Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 298: Territorial Development (Part 1)


After returning to the solar energy laboratory, everyone gathered around the glassware of the test bench, looking at this mysterious crystal with a azure luster, and their eyes were pleasantly surprised.

Although it is only the size of the eye of a pin, it is so insignificant, but it is Laidlaw's proof that the laws of physics do exist!

It is also the result of everyone in the laboratory who has worked hard for nearly three months.

But only for three months!

"I didn't expect that this kind of substance actually exists. This is a major pioneering development of the conservation rule!"

Aoun murmured excitedly.

He looked at Lai Luo and said: "If this academic research result is published, it will definitely cause a sensation in the academic world. Lai Luo, you are truly a genius, a genius who brings a beam of hope to the academic world!"

The rest of the people couldn't help but get excited.

This feeling of hard work being rewarded is the pursuit of every scholar.

It can be said.

Although this academic achievement belongs to Laidlaw, the honor is shared by all.

With this level of qualifications, if the laboratory is disbanded, or expanded, or choose to join other laboratory research institutes in the future, this will be the capital for everyone to improve their specifications and treatment.

Lai Luo said: "This is not in a hurry."

Under the incomprehensible gaze of everyone, Lai Luo pondered: "You should know that for the Holy See, the sun is the incarnation of the creator of light, so this academic achievement can only be digested in the laboratory for a long time in the future. For everyone's safety, I will keep all core information confidential."

"However, don't worry, as long as this academic achievement is published, the honor of everyone present will be indispensable. Now, since the feasibility of this academic research has been proved, then we will start the first phase of the plan and collect 3 grams of radiation** *Hua, verify its chain reaction phenomenon! Once the verification is successful, we will try to find its practical development value!"

After hearing what Lai Luo said, everyone was in high spirits and went off to work.


The result of energy backlash, physical fatigue.

Lai Luo came to Yaqian's space-time academic research room.

At the moment, Yaqian is holding a scroll of animal skin, comparing and studying the runes on the altar of time and space, and concocting some research materials with time and space effects.

"Didn't Laura come out?"

Lai Luo's abrupt voice shocked Ya Qian, who was immersed in the experimental research, and was relieved when she saw that it was Lai Luo.

She complained, "Can't you just knock on the door first?"

Lai Luo embarrassed: "The door is open, so I went in directly."


Yaqian said embarrassedly: "I'm too fascinated by my research. Laura hasn't come out for several days. Do you want to go in and have a look?"



Distorted and stretched, Laylo disappeared on the altar of time and space.

"La la la la la..."

At this moment, Lola, like a bad girl, regardless of Lili and Xiaobai's struggles, forced them to put on a handmade pocket dress, just like the dark elf on her shoulders, this is her media partner.

"Woooooooo, it's too ugly, I refuse to wear such clothes, I'm a great ginseng elf!!"

Li Li also looked awkward and uncomfortable.

There were more leaves on her head unconsciously.

"Rejection is invalid!"

Lola hummed a song and built her own garden. There was a swing with vines at the gate of the garden.


"Huh? Lai Luo, you're here!"

Laura turned her head and smiled in surprise.

Perhaps it was because she had been exposed to too many beasts at the Corleone Institute of Biology before, but now Laura prefers these flowers and plants.

"Hmph, you said this is our secret laboratory, why haven't you come here?"

She seemed to be somewhat complaining about Laylo.

Lai Luo smiled and said: "The solar energy laboratory has just started, I have to pay attention to it there, there are still a lot of territorial matters to deal with, hehe, when it gets on the right track, I will carry out some secrets here. Experiment, um, yes, it should be the annual graduation assessment after a while, and the place will be lively again."

Laylo took Lola's hand and strolled by the flower bed, but that was all.

Since a month ago, the Tree of Truth interrupted the delicate atmosphere carefully arranged by Laylo, the first brother, because of the busyness of the laboratory, Lai Luo never had the chance to get close to Laura again.

He is restless inside, but looks like an elegant gentleman on the surface.

Looking at Lola's graceful figure, her tender and white skin, her big talking eyes, her upturned nose, and every cell exuding a strong hormonal temptation, Lai Luo felt like a furnace that was about to explode. , Dry mouth, slightly heavy breathing.

"Oh, by the way, this is the hummingbird brought by Xiao Kang, and a few little hedgehogs."

Laidlaw crouched down to hide some embarrassment in his body parts, took out a cage, and released the hummingbird and hedgehog inside.


Lola said: "What a cute little thing! I have only seen it in the illustrated book before. Corleone's experiment only collects rare monster specimens. It's a pity."

Immediately, she seemed to notice something, and looked at Lai Luo, who was breathing heavily, his face was bloodshot, and he looked strange.

"What's the matter with you, are you not feeling well?"

"Uh, yes, the experiment in the afternoon, some energy backfires, I have to rest for a while."

After a while.

Lai Luo bent down, passed the Tree of Truth in embarrassment, and left the assessment space.


a few days later.


As the sun went down, the collection of the power of radiation came to an end. Lai Luo left the laboratory, said hello to Xiao Kang, and walked together.

Around Laidlaw's laboratory, a stone street was gradually built.

