Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 363: Gran (middle)

The six major research institutes of the Grand Duchy, of which the Grand Royal Institute of Science and the Vladik War Research Institute, are the most widely known.

As for the other four research institutes, their scale and influence are far inferior to the Gran Royal Institute of Science and the Vladik War Research Institute.

On this day, an unexpected bachelor of Rello came to his temporary laboratory.

Fusion Evolution Pernash!

Pernash ’s Institute of Fusion Evolution is not well-known, and even the knowledge of it in the civilian class is relatively scarce, but its responsibilities are very important.

In addition to its perseverance in the fusion of the real body, this institute will also integrate giant birds and Warcraft through some kind of mysterious research to provide the highest quality mounts for the main fortresses of the Principality and St. Grand Fort and form the Sky Knights.


Facing this royal academician, Lei Luo paid a respectful salute, not knowing why he visited suddenly.

"Your Majesty let me inform you, pack your things immediately, and follow me to the Fusion Evolution Lab to avoid it."



These days, Rello has been completely immersed in the research of the magic potion of radiation therapy, knowing nothing about the outside of the laboratory, and watching Pernash so worried, he frowned and wondered.

"What happened?"

"Cardinal Olora Claire has come to the capital and has just met with His Majesty at the Bright Cathedral of St. Grand Fort. The cardinal mentioned the Solar Energy Lab and you!"

Raylow was startled.

Holy See!

First is the Archbishop Claire, who was at the Glenn Academy of Natural Sciences, where the believers cheered, and many works of the Gran Royal Institute of Science were burned at the Glenn Academy of Natural Sciences and summoned miracles of light. I do n’t know how many people She burst into tears.


Some tears are the tears of believers.

Another part of the tears was the sad tears of the scholars, which merged with the heavy rain of the day.

"Is it because of radiation weapons?"

Rello hurried to pack things.

Being watched by the Holy See is not a joke. Rello did not intend to learn the great pioneer of Ben Nivens and devote himself to the truth.

"Otherwise, what could the Holy See notice?"

Pernash said: "But you can rest assured that Your Majesty has made it clear to me that the Principality will never give up the radiation weapon plan at any time, but now the Principality is weak and needs to hold the Holy See, so I can only affirm you for the time being .Even when ... you have to leave the Principality for the time being.

"Got it."

Raylow's voice was deep and depressed.

In a short period of time, he packed up important documents and materials in the laboratory, looking very embarrassed. He lifted up the little white who was sleeping in the flower pot and stuffed it into the space bracelet. In the middle, follow Pernash to the thirtieth floor of the laboratory.


The night sky is under the torrential rain that is rare this season.

Lei Luo wore a black cloak coat, a flash of lightning light, reflecting his tired face, looking towards the direction of the city of St. Grand Fort, faintly able to see the brightly lit cathedral.


The dragon with a blue cold element in its nostrils, and its body is almost translucent. This is the most proud test mount bred by Pernash. Anyone who sees it for the first time will be streamlined and translucent Attractive color.

"Come on, lest something happens late."

The two rode on the backs of the elemental dragons, circling in the sky in the storm and flying toward the southwest of the Principality.


The bright cathedral of St. Granberg.

The heavy rain outside did not seem to affect the place at all.

The room was warm and bright. His Majesty King Chen talked to the Archbishop Claire in red. The Royal Mage Advisor and the high arbitrators were seated.

This is like a negotiation.

The hypocrisy and peace in the early stage will not be said much.

At this moment, regarding the question of the solar energy source laboratory, both sides have been anxious for a long time, and the delay of King Chen is almost reaching its limit.

In this way, he looked at the elderly dizzy Claire, and his fortitude was calm: "The Principality's attitude toward the solar energy laboratory is an objective attitude with scientific development, so that it can better serve the Holy See. I believe that the devotion and efforts made by the Holy See should be obvious to all.

He paused.

"Over the years, once any major scientific research results of the Grand Duchy came out, the Duchy will contribute to the Holy See, even the Sky Fortress. Does the Holy See doubt the loyalty of the Duchy?"

Claire smiled slightly.

The Grand Duchy is not that little duchy.

Even if he is a red cardinal, facing the prosperous principality, he still has some difficulties, not to mention the decline in the number of believers in the Grand Duchy.

