Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 425: Bright Creator (Part 2)

Endless beautiful hymns.

As the only level 5 creature in the star screen land, the Lord of Light as the source point supports the vast eye of the star screen land.

Where he descended, the survival and evolutionary laws of living things became more in line with the purity of the biological system of the star screen.

If everything runs normally, Mai Licheng's future position in the Holy See will steadily increase.

In addition to the advent of miracles, it is the influence of the law of survival brought by level 5 creatures. Under the influence of the law of the Lord of Light, this will become a rich place in the greenhouse that is extremely suitable for human survival!

But all this is not done by the Lord of Light.

Not even its instinct.

The congregation of pious beliefs of countless believers, and countless good wishes, this is just the spread of his own divine breath, which can also be called a **** attribute.


He has a pair of eyes, looking over here.

His eyes are calm, joyless and sad, without any mood swings.

But instantly, where he could see, thousands of wizards spontaneously ignited with his gaze.

"No! Oooo ..."

After a short scream, the little wizards evaporated and turned into a ray of blue smoke, leaving only a slight black trace on the ground.

This is not even the will of the light creator. He never thought of killing these wizards. This is just the proliferation of divine attributes caused by countless believers' hatred and prayers for the wizard.

The remaining wizards, even if they did not spontaneously burn out in an instant, were struggling in the divine light, their bodies slowly scorched from the outside to the inside, and their resistance seemed to be like ice against the sun.

It is different from the scholars whose birth time is extremely short.

According to records in the dark world, God is not a creature!

When the faith of God becomes stronger and stronger, the souls of countless believers converge. When his own life span is over, his will emotion will gradually fade, until it disappears, the body becomes a condensate of certain laws, and the will becomes The aggregate of the will of countless believers.


In some respects, it is not so much that God is enslaving believers. In Capricorn's view, it is better to say that countless inferior creatures are making the original catastrophic weapons with the most crude and crude means!

The energy of this catastrophic weapon is the devout soul of every civilization, the production factory is the collector of faith in the major temples, and the ultimate initiator is the crisis will of the believers, summoning the gods to appear.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand the division of civilization levels by the Corleone Biological Specimen Institute.

The divine civilization, the so-called 5th level true god, is just a larger law catastrophe weapon, and it is very primitive.

It is geographically restricted and needs a constant stream of faith supplements. This is just a kind of reluctant weapon created by the bugs.

In the world of Aurora ten thousand years ago, human civilization has got rid of this primitive method of use, and no longer pursues so-called catastrophic weapons, but concentrates all its energy on the evolution of individuals and breaks through in a more rational way. The shackles of life shackles.

It is for this reason that mankind has finally unified in the world of Aurora, stood at the pinnacle of the biological system chain, and even began to try to open up other worlds.

Believe in God.

It seems to be an evolution, but it is not.

Once their lifespan is over, the will of countless believers will be flooded, and even the most powerful will will be wiped out in the long years and become the will of countless believers, becoming a catastrophic weapon of external deterrence.

The Capricorn stares at the eight-winged angel Jaeger.

He didn't have the ability to turn on the real body. He just floated so quietly in the air. The human beings in the Aurora world have evolved. There are very few such bells and whistles.

"I have read the historical books of the self-proclaimed scholars in the Principality. Eight hundred years ago, Ben Nivens on the torture rack said that you will also be angry. You are not the creator after all!"

Capricorn justice: "Angry? I don't think that a person who has broken through the law and recognizes the existence of shackles will have the illusion! Don't pretend that you can become a demigod as a mercenary. You are very talented To the best of your ability, you should have found a way to preserve and sustain your will? "

Inferior creatures, as if frozen by time, bathed in the law in various stiff postures.

Only creatures that master the law can communicate under the influence of this so-called inner world law.


Among the pupils of the eight-winged angel Jaeger, a blue brilliance was temporarily released.

Immediately afterwards, this divine body, which was originally in perfect condition, has some defects, but also possesses the will of the individual, a breath of humanity, and unknown potential!

"Sure enough, you awakened me, Dear Capricorn."

The body of the True God's Law, the magnificent octagonal in the hundreds of meters in the magnificent beam of light, even communicated with Capricorn in the spirit of the ancient Orola language.

He calmly said: "Yes, I found a way to relentlessly continue my will, that is, through the power of space, seal my will and enter a state of sleep, until a brief moment of awakening at a critical moment.

The Lord of Light overlooked everything on the earth and analyzed his situation from the prayers of believers.

"It seems that you want to destroy my temple of faith and avenge me?"

Capricorn sneered: "You can also control the power of time and space? Since you have fallen into a belief and become a god, you can't even lead your own will. It is equivalent to giving up the chance to become an emperor and handing over the time and space fortress. I can give up my personal grudge. , Follow me back to Aurora to be ruled by the emperor! "

"Capricorn, don't you understand?"


Capricorn quietly looked at the huge light and shadow of the Lord of Light.

The main road of light: "Although I lost the star core data, I have already repaired most of the functions of the time and space fortress, which proves that your original persistence was basically a path of no return to extinction! You are wrong, we fell on this The world is not an accident. It is an unknown power that has blocked us. With our power, we ca n’t leave this world at all. If we had followed your life *, then all of us would die in this world. "

Capricorn sneered and sarcastically said: Do I still have to thank you, selflessly devoted myself, the guardian has so many human blood, and has multiplied in this world? "

The Lord of Light is silent.

