Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Vol 2 Chapter 1077: Parasitic (top)

The ancients stand in the void.

This is less than a hundred miles from the front line, and the short-term tranquility that the ancients can enjoy at this moment is accumulated every second by the elites of the ancients ahead.

The three cylindrical battleships slowly sailed forward from behind, even if it was a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​flames, it would go forward bravely, and would not hesitate to shatter its bones.

At this moment, the ancients were unprecedentedly calm.

It stared at the dark red star full of strangeness and ominousness. Half of this star was shrouded in violent particles all the year round, and the other half was the dark red lava **** left after the ancient impact, destroying a continent in the star screen world. At the same time, it has paid a heavy price of its own.

But what does that matter.

For Superman, the whole world is dead, so what if it loses half of it, but for Starworld, it is the destruction of the most powerful and prosperous continent in ancient times.

As the ancients slowly opened their arms, its state has climbed to an unprecedented peak. It seems that countless sun and moon preparations are for this moment!

"let's start."

With the calm voice of the ancients, the king of the hail beside it nodded.

Long before the expedition, the Himu clan had already made the worst plan according to the agreement, migrating half of their clansmen to the Frost Continent area, and being sheltered by the high-level officials of the Frost Continent, there was no worries.

At that time, no matter which side of the Storm Continent and the Frost Continent has obtained an opportunity, this civilization will not be the end.

Thinking of this, it opened its mouth and spat out a huge pearl!

This pearl is about 50 centimeters long, showing a fascinating warm white color, exuding an intoxicating luster, but at the moment when this pearl appears, whether it is an ancient one, a rage, or a guardian The four ancient turtles here couldn't help but jump!

in the Legends.

This is a kind of life form before the ancient fern **** era, and it is an era earlier than the ancient legendary era. New vitality has been injected into the genes, and those anaerobic organisms in the more distant ancient and unknown eras have been wiped out in the cataclysm one after another.

The era of the existence of anaerobic organisms is too long for today's creatures. Even legends have been annihilated in the long river of history, and there is no way to even investigate. Only by investigating the rare remains of those algae creatures, we know that Just a few clues that they once existed.

Every cycle of life outbreaks will usher in the reproduction and evolution of new species. Today's species and civilizations have become extravagant even to investigate the algae era, not to mention the longer ancient times.

"Don't forget your promise!"

After King Himu shouted filial piety, he spat out a mouthful of blood and sprayed it on the pearl.

This mouthful of blood seemed to condense its life essence, and its breath also fell a lot, becoming weak, and the pearl area sprayed by its blood gradually began to melt, and some green mysterious ingredients appeared inside.

"This is the ancient seaweed, the most primitive oxygen-producing organisms in the star screen world. It is their photosynthesis that makes the star screen world enter the era of aerobic organisms."

Immediately afterwards, King Himu spewed a mouthful of blood again, and after melting part of the pearl again, more ancient seaweed appeared.

These ancient seaweeds are very small, and they look like green cauliflower clusters in the microscopic field. They are not weak after recovery at all, but instinctively begin to find sunlight and produce oxygen.

As King Himu spewed blood again and again, its breath became weaker and weaker, and it seemed that the whole pearl would be completely melted before giving up.

Whoa whoa.

At this moment, a huge seed also appeared in the hands of the ancients.

This seed is about one meter in diameter and looks like a huge walnut. There is the sound of waves crashing on the shore. It seems that it contains a new world. It is the result of transformation through ten thousand years of unremitting efforts.

For thousands of years, even if someone guessed or knew about the existence of this seed, the Primordial One just declared it to be used to seal the superhuman body twice.

Because it clearly knows which derivatives are terrifying, they are like all-pervasive bugs, helping the superhuman to steal intelligence. Once the real purpose of the superhuman is known in advance by the superhuman, no matter how great the plan is, no matter how good the idea is, no matter how good it is Powerful weapons will eventually be completely smashed under the technical generation difference that is almost crushed by superhuman beings.

No one knows the real plans of the Primeval Ones.

Only itself, day after day, deliberately manages its own plans. On the one hand, it must prevent the superhuman from being known, and on the other hand, it must deal with the doomsday war and cause an irresistible and indelible blow to the superhuman.


The total mass of law, matter, and energy contained in this seed has even exceeded the original version of the Mandosahua period. Even if the majestic breath only leaked a little at this moment, it also caused a trace of void in all directions. Ripples and ripples, which are the higher-level quality far beyond the rootless source, the gravitational and space-time changes caused by the void of the universe.

And the changes here were also felt by the super body combat command for the first time.

Drop drop drop drop.

As the grandmother's alarm system issued a harsh alarm sound, the Superman locked this area of ​​time and space through superb reconnaissance technology fifteen seconds after the ancients summoned the mandosahua seeds and found the mandosahua seeds. The presence.

As all the information about Mandosahua Seeds in the intelligence database was presented in front of many appellants and high-level super-physicians, almost in an instant, the entire combat command was replaced by panic.

Even though tens of thousands of years have passed, the superhuman is still not completely free from the damage caused by that war. It continues to affect the superstar and will continue to continue, which is the pain in the hearts of all superhumans.

Now the ancients are planning to launch the same blow again! ?

"Out! All out! It must be stopped at all costs!

! "

The grandmother launched a death It knows that the opponent's target is not itself, not even the battle command as the center in this war, but the entire superstar world!

Off, off, off, off, off.

These high-level superhuman officers, large and small, immediately went to the void area of ​​the universe where the ancients were located in various ways and at all costs, while the grandmother was contacting the higher strategic command center on the superstar.

"Notify all bunker units and do all the protection!"

"Inform the Interstellar Matrix Railgun, no matter the cost, even if the base is completely destroyed under overload, a superlative strike must be carried out on this target area, and it will be struck before it launches its weapons!"

"Members of the senior strategic command, leave the home planet as soon as possible to avoid the catastrophic blow that these indigenous creatures may launch!"


Grandmother is approaching the battle with the attitude of facing the end of the world.

And Superstar has obviously already had a lot of targeted defenses against this, but these defenses are only for the worst plan. In fact, the real defense of the superhuman is to intercept the weapon through ballistic interception after the opponent fires the weapon. Totally destroyed!

After countless experiments and thousands of targeted drills, the strategic command headquarters on the superstar fully believes that since the target has been discovered, the probability of interception according to the ancient war mode will also increase from 99 to 9999.

Even if these indigenous people really did miracles, under the temporary husk plan of Datong civilization and multiple protections, the high loss of super civilization will be minimized, and it will never be the same as in ancient times.

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