Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 868: Mystery Bug

Under the order of Xingyuan Holy Mountain, this group of mysterious creatures from outside the territory who called themselves scholars were quickly freed.

These more than 20 scholars, a moment after lifting the stop restriction, couldn't wait to fly to various places.

Some of these scholars seem to be relatively withdrawn, ignore the nearby smelters who are good at them, and fly away alone, while others seem to be quite interested in these smelters, and take the initiative to walk towards the smelters who show their favor. It means to study hard and ask for advice.

Corleone and Yuelian Anna have also left Xingyuan Sacred Mountain.

Only Lai Luo, sitting leisurely in the courtyard, did not leave the residence one step.

After all, as far as he is concerned, today's academic world has long passed the era of personal heroes that he promoted. The rise of a civilization is not only dependent on a few individual creatures, but the strength of the civilization as a whole. He believes that in the research of botany These scholars will be better than themselves.

Compared with the scholars who were preparing for a big fight, the high-level melting star of Xingyuan Holy Mountain had a gloomy face.

"He's seen through me, and we've run out of ways to limit him."

Talking Heavenly Star Saint.

In the cave at the moment, there are more than 30 dark gold melters gathered. This is also almost all the god-level creatures in Xingyuan Sacred Mountain. By.

The colorful giant beetle said deeply: "Now is undoubtedly the most critical era for the molten star since the ancient war. What we have to face is not only the imminent gray bean crisis, but also our habitat. To transform into a barren and barren land, it is necessary to unite these creatures from the darkness and claim to be scholars to save themselves, but after this... I no longer have the ability to suppress and seal again, and use the astrology to destroy the habitat of the academic world. Even more ridiculous."


A dark gold melting star said unwillingly: "If I drive the holy mountain, I don't know how confident it is to seal it in one fell swoop, at least make him feel threatened enough?"

The Heavenly Star Saint was silent.

The speaker at this moment is the existence with the strongest potential and the highest degree of evolution among all the star melters in the super refining civilization. It is called Uranus, and it is also the successor designated by it to the public. A female saint who has never appeared in .

It believes.

If the successor is given enough time, even if it is only two hundred years, the Uranus will have a great chance to break through the fifth-level biological level. After all, its melting star cultivation is only more than a thousand years old, which belongs to the entire history of the melting star. Also an extremely rare genius among geniuses.

But now, how can there be another two hundred years?

Not to mention two hundred years, not even twenty years.

"In fact, even I can't judge. Because it is not the real body at the moment, and my current state does not allow me to contact the power of foreign laws without authorization, but if you are confident, I can lock it for you. Its true identity, whether it can make him feel threatened in the future, or find a habitat for academia to deter it, depends on you."

The words of the Heavenly Star Saint are full of sighs that a generation of heroes is about to end.

Many star melters in the cave all looked at Uranus.

At this moment, the dark gold melting star felt unprecedented pressure, which is the inheritance of the tens of thousands of years of historical evolution of the melting star. With the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, it seems that the history of the entire civilization will have a different ending because of itself.


The Heavenly Star Saint seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked casually: "I can't perceive the essence of this academic leader, and I have no way of knowing his age, but I can feel that his vitality is extremely abundant, and he is incredibly pounding. Ding, can you spy on the ages of other scholars?"

In the crowd's gossip, the Heavenly Star Saint got a terrifying answer!

Or the terrifying fact that made the entire Star Molten high-level realize later.

From a hundred years old to three or four hundred years old, even the oldest person is only more than six hundred years old. If judged by the evolutionary potential of the melting star, almost everyone in the academic world has a shocking, unprecedented, and unique experience. genius potential.

In comparison, Uranus seems to be nothing at all.


the other side.

Quite a number of scholars are curiously watching the meteorites captured by the astrology technique.

Tens of thousands of gold melters, surrounding this huge comet, continuously use the power of flames that come with their bodies to smelt and refine the metal substances in it, and try to make these metal substances into various high-level magic tools.