Capricorn strives to keep himself restrained.

On the one hand, it is necessary to evaluate the consumption of maintaining the camouflage of the shell after the battle, on the other hand, it is to delay the time and wait for possible changes there.

It has been 10,000 years, subject to the life limit of human blood, even the one who is sleeping in the seal as much as possible, the will is about to die. The reason why the other party can still live to the present is just the smuggling of the special laws of this world.

Human beings are not long-lived in terms of longevity. He loses the law and sneaks into asylum. Every minute and every second he comes has to pay a huge price.


The opponent has indeed been promoted to level 5 true god!

Although the will is mottled, he is also in a state of oppression by the natural laws of this world. The most important thing is ... The true artifact during the expedition is missing.

"Capricorn, this world is far more complicated than you think. It has the same complicated history as the world of Aurora, and a more strange way of survival. I really do n’t have your fighting skills, and I have never been able to break through to occupy the night. Scorpio, if it's you ... "

At this moment.

Inside the Belvedere Cathedral.

Blessed by the power of many angelic holy lights and holy water, Hai Yena, holding the initial cross badge, suddenly screamed and opened her eyes in disbelief.

"How could this be!"

The initial crucifix in her hand gradually lost its luster, and seemed to have been moved, and the holy power stored inside was evacuated!

At this moment, the Lord of Light has successfully come to the world. Every minute and every second needs the support of a huge divine power to avoid being contaminated by ordinary dust. Haina is like a huge relay, extracting the holy water and the holy in the initial cross. Power, together with the divine power within oneself, maintains the coming of the Lord of Light at the expense of life.

Now it is!

"Is it a traitor among the members of the Tribunal !!? Ah ..."

She screamed.

Since the Lord of Light has come to the world, once the Holy Power provided is insufficient, he will instinctively take the initiative to extract, the first victim is Haina.

In just two seconds, she turned into an elderly lady. As the body cells instantly burned to the last drop of vitality, the body was ugly as if it was a skinny skull, fell to the ground, followed by many angels in the hall. The Holy Light burned violently, which was terrible.

And everything in the church is naturally perceived by the Lord of Light.

He feels that the protective film of Holy Light is slowly disappearing, and the laws of nature are about to break through the film and burn his own **** body and will. He is no longer calm!

The law divine body is easy to say.

But his personal will, after all these tens of thousands of years of wear and tear, has been extremely weak, unable to bear any consumption, and must not let himself be completely reduced to the kind of **** without belief of individuality.


Jaeger snorted, knowing that this was the other party's conspiracy, and no longer calmed down because of his absolute superiority.

The lightsaber falling from the sky will destroy the space-time channel in an instant!

The holy light shines, and the land contaminated by the dark red evil force for two days has quickly transformed into the natural law of the land of the star curtain, restoring green vitality.


Several third-level witch kings who had barely insisted before lost the protection of the evil torrent, and this moment was completely turned into ashes.

Immediately, the lightsaber flashed, and the light fell on Capricorn's head.

"On the strength of your law of mottled impure will?"

Almost every Aurora warrior takes absolute control of his power as instinct, and Capricorn is no exception. Therefore, the power of his laws will never be exaggerated, but will use every power to the limit. Like a black meteor, he rushed toward the Lord of Light with the lightsaber.

One hundred meters, two hundred meters, three hundred meters, four hundred meters ...

More and more difficult.

The more and more majestic power, like a tidal torrent, continues to pour. Even Capricorn has finally recoiled halfway, and has to admit that the other party's absolute power at this moment is no longer comparable to himself.

After a roar, he avoided a head-on confrontation.


A huge crater with a diameter of nearly 100 meters, smooth and bottomless, burst out from the ground instantly.

A small figure suddenly rose into the air.

"Hahahahaha! The great Lord of Light ~ ~ Let me mortal challenge you, even if it is just a flash of light!"

It was actually a spellmaster avatar holding the source of power.

He was arrogantly crazy and laughed arrogantly. His eyes showed the arrogance and disdain of the reviewing members of the Gran Royal Institute of Science. He despised himself and regarded spiritual academic research papers as words in small subjects.


He wields the source of momentum, and the force field ripples toward the incomparably huge light and shadow.

An incredible scene appeared. As the great Lord of Light, this horrible creature with a height of more than 500 meters, the law really shook with instability.


But then, with the snorting of the Lord of Light, in front of him, the spellcaster avatar that seemed to be moved by an ant instantly burned to ashes.

The scepter of the source of power that descended from the sky was subjected to the constant baptism of the light of the law during the fall. The physical properties of the surface magic material were eroded by the force of the law, and the owner ’s power was lost. This famous holy artifact finally came from the original structure The level collapsed.

"Capricorn! The smell of death on your body can't fool me. If you want to go back to Aurora, if you want a space fortress, come to my central cathedral, and I will come in a perfect gesture to end all this!

The eight-winged angel turned into countless light spots and gradually collapsed.

In the air.

Capricorn clenched his fists, trying to repair the soul armor of the body surface to avoid the leakage of breath.

He stared at the distant sky, the main law of the light that gradually collapsed, and the sky seemed to gradually sink.

As for Mai Licheng.

The flowers and trees and vegetation have completed the weathering process that has been spent for hundreds of years in a short period of time. Because everyone has been bathed in the superb power of the law of light for too long, they continue to consume the potential of life to repair their physical defects and become a pious. The beautiful body of the smile, the spirit sinks in the peace of the law of light.

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