Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 366: Astral body (2)

the next few days.

After a brief visit to the research institute, Lai Luo stayed out of the house again, and studied his triphas in his temporary laboratory.

The real body is the foundation of higher scholars.

It is scholars who gather the mysteries of evolutionary knowledge that they have studied. According to the nature of their own magnetic fields, the manifestations of the real body will also be completely different.

This is also the limit of energy control by scholars.

On top of that, it is to control the power of a certain law with the real body.

Before the Golden Age 800 years ago, scholars were in the dark for a long time, because they did not take the step of mastering the law of the real body, so they were unknown for the long two or three thousand years.

until the beginning of the golden age.

In the short eight hundred years after that, the power of scholars has almost doubled geometrically, and several powerful duchies headed by Glen and Zeeland have been born in the land of the duchies.

Eight hundred years, from the perspective of civilization, is almost a fleeting moment.


Lei Luo was sitting in front of the experimental bench, slightly stretched out his fingers, and a Moon Shadow Wraith flew out from the tip of his index finger.

It can be seen that this Moon Shadow Wraith is still very weak and very humble. Its upper body is a bull-headed monster, and its lower body is gray smoke, and it floats in the air translucent.

Thinking of the steak he ate one day, he absorbed the resentment of death, Laiduo thought with a wicked interest.

This Moon Shadow Wraith has almost no wisdom. After it appeared, it roared with claws and claws, and Lei Luo sent it to the three-phase mouse, and the three-phase mouse looked terrified.


With a slight sniff on the nose of the three-phase mouse, it seemed to sense something, and it made a surprise cry, and it flew and climbed onto the body of the Moon Shadow Wraith. ate!

The little guy kept "squeaking" towards Lai Luo with a look of anticipation.

"In the shadows, cells take on an animal state, feeding on spirits, which is interesting."

He released a spirit body again.

This spirit body was obviously stronger than the one just now, and the little thing flew up again without any fear, and devoured this spirit body as well. The relationship between the two was like a natural enemy.

This time, the three-phase rat was obviously satisfied, and actually lay humanely on the table, licked his tongue, and patted his stomach happily, looking very cute.

"Since you're full, let's take a look at the so-called elemental state..."

According to Pernash, the three-phase rat will transform into various forms of energy elements in extremely harsh environments.

It has to be said that elemental life is easier to adapt to some extremely harsh living environments.

Laidlaw activated the magic circle on the test bench.

With a layer of transparent mask covering the test bench, the temperature inside gradually began to rise. The three-phase rat, who was enjoying himself, seemed to sense the danger, and began to run around the inside of the protective cover anxiously. screaming.

Its body surface color gradually began to change, becoming hideous and no longer cute.

Laidlaw turned a blind eye to this.

The guinea pigs he kills every year can almost fill this test bench. This little guy is trying to impress Lai Luo with his cuteness, which is really naive.

The three-phase rat began to become more and more irritable, and its strength seemed to be increasing, constantly hitting the protective cover and making a "dongdong" sound.

As Lei Luo watched silently, suddenly, as the temperature exceeded the critical value, the little guy turned into a flaming fire rat with a "huh" sound, and his strength also increased sharply, constantly hitting the test bench. During the process, it caused a slight vibration of the entire test bench.

"Interesting! The strength has increased so much, almost reaching the standard of Warcraft!"

Lai Luo was surprised.

After getting the experimental results he wanted, Lai Luo closed the magic circle on the test bench. As the temperature in the protective cover gradually dropped, the little fire rat's temper gradually became milder and returned to its physical form.

"Then try cold."

After a while, the ice crystal mouse appeared.

The temper has also become extremely irritable!

Lai Luo was extremely satisfied, and he couldn't put it down for this little thing that had regained its physical state.


With Lai Luo's cry, Xiao Bai appeared from the space bracelet.

"Why are you calling Dad!!"

