Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 390: Civilization annihilated

Two and a half months later.

Anton Neo once said that in the long years, the history of civilization annihilated in the vast sandstorm is more than the stars in the sky.

Lai Luo, who had been reading at night in Gubo's library, didn't know if this sentence was true.

But there is no doubt that if this statement is true, there will also be a human contribution in it.

He had just received the war information from the Longevity Tree. The wizards completely removed their disguise. Based on the speed of information transmission, the destruction of this Longevity Tree world, even if the next moment comes, Lai Luo will not be surprised at all.

"Hey Hey Hey!"

The death demon baby Shan Grelov came to St. Billymoya and described the scene to Lai Luo vividly.

"We have long known the movements of the dark factions of the Wind Spirit Tribe. Just three days ago, when the Shadow of Despair Great Witch King accepted the peaceful praise of the Wind Spirit Tribe, we moved a little bit, and the guys from the dark faction really did In the middle of the plan, I can't hold it anymore!"

Speaking of excitement, Sangrelov kept licking his scarlet tongue, and drank Laylo's full of milk tea in one gulp.

"The Peace Praise Ceremony arranged by the Fengling Veterans Association was originally a praising ceremony for us saviors to exterminate all the large-scale main armies of the Molo tribe in the Longevity Tree Realm, but the Witch King of the Evil Holy Grail has secretly received the will of Grand Duke Capricorn, as soon as possible. Start the final harvest."

He smiled evilly, his expression was crazy and exaggerated, and he was full of lunatic.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it is indeed the Witch King of the Evil Holy Grail. He even took advantage of the opportunity of the ceremony to openly plot against the Great Witch King of the Shadow of Despair once. The ten little Fenglings were still cute and smiling, and the next moment they were torn to shreds in front of hundreds of thousands of spectating Fenglings by the Great Witch King of the Shadow of Despair. At that time, those little guys praised him as the savior and put on a garland!"

Lei Luo heard the words, sighed, shook his head, his eyes looked to the horizon.

The collapsed wall of the eye has not yet been found.

The longevity tree is the support point of this eye of the wind. If the longevity tree is destroyed, the eye of the wind will collapse and collapse at any time, resulting in a mass extinction of creatures, submerging everything in the law of alpha violent energy left over from the ancient wars of this world.

This is a weaker civilization than the Moro Rotten Shata United Kingdom.

Destroying this humble civilization between level 0 and level 1 with the power dispatched by the dark world of mankind is really not worth mentioning.

At the moment when it exposed its information to the vision of a more powerful civilization in order to fight against the United Kingdom of the Rotten Sandtar, it was doomed.

"Let's go, while the wind spirits here haven't reacted yet, let's leave quickly, otherwise, with the number of wind spirits gathered here, if they react before the storm comes, it will be really troublesome."

Now, Laidlaw is an important force in the dark world.

Even if he didn't really join the dark world, with his influence in the human world, he was worthy of all the efforts of the evil Holy Grail Great Witch King, so he sent Shangrilov.

Of course, Sangrelov and Laidlaw's personal relationship is not bad either.

"Not urgent."

Laylo sighed slowly.


Sangrelov looked at Laylo, and then at Bion who was indifferent. After frowning for a while, he obviously misunderstood Laylo's meaning.

"Even if you don't plan to participate in the final battle in the Land of Night, leaving here is the best choice. As far as I know, there are not a few Wind Spirit clan forces gathered in this mine. I came to inform you."

Laylo took a deep breath.

"Here's what I need, I have to get it!"

Sangrilov's expression froze when he heard the words, and he stared at Lai Luo.

"To tell you the truth, the evil Holy Grail Great Witch King already knows about the Holy Mountain of Death. I advise you to stop interfering, otherwise... I wish you good luck."

Sangrelov didn't say anything more about the next words, ignored Lai Luo He, turned around and left the room.

Soon, he disappeared into the sky.

"It seems that the things over there on the death holy mountain, it seems..."

dong dong dong!

Halfway through Bion's words, he was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was the "pie" of the Wind Spirit Elders who was in charge of following Laylo back, and brought the first gilding Laylo needed today.

It saluted gracefully, and smiled humbly with poetic praise: "Mr. Laidlaw, the savior, this is the experimental material prepared for you today."

Seeing this, Bion seemed a little ashamed, turned his head and looked to the horizon.

Lai Luo calmly took the experimental materials and said slowly: "How is the situation of the mine monsters today? I heard from you last time that your son also participated in the peace ceremony?"

When Pai heard the words, Feng Element's face showed a touch of pride and satisfaction, which he practiced painstakingly to imitate human etiquette.

