Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 439: Extradimensional Strike (below)

"Please enter the concentrated slumber device."

This is a cylindrical device made of transparent material.

According to the request of the monitor No. ZZ1387262, this powerful superhero warrior entered the device and waited for a new fate after he entered the star screen world.

Superman ZZ1387262 said calmly outside the condensed sleep device: "After the device is activated, you will fall into a state of sleep, which is a state of suspended animation, your spiritual body will be concentrated into the body, and the device will help you The body is coated with a special film, the only way to ensure that you can withstand the squeezing of the cracks in the space-time channel, enter the star screen world, silently invade the host's body, occupy it after recovery, and complete your task, you understand ?"

The superhuman warrior responded to the superhuman number ZZ1387262 simply and firmly with the unique mental fluctuations of the superhuman, similar to the human "um" sound.

Superman ZZ1387262 has experienced such a scene fourteen times.

"good luck."


With the activation of the concentrated sleep device, the superhuman warriors inside were bound by layers of strong magnetic fields, as if folding clothes, folded bundles of light blue brilliance and compressed them into the light blue flame at the core.

With the resolute and tenacious scream of the super-body warrior, the device compressed the blue spiritual flame again and entered the body smaller than sesame seeds.

It was also the superhuman corpse that Laylo obtained!


A layer of transparent film wraps this tiny body and completely isolates it from the outside world, making it fall into a state of slumber.

sizzle sizzle...

Under the shackles of strong magnetic force, this body that was originally smaller than sesame was folded dozens of times again, and it became a tiny state that was almost invisible to the naked eye!

Only a superhuman, a spiritual being, can achieve this level of repeated folding and compression.

With the help of special equipment, ZZ1387262, a superhero warrior condensed into microscopic matter, was injected into the launcher.

There is no belief in superhuman beings, otherwise at this time, he will definitely say something like XX God bless.

Superman ZZ1387262 glanced at the energy reserve of the transmitter, and after confirming the safety performance of the transmitter, the energy reserve device vibrated violently with the sound of "hum" as the light of the spirit violently touched the launch button.

The space-time channel is the most cutting-edge technology of superhuman research.

But the limit of what a superhuman can do is only to tear open a tiny, invisible crack in the space-time channel, and deliver a substance less than one-tenth of a millimeter from the superstar to the star screen accurately and accurately. Just a given coordinate in the world.

In the face of such harsh time and space transmission conditions, even a superhuman being a spiritual creature can only achieve it by compressing the body to the extreme through special means.

even so!

For the civilization in the star screen world, such an attack method of a superhuman is almost equivalent to an undetectable, elusive, and incomprehensible extra-dimensional attack.

This is the cognitive crushing of primitive civilization by high-level civilization.

call out.

A tiny particle, starting from a superstar, travels through the cracks in the space-time channel in a short period of time, traverses a long void that is nearly a hundred storm continents away, and enters a certain peninsula in the storm continent, with Laylo as the center at the listening distance. in a human body.


The pain nerves in the shoulders were suddenly stimulated, almost as uncomfortable as a mosquito bite.

The bard Alanka patted his shoulder sharply, and then continued to indulge in the natural phenomenon of the thunderstorm ahead.

"Ah, the rolling thunder fell from the sky, tore apart the confusion in my heart, and gave me an unprecedented spiritual cleansing. At this moment, I felt that the power was pouring out from the depths of my heart, and I could overcome it. The evil dragon king..."

Alanka is just a third-rate troubadour.

As for how he became a troubadour, it still begins when he was young.

When he was young, he was very young, immature, and introverted. Maybe this is autism?

Confused and hesitant, he secretly fell in love with a girl, until one day, in the small town where he lived, a troubadour preached what he had seen and heard, and successfully captured the hearts of many girls, including the girl he secretly fell in love with. After that, everything in this world has changed in his eyes.

The soul of art in his body has awakened!


"I'm going to be a great troubadour!"

In the beginning, Alanka became a bard for the sake of the girl he loved, but as he traveled and added fuel to his great journey, even he himself began to believe his own words. He had long forgotten his original purpose and fell into the infinite dream that he had created for himself.


He was clearly witnessing this natural weather outside the deep thunderstorm, but in Alanka's eyes, it became his own battle with the evil dragon, and he even experienced all kinds of ups and downs to rise to sublimation.

the other side.

After concentrating and slumbering in his body, the superhuman warrior who carried out the space-time delivery, the film on the surface of the body was squeezed by the force of time and space, and it had completely melted, and the superhuman warrior inside was gradually awakening.

For it, this human body is like a new protective film, it needs to occupy this film to protect itself, and at the same time move freely, from the poison of this world.

However, this body is being controlled by the soul of another creature at the moment, so if it wants to control this body, it must first control the other party's spiritual soul!

And this is the instinct of every superhuman warrior.

"Give him some mental stimulation first to keep him in a state of excitement, and then complete the initial invasion through exhaustion after the excitement."

This superhuman warrior actually took the initiative to cut off some of his spiritual tentacles and poured into Alanka's soul spirit.

Affected by this, Alanka, who was already intoxicated by her own dreams, seemed to be even more excited.

The various poetic experiences he imagined seemed to have become reality in front of his eyes, and he was a third party, watching all this, including his own battle with the evil dragon, he believed in everything he imagined.

What an indescribably wonderful experience.


A strange hurricane suddenly wrapped it up, ingested it into the depths of the deep thunderstorm, and appeared in front of a huge creature that could not be described in words.

The pupils of its eyes alone are more than ten meters high!

But instead of fear, Alanka was completely intoxicated.

"Ah, are you the black hand behind the evil dragon king? You are very powerful, you are the most powerful creature I have ever seen in my life, even the greatest King of Zeeland, leading his invincible army, is not as great as you, I……"

Alanka is in a strange state of half madness and half awake.

"Another intruder!"

Muttering to himself, the ancient giant **** Pangura was about to deal with the intruder just like the female warrior before.


the other side.

Even if he did not want to conflict with this terribly terrifying Pangula ancient giant, Antonio could not remain indifferent to it.

With a roar, he actually opened his real body, and his expanding body grew eight heads.

Ancient eight-headed snake!

The giant tail of the ancient eight-headed snake actually snatched Alanka out of the hurricane. The eight heads spit out their cores, cautiously looking at the ancient giant **** Pangula, and backed away little by little.

"You still pay attention to your position."

The giant tortoise looked at Antonio in front of with a touch of cold light.

"Just because you dare to point fingers in front of me?"

According to legend, the ultimate ancient Hydra, even the golden holy giant dragon king can fight!

Eight hundred years ago, Antonio was marked by the real body of the ancient seven-headed snake. He became famous hundreds of years ago and became the three pioneers who were the first to be born as anthropologists. one.

Now, hundreds of years later, the ancient seven-headed snake he used to have has an extra head.

Perhaps this is the reason why according to the rumors, he has been able to fight against the intermediate gods and form a suppression.

But in front of him at the moment, is a congenital **** with a mission, a terrifying and powerful creature that even the **** of light is afraid of!

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