But the Pope ’s will cannot be lost, he must fulfill his mission.

"You should know that the sun is the embodiment of the eternal light of the bright creator. According to information, this solar source laboratory was able to use the energy of the sun to create the so-called fission radiation weapon. Some people said that he had stolen the power of the creator. The Holy See attaches great importance to this, so I have to thoroughly investigate the matter this time and conduct a fair trial of Rello and his solar energy laboratory. "

This is another set.

But King Chen was helpless.

Compared to the Aurora Light Empire, the Grand Duchy is still too weak.

Now that the energy of the Holy See has been liberated from heretic invasion, then the short-lived sprout of free fertile soil in academia will surely enter the winter again and return to the oppressive surveillance of the Holy See.

Look around.

When scholars have made some major achievements in academics, it must be when the Holy See suppressed surveillance.

For example, the Golden Age 800 years ago was a crusade expedition that lasted more than 20 years. In this short period of time, scholars were in full bloom.

King Chen was silent for a while.

Claire is not in a hurry. He knows the negotiating skills with the emperors of the Principality, as long as they do not touch some of their core interests, then the ultimate compromise is bound to be to them.

"it is good!"

King Chen suddenly got up.

He calmly said: "Then the solar source laboratory was notarized and tried by the leader, but there is one thing, the lord must guarantee the safety of Lei Luo, he is an outstanding scholar in the Principality, I do n’t want him to happen, this Is the ultimate bottom line of the Principality. "

Immediately, King Chen looked to the magician advisor aside.

"Master Raleigh is there now?"

The advisor of the Royal Magician aside, said in embarrassment: "Your Majesty, Master Lei Luo has left St. Grand for the sake of completing the mission of extraordinary scholar."


The color of King Chen's "Furious".

"How can he be allowed to leave Gran, whatever he wants, but he has the core secret of the radiation weapon technology of the Principality!"

"Your Majesty, we have no reason to prevent him from completing the bachelor's degree assessment of extraordinary scholars. This is the legitimate right of every scholar. To complete the bachelor's degree assessment of extraordinary scholars, you must leave Gran and leave the land of stars. Find the lost monuments of civilization. "

King Chen was still angry, and he looked apologetically at Cardinal Claire.

"Teacher, I'm so sorry, Master Rello has left Gran."

Claire took a deep look at the young king, as if to see his heart through his skin-performing skin.

After a long time, the old bishop calmly smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, the Holy See will wait for him to come back and then conduct a notary trial on him. In a few days, we can first go to the solar energy laboratory in the province of Dubitt. Your Majesty sends some related personnel, "

"It must be so."

King Chen was watched by the other party for a long time, but it was unusually calm, with no meaning of compromise.

He has no good impression of the Holy See ~ ~.

In this way, he turned to the waiter on the side and said: "Tomorrow we will arrange for the data from Dubite ’s Provincial Solar Energy Laboratory to be sent over. If the instructor needs it, we will arrange an **** for the Sky Knights. The development in recent years has also been reported. "


The close waiter froze for a moment.

Don't you see all these things every day?

But he was also a quick responder, stunned for just a moment.


King Chen nodded and looked at the Archbishop Claire: "It's not too late, so I won't disturb the bishop soon. If there is any need, the Principality will definitely assist the Holy See."

"it is good."

As King Chen left, Claire's smile slowly converged, and he drank the tea in his mouth.


The judge on the side asked intimately.

Claire said slowly: "My telepathy tells me that this young king has a deeper and more formidable vigilance than the old king, and is a very dangerous person."

Few people know that Archbishop Claire, in the Holy See, is still a spiritual sacrifice!

the other side.

In the carriage of honor guards in the rainy night, King Chen was deeply silent, and took the information of Red Ridge Ridge from the space ring.

"He must not be allowed to destroy the foundation of the radiation weapon manufacturing that the principality has invested in these years."

Red Ridge Ridge gathers 99% of the Grand Duchy's solar power extraction plant, destroying Red Ridge Ridge is equivalent to destroying the 15-year development process of radiation weapons in the Grand Duchy. Weapons, but there is no one in the inventory!

Take a deep breath.

His eyes narrowed slightly, thinking about various coping methods to ensure the safety of these factories.

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