"Yes, my son wrote last time that he has been selected as a member of the Peace Ceremony Garland Team. I am proud of him, and I sincerely hope that the peace between mankind and the wind will last forever!"

When Bion heard the words, he seemed even more ashamed and closed his eyes.

What a great misfortune.

Lai Luo nodded, didn't say anything more, patted Feng Ling's shoulder.

Pi has been quite used to this form of intimate emotional expression, and then Laiduo came to the experimental table on his own. Instead of starting a new day of experiments as usual, he silently packed up the experimental instruments and various specimen materials here. .

Pie stretched out his wings, incited gently, and carefully cleaned the room.

"Mr. Laidlaw, can you tell me a story about the outside world?"

Spying on intelligence and doing everything possible to obtain human intelligence information is one of the tasks of these assignees, but it must be established on the basis of no trace.

Pi did not forget his mission, and asked tentatively.

Lai Luo's body paused for a moment, and then continued to pack up the experimental materials.

"Dark, cruel, all art, in the face of survival, will be crushed by the essence of competition."

Pie was startled.

He didn't expect that Lai Luo actually said this.

Lai Luo turned his head, looked at the faction who looked at him in a daze, and said earnestly: "In the infinite darkness, there is no justice or evil, the so-called emotion is just the art in the ruins. As far as I know, such civilizations are mostly fragile. "

Pai asked tentatively, "Mr. Laidlaw, you mean... are there really many civilizations like us out there?"

"As long as you know that the outside world is infinitely vast, and you have discovered a second alien civilization, you can come to a natural conclusion."

At this moment, Bion by the window suddenly turned his head, looked at Lai Luo and sighed: "There..."

Lai Luo naturally knew what Bion was referring to, and he also noticed that a surprising number of wind spirits were gathering here in the distance.

It seems that the wind spirits here have already obtained the longevity tree change?


The faction, who knew nothing about the outside world, stared in amazement at the many Fengling tribesmen who were rushing towards the horizon.

"Is it still going to come this far? I thought..."

Laylo stopped halfway through his words.

Because he saw the distant horizon, the familiar wind wall, like a dark shadow, the chaotic monsters that chose people and devoured them, spreading at an alarming speed, drowning and destroying everything along the way.

It turned out that those wind spirits were escaping the storm of death!

There is no doubt that in the remote hinterland of the Longevity Tree Realm, the longevity tree that supports this wind eye in the vast desert has been completely destroyed by several great witch kings.

After all, for a powerful civilization, to clean up the potential threats around it is just to follow the instinct of survival competition, not to mention these wizards who regard the world as a cage and want to plunder resources to escape the cage.

Without the support of the longevity tree, this eye will collapse completely like the United Kingdom of the Rotten Sand Tower.

The civilization established by relying on this wind eye will be completely annihilated in history like the countless civilizations submerged in the long yellow sand.

"That...that is!!!"

When Pai saw the storm of destruction, he flew out of the window like countless clansmen, screaming instinctively.

Staring at the mighty and overwhelming Alpha Death Storm that carries the power of the world's laws, that is the ancient civilization of this world, in order to resist the star siphon of the superstars, the residual power of the cataclysm weapon was launched!



The storm of death devoured everything, and the shrill screams were quickly shredded and drowned by the violent sandstorm.

Pie stared blankly at everything in front of him.

Under the law of essential destruction of this world and this planet, even the fourth-level creatures, the so-called gods, can only barely support a storm and build a greenhouse for gathering beliefs.

The power of an individual is really insignificant.

His soul was trembling, he was trembling, he wanted to escape, he wanted to return to his family, even if it was the last time, to face the end of death together.

"After the ancient war, tens of thousands of years have passed from this cruel death cage. This world, the most powerful civilizations, do not know how far they have evolved? But there is no doubt that they are still trapped in this world. , there is no way to defend against superstars, and maybe they haven't even reached the level of ancient civilization... The countdown to the destruction of this world has not allowed them to compete and evolve indefinitely."

Laiduo saw through some of the essence of this planet and muttered to himself.

Boom! !

Laylo's temporary laboratory hut collapsed and collapsed in an instant under the power of the death storm.

The power of the instant 12th-level is still rising, and even an insignificant stone will gradually have the speed to penetrate steel.

"what should we do!?"

Bion roared in the sand and asked.

He had to. The harsh noise made communication extremely difficult, and he had to expend enormous energy in his body to protect himself.

Lei Luo raised his head and watched as Pai, like countless wind spirits, disintegrated and collapsed in a long time, the difference was only the speed.

He was struggling and persevering, but that was all he could do.

The disappearance of civilization, his strength is not enough to support him to survive in the law of Alpha Rage, just like those second-level wizards must rely on more powerful wizards to read the long sandstorm.

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