Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 361: Civilization level crush

call out.

The flying device with a length of 15 cm wandered in the night.

It looks like the shadow of death, looking for the trend of faith, tracking the coordinates of the source point of the law, and using this as the center, it is extinct to the cataclysm of the creatures in the night.

The black dead in the flying device naturally cannot feel the creatures waiting for death. They have deep fears in their hearts and have long lost their interest in feeling.

Because in the long process of destruction, in the course of this "space warship", frequent destruction of the world is just a job for them.

Since it is work, no matter what the starting point is, how exciting the process is, as long as the time is long enough, it will gradually become boring and boring.

Even even this job is quite sacred to them, but it is to protect the Black World from infringement and destruction.

"I hate this red color."

Inside the flying device, a passing black dead clan communicated spiritually with another black dead clan gazing at the dark red dense fog outside the porthole.

There is no name among the black dead.

They judge each other's identity through the characteristics of mental fluctuations.

But because the work of this black dead is responsible for the food supply of the personnel in the flying device, we temporarily call it the collector.

Faced with the complaints from the collectors, the observer responded calmly: "But aren't our cities all this red?"

"Do not!"

The collector denied: "This is not the same color, our red is a bright red, a bright red full of vitality, and this red is a dark red full of depression, the same dark red as that of the metal predator world. . "

Seemingly recalling something, the observer responded: "Those metal bugs, the number is really too much, it is terrible."

The metal bug in the observer's mouth is a catastrophic weapon launched by the metal predator.

Due to the power of this catastrophic weapon, it is a nano-level metal robot that decomposes the basic metal minerals and then completes self-splitting, and then gathers the endless nano-scale metal robots through unknown methods to form a huge army of metal robots. Destroy everything along the way, so what the observer sees is only the most basic nano-scale metal robot unit.

For them, such metal robots are bugs, smaller than them, and an infinite number of metal bugs.

The collector said coldly: "So I hate this red."

There was a brief silence between the two.

This brief exchange is a pastime in the long and boring work of the Black Dead within the flying device. Even if they are performing sacred tasks, life must continue.

"But bugs are only bugs after all, and they will always be bugs, and they will destroy them."

The observer's answer made the collector laugh.

This kind of laughter is not a sound, but a relaxed, friendly, and cheerful emotion in the spirit wave, which is converted into a language format. It is hoped that such a time can be extended indefinitely.

But hope is only hope after all, and the happy time is always short.

The collector sighed: "I don't remember how far we are from the motherland. This feeling of loneliness makes me tortured day and night."

The observer understands its mood very well.

In the exotic world, the environment in almost every world is extremely harsh. If they leave the mothership, they will not even live for a few minutes unless they are parasitic in the living body.

This long-term loneliness and fear of leaving the matriarchy is something that ordinary black dead people simply cannot understand.

"About ... 32 million female units are away."

Such a huge astronomical unit suddenly lifted the loneliness and fear of the deepest heart of the collector to the top.

The reason why there is such a huge unit statistics is that, compared with other wind eyes, the Black Death Wind Eyes are just the wind eyes naturally formed after the Black Death Old Demon dies.

Compared to the land of the star curtain, even compared to the ordinary temple eyes, it is really too small.

But in the eyes of such a small wind, a species was born that easily destroyed countless huge species. This is the level of civilization brought by the power of the law!

"I'm homesick."

The collector murmured to himself, and left the porthole, ending this brief exchange.

He still has a task to complete today.

call out……

This incredible high-speed flying device flew from a group of blood crows in a black strike area.


The flying device easily passed through a blood crow, and after collecting the materials needed for a period of time in the future, it continued to fly forward.


Fear Scorpion is the supreme true **** of the night.

If you just listen to the name, you probably think that this is a terrifying evil creature.

But in fact, it is a human-shaped plush toy that is only about half a meter. It looks no different from ordinary blood-derived goblins, and it is also a blood-derived goblin created by ancient painters.

If you have to say that it is different, it is probably the clear scorpion mark on its forehead.

The top of the Holy Mountain of Blood Eye Tree.

