain giant grabbed it with a big hand and fished it up with the soil on the ground.

Roger excitedly said: "[Glacier Roar] has been eliminated by me, how about you?"

He reached out to the badge in the hands of the mountain giant with one hand, while overlooking the [Mountain Ghost Giant Ape] Groz, [Abyss Demon Sword] Qing She, [Three Hurricane Shadows], and [White Owl Female Swordsman].

You especially stayed on [Bai Xiao Female Swordsman] for a while longer, showing a greedy look.

Although [Mountain Ghost Giant Ape] Groz was his defeated general, the power of [Mountain Ghost Giant Ape] Groz was also recognized by him.

[Abyss Demon Sword] Qing She's strength is not bad.

[Hurricane Three Shadows] Together, let alone, it should be the only one here that can compete with oneself head-on, and even suppress one's own power.

But they have many constraints.

As for [Song of Ice and Fire] Bai Lian, as well as the little mice who were snooping and hiding in the distance, they were automatically ignored by him.

Only this [White Owl Female Swordsman]...


The female swordsman also seemed to have sensed Roger's bad behavior, and the giant white-headed owl soaring high in the fog let out a shrill cry.

"Put the badge down."


An unmistakable calm voice came from within the iceberg.

[Earth Crusher] Roger on the shoulders of the mountain giant was startled, then slowly turned his head, suddenly realizing the color.

"By the way, and you! Speaking of which... Who are you to be able to force Bai Qi to such a degree."

He smiled proudly: "Hahahaha, speaking of which, I am indirectly your savior. I drove the guy who sealed you out of the assessment space. How should you repay me?"


The iceberg collapsed and shattered.

The three-meter-high pitch-black and ferocious rock giant slowly raised his head, his eyes fixed on the shoulders of the mountain giant, the man who stood proudly overlooking him, sneered cruelly.

call out.

The power of the moon tidal wave swayed, and the crystal-clear black stone giant, the remaining ice under his feet was swept by an invisible ripple, and instantly turned into a dense smoothie.

The black shadow rose into the sky and charged towards the man in the horn helmet on the shoulders of the mountain giant.

"court death!!"

[Earth Crusher] Roger snorted coldly, and patted the dark giant with the big hand of the mountain giant.


As soon as the dark figure passed through, the giant hand of the mountain shattered and turned into dust.


[Earth Crusher] Roger was taken aback.

Just now, due to the dark essence energy isolating the seal, and because he was far away from the seal, he didn't realize the horror of this pitch-black stone giant.

"Earth Crushing Technique!"


After a brief moment of stalemate, Roger flew out with a sound of "huh", and slid a ditch more than ten meters long on the ground.

He stared in horror at the dark shadow on the mountain giant.

With another "boom" punch, the pitch-black and ferocious stone giant actually smashed the mountain giant as thick as a hill under his feet into flying sand.


It is like an ancient beast that has been sleeping for ten thousand years and has just woken up, it roars loudly.


[Bai Xiao Female Swordsman] She was stunned by the power of this terrifying monster, and the Bai Shou Xiao, who was flying high in the sky, sensed it and swooped down.

She jumped, rode on the back of the giant bird, and fled into the distance.

The pitch-black stone giant noticed glanced sideways at the [White Owl Girl Swordsman] who fled in a hurry, and under the shocking gaze of [Earth Crusher] Roger, who was wounded and slowly got up not far away, [White Owl Female Swordsman] High above her head, a giant dark red eye slowly opened.

Unknown, heating, destruction.

The dark red giant eyes showed a hint of curiosity, and the golden pupils overlooked the giant bird.


In this destructive beam of purest light and heat, the female swordsman and the giant bird below him screamed hysterically. The two defensive magic props on his body melted and exploded instantly, and then a space was distorted. The next giant bird escaped from the assessment space together.

Several badges slowly floated down.

But at this time, no one has the mind to covet these badges anymore.

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