It is a pity that there are only a few scattered houses on both sides, all of which are built by workers who decided to stay and stay there for their families.

Lai Luo appropriately distributed some subsidies for this.

While overseeing the establishment of the Enlightenment Academy, Bai Xing taught four children to write.

They were all four or five-year-old little guys, and Laylo couldn't help but think of the scene when his father kept praying to the small town priest to make him a missionary when he was a child, and he couldn't help but feel a little pain in his heart.

"In the future, children in the territory will no longer stage their own tragedies. Everyone has the right to acquire knowledge. Maybe they should donate to a public welfare library."

Lai Luo murmured silently.

Xiao Kang looked at Bai Xing with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the past, he always wanted to earn more money, but he never thought about what the money would be used for, but now Bai Xing has changed him. He is not only a successful businessman, but also a kind viscount. .

He has inherited his father's title since he brought Shirahoshi home.

Now, he also finally understood his father.

Because his father likes Bai Xing's kindness very much, probably because he is old, he doesn't want Xiao Kang to fall into the endless battle for fame and fortune and become a slave of money like himself.

The two came to the foundation where Xiao Kang invested two days ago.

This is the most prosperous area next to Lai Luo's laboratory. He stared at this vast and desolate land. Although he had nothing, he was full of energy.

"Now for the first stage of the task, I will move the magic alchemy workshop over, Muya is good, why don't you teach him some alchemy skills, let him join my alchemy workshop temporarily, and let him later when the conditions are mature. How's your Alchemy Academy project going?"

"Of course, no problem."

Lai Luo naturally would not refuse Xiao Kang's request.

Lai Luo smiled and said, "What are your plans for the second and third stages?"

Xiao Kang rolled his eyes at Lai Luo.

"It depends on how your territory develops! By the way, do you have the confidence to refine magic weapons?"

Lai Luo was silent.

After a while, Lei Luo slowly said: "To tell you the truth, I have actually mastered a secret alchemy recipe, but I have no experience in refining magic tools. After all, the complexity of magic tools is far from being as simple as magic tools. It needs to be formulated with the highest quality according to the nature of the main magic material."

"Alchemy recipe!!"

Xiao Kang's eyes flashed and he exclaimed: "My God, was it given to you by your mentor? It's great! Well, in the next year, I will try to find some magic weapon materials for you to practice your hands. If you If you have the qualifications of an alchemist..."

He shivered and seemed a little excited.

"I happened to meet an old guy who seems to be looking for a reliable alchemist master. If you can help me get closer to him, the future development of the territory is almost guaranteed! Well, a year later, I will invite him to order this magic weapon, and if it succeeds, how about I try to establish an auction house on this condition?"


Lai Luo smiled dumbly: "Are you going to get involved in this industry?"

Xiao Kang smiled and said: "You don't know the profits of this industry, as long as you are famous enough, you only need to open it once a year, and it will be enough for your laboratory to build ten floors higher and upgrade to a high-level laboratory. You can also set up your own chamber of commerce.”

After the cheerful laughter, Xiao Kang exaggerated: "My dear Lai Luo, the future is entirely up to you!"


Lai Luo nodded silently and said nothing.

The two walked halfway up the mountain together, and came to the water tower where Kodo had nothing to do and was determined to build here.

Since there are not many laboratory equipment, Kodo has nothing to do during this time, this shrewd and capable guy can't be idle at all, and he even proposed a plan to build a water tower.

Otherwise, you have to go to Crescent Lake to get water every time, which is quite troublesome.

More importantly, there are large aquatic monsters in Crescent Lake, which is very dangerous.


Lai Luo raised his head and said hello.

"Kodo, how's it going?"

The water tower is located halfway up the mountain to ensure sufficient water pressure. It can be said that the amount of work is quite large. Kodo and his family members brought by several workers have been busy here for more than two months.


Kodo jumped from the water tower.

He looked at the big Du Nannan Xiaokang who couldn't breathe, and said with a smile: "In two months, it should be able to be used initially. How can you come here when you have time?"

Lai Luo said easily: "It's okay to come around and see your progress. By the way, after building the water tower, do you have any new plans? I can reserve some funds in advance."

"Ah? Really!"

The funds for the construction of the water tower at the beginning were due to the limited gold coins on Laylo's body, but Kodo applied for several days before Laylo took it out.

If it wasn't for Codo's statement that the construction of the water tower would be beneficial to the future agricultural development of the territory, Laidlaw would not be able to squeeze out these funds If possible, the next step I plan to build is a drainage system and a sewage treatment system , Sorting out the raw materials of manure, it is said that the corresponding design has only been completed near Vladick City in the south. I have only seen the principle in the book, and I have not yet had a specific idea. "

Kodo's talent, Lai Luo is really pleasantly surprised.

It can be said that, in Lai Luo's view, his role is not even inferior to that of Xiao Kang and Aoun.

It's just a pity that the funds in the laboratory are really limited now, and it is impossible to complete many of his ideas. Lai Luo even wants to send him to Vladick for further training when the conditions are available in the future.


Lai Luo said: "I will reserve the next part of the funds for you. You can just hand over the list of materials to Xiao Kang."

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