Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 405: Monitor background


Superstar ZZ1387262 shouted with mental energy.

It has been more than three hundred years since he was born. This kind of excited ups and downs has not been more than ten times. The last time when he obtained the position of monitor, it was the Chigo honor he won after defeating 39 competitors. .

On Superstar, any adult Superbody who has no job will lose food ration and dispose of it as garbage.

But even so, he is still humble.

It was so humble that he did n’t even have an official name, and only had a codename for the monitor, used to contact the chief executive when necessary, and reported in the “energy prison” to find those parasites near the monitoring coordinates that might meet the pollution To complete the direct arrival of the Legion.

In the cruel survival environment, Superstars have abandoned the once rich artistic pursuit because of the extreme lack of resources, and only preserved it as history, as knowledge in the deep memory.

What disappeared with the pursuit of humanities and arts, and their impulsive feelings.

The natural law of super-body stars sustaining biological reproduction is losing the source of power, the world is becoming still, returning to the icy dead of the distant years, the cosmic dust body without any life.

The birth of life is a miracle. Now that destiny wants to deprive them of their right to survive, superhumans must fight this cruel destiny!

In such a harsh environment, any unnecessary pursuit is an irrational act of wasting resources.

"No. ZZ1387262, report your findings."

A transparent liquid that creeps like a glass liquid, and a spiritual idea comes, it is his boss, he secretly calls the 11th executive.

"Sir, a derivative has planted a new monitoring coordinate in the energy prison. Because the life form of this monitoring coordinate itself is very suitable for the advent of the house, I am responsible for independent monitoring. Before 440 atomic clocks, this coordinate deviated After listening to the atmosphere of the cage, I got the data information with the essence of astral power on him! "

Energy prison is another name for some superstars to the star screen world.

After the War of the Ancients, the superstars who had not been sealed were mostly humble people who were not qualified to enjoy the energy bath, the ZZ1387262 listener, is the descendant of these humble divisions.

"Can you determine its coordinates?"

The sir asked.

"Sir, the coordinate is located at the junction of the superstar and the magnetic field of the energy prison. The interference is very serious. We can only get a fuzzy distance, about 7,000 units from the catastrophe center tower, and it should be located on the southeastern edge of the second continent. "

Vague information that really disappoints the individual.

"Continue listening."

After leaving the order, the Chief Executive closed the spiritual contact with the humble monitor.


Super body stars deep underground.

The appearance of the Superstar is composed of several irregular light blue spiritual power threads, like a flowing ribbon, beautiful.

At its core, there is a blue flame, most superhuman astral even less than one thousandth of an gram of absolute mass.

Click, click, click ...

As a superior superhuman, this superhuman executive still follows the ancient superhuman combat actions, and controls the magic material as a body through unparalleled spiritual power, which can make them more convenient and fast combat conditions.

At this moment, the irregular liquid metal object with an external shape of about 30 centimeters in height, like a ball of slime, flowed to the central communication room.

After a brief mental contact, the executive elder already knew his intentions.

This kind of spiritual contact is undoubtedly more efficient than language and text communication.

After a moment of silent thinking, the executive elder had a decision.

"Notify that the cataclysm is coming, send an elite force, and rush to the coordinates of the coordinates to confirm as soon as possible."

"But there is a continuous war with the central civilization over there ..."

The Chief Executive is worried.

Since those dragon-derivers succeeded in enslaving a completed civilization in the depths of the storm continent and spreading the horror pollution in just a few years, Superman used the body of this civilization as a source of arrival in a very short time , Completed the transformation of civilization, and established a catastrophic civilization.

Since then, the war between Catastrophic Civilization and Central Civilization has never ceased.

In the world of star screens, in the field of micro-research on the laws of nature, superhumans are far less powerful than the central civilization and can only rely on stronger individual power to support them.

"War is only a means, our goal is the essence of astral matter."

The executive elder calmly said: "I will give you a higher level of energy transfer qualification, try to deter the target for a deterrent attack, be sure to let him return to the ethnic group, and then confirm whether the target ethnic group supports pollution capture at the first time, then I will give You support it to the greatest extent. "

Maximum support! ?


He certainly knows what the Chief Executive ’s so-called maximum support holds.

That is to give instructions to all the spare monitors, do their best to pollute the monitor coordinates to the greatest extent, and create a saturated attack similar to catastrophic civilization.

Calculated according to the time of this world, under this level of saturation attack, it will only take a few years to complete all the snatches of the super body monitors!

In this way, the chief executive left the central monitoring room and began to arrange a deterrent attack on the monitoring target, allowing him to return to the energy prison as soon as possible to confirm whether his ethnic group is suitable for pollution.

This is also the reason why Relo, who has just completed the eighth evolution of the star, is looking at the moon in the sky.

"That is……"

As the ruler of this barren primary star, Lego's will body combined with the external physical properties and the internally enclosed natural law, Lei Luo faintly sensed a crisis.

The irony is that ~ ~ this sense of crisis is actually a talent perception of his derivatives.

"It seems to be watching us?"

As the media partner of Lei Luo, the original variable of the future evolution of Lei Luo's real body, Xiaobai also sensed the unknown and the crisis.


The full moon in both eyes is like a huge **** eye, and the cold eyeball is slowly turning, looking over here!

However, the change of the full moon in the sky has not yet arrived. A powerful living body unheard of by Raylo has first sensed the change that has just happened here and rushed to this side.

Rumbling rumbling.

A giant meteorite floating island close to a sphere looks larger than the real body of Rello's broken star at this moment, knocking some small fragments along the way.

On the star of Lei Luo, Lei Luo, the body of the fire spirit, as the will of Zhigo here, gazed at the past.

Gradually, the giant sphere stopped.

At the other end of the meteorite floating island, a black giant beetle of more than 30 meters appeared. It was like a **** shell, pushing this meteorite without knowing its purpose.

It's very powerful.

This is also inevitable!

If you want to break through the first blockade, you must also have the legendary biological power of the top talent.

"Hum, what are you, I have never seen a presence like you."

On the back of this giant beetle, a spooky and haunted face appeared. It smiled sensibly and looked curiously at Lei Luo.

With its level of life, it is natural to see at a glance that this huge sphere is a life, a very unique and powerful life.

"You can call me Rello Star, what are you?"

"Rello Star? What a strange name."

After grimacing on the back of the giant beetle, he replied: "A long time ago, those little guys called me Qiongqi ... um?"

:. :

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