The constant weakening of the trend of belief is to the true God, just like watching the blood in his body slowly draining away, and watching the source of his life slowly draining away, no **** can bear this.

But the terrifying thing about catastrophic civilizations to lower civilizations is that this kind of chronic crushing and destruction is almost irresistible.

This is not a crush on absolute power, but a crush on the level of civilization.

Fear of Scorpio is falling into weakness every day.

It has a powerful divine power that is enough to confront the bright creator, but it is caught in the torture and howling under the catastrophe of higher civilization.

"Who did it?"

The weak feared scorpion, leaning on a blood-eye trunk with open teeth and dancing claws, gazed at the endless dark red blood mist, breathing the familiar rust in the air, as if unable to mutter to himself.

On his side, stood a scarecrow, the evil shadow big witch king!

His eyes shone with a dark red glow, almost blending with the dark red mist in the sky.

"The great fear scorpion, if it is as we guessed ... No, we can already completely conclude that this is a powerful civilization from the depths of the mainland. He came here after exterminating the metal marauder civilization, at least We have good news. "

"What good news?"

Fearing Scorpio puzzled, asked weakly.

"Since this civilization can find us through metal marauders, then it must also be able to find us through the metal of the star screen! Even if we are destroyed, the people of the star screen will certainly be buried for us!"

Scarecrow's voice, excited and fanatical.

Fear Scorpion did not respond.

After a long time, it suddenly said: "The power of faith in the southeast direction is rapidly weakening. I think ... maybe it's time to fight hard."


Evil shadow puzzled.

Fear of the scorpion did not mean to respond.

It is like a whale swallowing water, after inhaling the remaining faith trends gathered in all directions, the powerful belief power gathered in the body of God, by destroying and burning one of the most quintessential beliefs, the "boom" sound opened the unparalleled true **** body !


The thunder in the sky shines, that is the roar of the power of nature, but at the moment, it has completely surpassed the power of the laws of nature!


The earth is trembling, cracks are spreading, invisible laws ripple across, the world seems to be at rest, all creatures are frozen as if the soul is frozen, frozen in place, that is the essence of life that overrides evolutionary connotations!

In a way that consumes the essence of the spiritual beliefs in the body, it releases an unparalleled power of terror. This way of obtaining this power is almost the same as the physical laws studied by Rello.

the difference is.

The law of physics studied by Raylow is to collect the stable energy of the power of radiation, transform it into unstable matter, and then release the power of terror by consuming the absolute mass of matter.

The power of God ’s law is to collect unstable energy, which is the power of faith, to cast into an unstable body, and then to consume the absolute mass of the most pious faith in the body to release the power of terror.

Although the basic principles are similar between the two, the utilization rate is quite different!

At this stage, Raylow's fission weapons can use about 1% of the material energy to generate unparalleled huge power.

The utilization rate of this fearful scorpion mother seems to be far from this specimen.

In other words, the proportion of creatures in the Nightfall, fanatics, is far less than 1%.

even so.

But because the belief base of the true God is too huge, even if the conversion rate of the law is far less than 1%, the absolute power that can be exerted has far exceeded the energy base released by the 10g of fission weapons!

It moved.

Although it can't see the destroyer or know the other party's means, it can clearly feel that the trend of faith in the region is decreasing, that is, where its own 'wound' is.


Fear Scorpion took this as a clue to carry out an indestructible attack on its suspected area, struggling before dying ~ ~ carrying out an angry resistance.

It can't sit down like this any longer.

Under the light of dark red fear, vegetation within a few kilometers has withered.

A giant scorpion cheek fell down, and with a bang, half of the hill was destroyed in an instant.

A beam of death light descended from the sky. In an instant, a deep pit with a diameter of more than 100 meters was clearly imprinted on the earth!

"Come out! Come out for me !!"

Unparalleled destructive power, far beyond the supernatural miracles of low-level biological cognition, the horrible figure hurricane surrounded by anger roars!

But after all, it was just its dying struggle.

From the beginning to the end, no enemies confronting it have appeared, only its unilateral destruction.

The flying device, which was only 15 centimeters in length, passed by here just 3 days ago and fired an insignificant capsule ball.

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