Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 332: Deep sea darkness (6)

"Is the energy center behind you still intact?"

Corleone said suddenly.

His eyes, since entering here, have automatically ignored this eight-clawed evil-eyed Moonsong prayer, and instead looked at the energy center behind him.

"Of course."

The proud color of the prayers of the moon song said with relief: "This is my mission. For thousands of years, it has continuously absorbed the eternal moon ice flame. After such a long period of accumulation, according to the plan, it should have been enough to avenge you. , but we were too greedy and ended up being destroyed at the hands of our own creatures."


Alder and Audrey were stunned.

Listen to what he means, the Gulan fairies here are planning to use the pyramid energy center here to avenge the death of human beings?

"Is the moon a god? Has it responded to you? Is the ancient cataclysm related to the moon? How do you pray to the moon and obtain the eternal moon ice flame?"

Finally it was Laylo's turn.

He couldn't wait to ask all the questions in his mind.

"The moon is of course a great god. It is greater than any god. Otherwise, how can we rule the land that used to be? It... Well, it seems that I have overestimated my resistance to the pollution of the mother of darkness."


The spiritual fluctuations of the Moonsong Prayer fell into a frenzy.

In the azure evil eyes, there was a mysterious black darkness.

call out.

Incredibly amazing speed!

The octopus disappeared in a flash and suddenly appeared in front of Audrey.

As an extraordinary scholar who studies the profound meaning of evolution and one of the guardian's dark web leaders, Audrey's reaction is not unpleasant.

She let out a low roar, and instantly opened her real body.

This is a butterfly-winged cheetah with horns of primordial energy. It merges with the real body and slashes out its front claws. The sharp claws almost tear the air.



Under the enormous power of the octopus monster, this behemoth, which was nearly twenty meters tall, was pulled away more than a hundred meters away by a claw, and slammed into the edge of the pyramid wall with a bang.

Densely cracked, cracked open.

"Be careful!"

As a scholar of natural laws, Alder squeaked and waved his wand in an instant, and a hurricane claw of more than ten meters appeared on the top of the wand.

A slap shot.

the other side.

The three claws of the octopus were torn into three pieces by Audrey's real body claws. The soft tissue on the ground was like the broken tail of a gecko. connect them.


The octopus spit out a lot of black smoke.

These thick black smoke seems to have the function of differentiating the energy structure, and the claws of the aggressive energy quickly disintegrate and collapse in the black smoke.

Alder was taken aback, a necklace gem flashed in his arms, and a mini ball of light flew out.

boom! ! !

Far beyond the direct explosive power of a chain reaction radiation weapon.

In the turbulent flow, Alder appeared beside Laylo, and a transparent energy shield enveloped the two of them.

Whoa whoa.

Laidlaw responded equally quickly.

He opened Mithril Dust for the first time, and a mysterious silver flame rose slowly, reflecting on his focused face.

He stretched out his index finger, and the tip of his finger was stained with a wisp of silver flame. In Alder's astonishment, he quickly wrote an energy rune on the transparent protective cover.

"What mystery is this?"


With a dull sound, Lei Luo, who wrote the energy rune, was hit by a huge force and couldn't help but take two steps back.

The two looked pale at the octopus outside the protective cover.

Its eight claws have returned to normal!


The pupil of the moon in Lai Luo's left eye flashed slightly.

The terrifying spiritual power under the blessing of the full 11.7g of the essence of the moon, summoned a wisp of Gulan sand flame, and flocked to this octopus in a flash.


The evil eye in the middle of this octopus even flashed, and a blue flame was used.

Seeing this, Lei Luo's pupils suddenly shrank to needlepoints!

"Flash away!!!"


The Quran sand flame blends with this strange azure flame.

A wisp of fine sand swirled.

But in just a moment, the muddy yellow flame was swallowed by this azure flame.

After it landed on the place where Laylo and Alder were before, with a "pop", the area of ​​more than ten meters was instantly frozen into ice cubes, and then the power of the blue flame gradually subsided, turning into a dark yellow, and the surrounding stones were frozen. The textured floor was burning with yellow flames and turned into fine yellow sand.


Laidlaw stared at the ice cubes on the fine sand.

"The power of annihilation, Eternal Moon Ice Flame."

As Lai Luo murmured, the ice cubes on the thin yellow sand disappeared little by little, as if they were twisted into some mysterious space.

At this moment, Lai Luo clearly sensed a terrifying will.

In front of that will, he is like an ant with a humble will, and even his insignificant power, in front of him, is like a miraculous unknowable.

The so-called Gulan sand flame is just its power, which is gradually resisted by the magnetic field of the star screen world, and then a new energy form is generated. The matter that should have been transferred to the mysterious space and annihilated, in the form of fine sand disintegration and crushing, continue to stay. In the star screen world.

It is plundering the material foundation of the star screen world.

Audrey, who was bombarded by the Octopus earlier, has now recovered.

Although she doesn't have the opponent's abnormal defense, the advantage of her real body is that scholars can greatly avoid death blows by hiding in her real body.

In this way, after a short period of adjustment, after restoring the energy structure of the Profound Truth, she rushed up again.

With rich combat experience, she realizes that the opponent's attack is not purely physical strength, but the blessing of a strange oil film on the body surface!

This is likely to be the special spiritual power of the Gulan Fairy.

Since scholars have only been born among human beings for two or three thousand years, and the golden stage of rapid development is only a short period of more than 800 years, there is almost no information about the ancient battle ten thousand years ago, so this Gulan fairy, It will undoubtedly open up research gaps in academia!

The real body of the butterfly-winged cheetah that Audrey transformed into, pounced on it again.

But this time, she was a lot more careful, and no longer took killing the enemy as her first goal, but instead tried her best to observe the opponent's weaknesses.

Laylo and Alder stood beside the sand dunes created by the Eternal Moon Ice Flame, lingering fears in their hearts.

But in Lei Luo's eyes, a trace of desire gradually emerged.

far away.

Corleone had his hands behind his back.

He calmly watched the battle of these little guys, without any intention of taking action.

This is an exotic land, and now the scholars are still keeping a secret state. If he makes a move, even if it is only the weakest force, in case it is detected by a powerful creature that also masters the power of the law, the guardian's location is exposed and the opponent is alerted. It's not worth the loss.


Although he didn't do it, as one of the most powerful royal academicians in the Grand Duchy, few scholars have entered the field of law, especially the rich knowledge brought by the Institute of Biology, his combat methods Nature isn't just savage violence.

In this way, his eyes finally discovered something during the careful observation process.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie."

With a flash in his hand, there was an extra bag of chemical dust, which he threw directly to Alder.

"Sprinkle this on its skin."


Alder froze for a moment, looked at the thing in his hand, and said dumbfounded: "Salt?"

This is actually the seasoning for the barbecue every night, and last night he complained that it was too salty!

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