It seems that only those who have reached the gold level of evolution are eligible to be here.

In the process, their bodies will gradually be eroded by metal minerals, or moisturizing, and evolve from the basic physical properties, and then evolve shells of different colors.

Scholars nearby could not help being aroused by this kind of biological evolution. They recorded it through crystal balls, or wrote them in handwritten notes. Some of them began to go to the gathering places of low-level star melters and began to study the common star melters. The evolutionary process, from the various evolutionary processes of black railway bronze.

And among these scholars, the old monster Corleone is one of them!

Followed by a few star melters beside him, they kept babbling and explaining something, but at this moment Corleone couldn't hear anything.

He looked at the tens of thousands of melters with piercing eyes, red bloodshots gushing out of his deep black eyes, and his forehead was trying to calm down after the blue veins were exposed again and again. He seemed to be frantically suppressing his impulses, even breathing. It started to get heavy, like a bull.

If Lai Luo was here at this moment, he would definitely know that this old monster's hand was itchy again.

This is his excitement when he sees the specimen prey.


Compared with those who are not doing their jobs, the half-elf scholars led by [Moon Eye] Yuelian Anna are undoubtedly more focused on their own work.

They left Xingyuan Sacred Mountain and came to the dry and barren land that was gradually barren. They walked among the mountains and rivers and stepped on the poor land.


Compared with the despair of the melters, along with the effect of the extinction of various creatures, the trace metal minerals on the earth are also disappearing, from the dark gold melters of the great Xingyuan Holy Mountain to the hundreds of millions of black iron melters. The commoners, all the star melters can't defeat this invisible enemy, they can only watch those hidden enemies loot everything they cherish. These half-elves have just been walking on this land for a few days. A strange fact was discovered.

That is, for scholars, not only has the perception and control of natural energy become almost instinctive, but also goes deeper into the microscopic field, forming various academics from the structure of energy.

Therefore, in the eyes of scholars, the energy between heaven and earth is tangible, like a layer of fog.

Therefore, when scholars look at the barren land and see the vortex-like energy vortexes, they almost instinctively perceive the strangeness.

After all, these vortices are too dense.

Just like countless moths, the spiritual veins of the law of the earth are riddled with holes. When the law veins here collapse, they gradually return to peace.

Known as [Moon Eyes], Yuelian Anna certainly possesses extraordinary insight pupil technique.

At this moment, she is standing in a vortex of the earth's spiritual veins.

She gently stretched out her tender and smooth palms, stroking the tender buds on the soil, as if listening to nature's secret words, the emerald green of her eyes gradually showed a trace of brightness, and gradually, the tender buds grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it became more and more high.


With a puff, the thriving young shoots seemed to be pulled by something mysterious, and disappeared on the ground like noodles, and were pulled into the depths of the ground.

"Found it! Is it just that simple?"

Yuelian Anna seemed a little unbelievable that this mission was surprisingly smooth.

If that's the case, even if the star melters don't have such a delicate and delicate perception as the academic world, those other civilizations that have been destroyed by it don't dare to be so unbearable, right?

After all, compared to the catastrophic blow of the super-space law of higher civilization, the almost invisible instantaneous destruction process, the concealment and destruction time of the gray bean civilization is undoubtedly much behind.

Such an obvious weakness, once it encounters some civilizations with targeted evolution, it is impossible to spread to the present as it is now.


Just when Yuelian Anna fell into deep thought thinking about digging into the energy vortex here and trying to find the body of this gray bean soldier, her keen insight seemed to have detected an abnormality.

This pair of emerald green moon eyes, instinctively looked at the abnormal place.

"what is that?"

Yuelian Anna was stunned.

A vague, semi-transparent shadow, it seemed to be a gigantic bug, peeping as if digging a tunnel.

And she had seen this strange phenomenon several times before.

That is when the superhuman uses some low-level space-time weapons in the Pangula Heights war between the academic world and the superhuman!

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