Xiaobai has a bad temper, the reason is that his dear Lili has become a tree in Lola's secret garden, and now he has neither the lovely Lili nor the tree of truth to accompany him. , there is only one broken pea sprout spirit, of course, very unhappy.

Lai Luo's eyelids twitched, holding back his temper.

"Don't be angry, since I don't know when I can go back, I found a new younger brother for you. You can call him San San, hehe."


Xiaobai looked suspiciously at the little white mouse with grass growing on its head.

Due to the fact that the ginseng elves are naturally attractive to plants, the three-phase rat stared at Xiaobai the moment he appeared, and now he couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed to Xiaobai's side in one breath. Lick it wildly.

"Ah? What are you doing! Hahahaha! Such a funny guy is rare these days, okay, okay, eldest brother reluctantly accepts you as a little brother, and you will eat ice cream with eldest brother in the future! Don't! Don't lick there! !!"

Looking at these two little guys who were quickly sticking together, Lai Luo smiled, turned off the laboratory crystal lamp, washed and went to bed.

the next day.

Early in the morning, Lai Luo, who was conducting a radiation experiment, was startled by Xiao Bai's exclamation.

After he put down the test tube with annoyance, he looked over.

"Wow wow wow wow!"

Xiaobai was sobbing and tugging at the corner of Lei Luo's clothes, looking extremely aggrieved.

"It, it... three-phase it suddenly turned into a stone, I didn't do anything, did it suffer from someone's curse? Please save it! Woohoo!"

Laylo looked.

The three-phase rat, who was playing with Xiaobai on the windowsill, turned into a stone, but the green leaves above his head were still in full bloom.

Apparently it's in its vegetal form.

The color of surprise, Lai Luo comforted: "This is its talent, it will turn into a plant form in the sun, relying on green leaves for photosynthesis, just like your dehydration talent, don't be afraid, just put it in the shade for a while. already."

Having said that, Lai Luo kept muttering in his heart.

"That old guy didn't say that the flesh will turn into stone?"

Lai Luo walked over curiously and picked up the petrified three-phase mouse, but immediately noticed something abnormal.

"How can it be so heavy?"

Lai Luo was stunned.

He thought about it, put it in the sun again, and conducted a series of experiments, and found a surprising conclusion.

The petrified three-phase rat is as hard as alloy metal!

Laidlaw was shocked by the results of the experiment.

"It's no wonder that Academician Pernash values ​​this creature so much. This artificial creature is amazing, and its vitality is comparable to that of a water bear! If this little thing is allowed to multiply, even if human beings die one day under an unknown cataclysm, this little creature will become extinct. Things may continue to multiply and survive.”

Laylo took a deep breath.

"I'm afraid... only this species with a terrifying vitality can survive and multiply on the star body with its own poor conditions!"

Although Lai Luo has not officially started casting the real body of the star, but through deduction and research, it is not difficult to see that it must be an extremely harsh and terrifying living environment.


In the future evolution of stars, the essence of the sun must be the main attribute, which determines the ultra-high temperature of Lei Luo star, and it may also be the original state of super star, the form full of volcanic magma.


The essence of the moon promotes a large number of moon shadow grievances, which is almost the own life law of the stars, a kind of ghost grievances, they are like the blood will of Lei Luo.


It is the essence of the star This is a law attribute that can promote the great variation of living things, a mysterious vitality, which is an attribute that promotes the continuous adaptation of creatures in the star screen world to various harsh environments. instability.

At last.

It is a small part of insulating essence, representing the natural danger of Lei Luo.

In this astral environment, Lai Luo once thought of cultivating a kind of flame element creature, but if he did, it would almost announce that Lai Luo's future projection of the second true body cast through the biological chain law could only carry part of the sun's energy. only force.

Laylo is not the same as the Tree of Truth.

The Tree of Truth only needs plant vitality, but Laylo has to consider the power of various attributes of the stars.

In this way, the appearance of this three-phase mouse has opened up a new idea for Lai Luo!

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