Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 61: Elite Rankings

Time is unconsciously lost.

One month later.

Academy Square, with the official release of the first-grade elite list in the first season, many first-year students couldn't wait to visit, and Lei Luo also came under the elite list, crowded in the crowd.

Mature, steady and silent.

The unique charm that scholars should have, a firm attachment, an analysis of the true meaning of things, quietly glowed in Relo's calm eyes at this moment.

"First place: 207 points, Hull the psychic."

"Second place: 199 points, Magna."

"Third place: 177 points, Fire Phoenix Angela."

"fourth place……"

"Still not able to enter the top 100?"

Murmured a little disappointed, but couldn't see anything strange on his face. Lei Luo found his name in 108th in the elite list.

108th place: Lei Luo, 51 elite points.

After the book burning incident a month ago, after several visits to the library by Rello, the three specimens harvested by the trip to the Furnace Mountains were finally identified.

First of all, the large turtle shell creature that Raleigh himself captured.

After confirmation, this is a rare creature on the verge of extinction, called the shell turtle.

The reason for this creature's near extinction, in addition to external factors such as changes in the geological environment, the fundamental reason is that the reproduction rate is too low, humans hunt wildly, and scholars collect specimens.

Maybe this is already the last shell-robbing turtle in this world, maybe ...

However, for the scholars of the Glenn Academy of Natural Sciences who believe in the survival of the fittest, there will be no so-called protection consciousness, and no one will have sympathy. Since they cannot adapt to this world, they should be eliminated by this world!

Shell turtle fighting turtle will not be the first creature extinct, nor will it be the last one.

In addition, they were two specimens harvested from the space box of the female student of the Zealand Academy of Natural Sciences.

Looks like bamboo shoots and grows on the decayed soil of Warcraft corpses. After querying by Raleigh, it has many effects. If you wear it, you can have some special odors. The generation of odors has a lot to do with the dead Warcraft.

Through this smell, once encountering the same kind of decayed Warcraft corpse, it can greatly reduce the hostility of the other party, so the value of Tu Ke will be different according to the type of decayed corpse.

It's a pity.

The scorpion of Lei Luo, after laboratory testing, was confirmed to be a migratory bird called "Pro Bird".

The value of this bird is not high, there is almost nothing outstanding, and it is rare to appear in the Grand Duchy, so this plant has no great value for raw clothing and can only be used for dispensing medicine.

As for the other creature with a long red crown and two pairs of wings, the purple feather bird is a mutant sunbird.

Ordinary sunbursts do not have much scientific research value, but this mutant sunbird seems to be eating some kind of magical plant relationship, and even has a pair of wings, but it has certain research value.

Finally, Lei Luo passed the white star and harvested 0.5 grams of ice waste soil.

After many inquiries by Rai Luo, I finally got some information. This rare magic guide material, it is necessary to trace the history before the Qur'an civilization. It seems that this star land before the emergence of human beings, ruled by the creatures who took office Period, a unique magic material.

Later, because of geological changes and historical changes, even the Qur'an civilization, humans now know very little, not to mention the existence before the Qur'an civilization ...

Unfortunately, among the Luoke fossils, only 0.5 grams of cold waste soil.

Perhaps for the large laboratory of the college, for the senior scholars who study history, the 0.5 grams of cold waste soil has a certain research collection value, but for Raleigh, for the low-level students, there is no practical value at all.

In this way, Lei Luo was handed over to the evaluation instructor of the teaching office in exchange for elite points.

Was unexpected and also expected.

The 0.5 grams of cold waste soil, the Academy actually gave 36 elite points!

And the three natural specimens of the mutants Sunbird, Tu Ke, and Shell Fighting Turtle add up, and they only gave Lei Luo 9 points for the elite list.

It is not difficult to see from this that I want to rely on a large number of inferior specimens to hit the elite list.

And from the points of the elite rankings in the first season, compared with the scores that Ralo had previously obtained from Gubo, it has obviously been greatly improved. Obviously, in the final period of the list, there were a large number of students similar to White Star and Ralo. The final sprint was completed within the time.

As for Bai Xing, Lei Luo found her name in the 28th place, even reaching 95 points!

Apparently, the spirit turtle sacrificed a lot of elite points for her.


Soon, Rello found the name of Orne in the elite list, 37th place, 88 points.

As for Xiao Kang, he has ranked at the bottom of the elite list, 545th place, Xiao Kang, 5 points.

It is worth mentioning that after the psychic Hull, the school appeared the second student who was awarded the title by the senior instructor, and the third best ranked Phoenix Phoenix.

The meaning of obtaining the title represents the focus of the college, or it is equivalent to the existence of a face-to-face existence when the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences and other colleges initiate academic exchanges. It is recognized by the college that its strength and potential are far beyond ordinary students. These academic fields can be called outstanding genius students!

Shook his head, Lei Luo walked to the direction of shift eleven.


Lei Luo whole, at the door of the eleventh class, someone in the distance shouted his name, looked surprised, actually turned out to be a gray bachelor suit Orne!

Behind him, he followed four elves in a state of servitude.

Because of these four graceful and tall elves, many trainees passed by and looked at them more or less. Fortunately, it was Saint-Gran Fort. There was no fuss about the appearance of several elves.

Orne brought four elves to Lei Luo, with a wide smile: "Lei Luo, Kleelina is here!"

Amazing colors.

Crerina, was n’t it the elf girl she saved with her on the way to Granglan Academy of Natural Sciences three months ago?

"Ah? Where?"

At this time, a tall elf who followed behind Oun looked at Rello, and after confirming Rello's identity, he took out two green leaves that were much larger than the palm of his hand and smiled: "Thank you After sending Kelerina back to the tribe safely, the elder elder knew this and was very grateful for your good deeds. He specially sent us a few to come and pay in person. "

Two leaves, one for Rello and One.

"A strong breath of life!"

Feeling the rich life energy on the leaves, Lei Luo was surprised.

It was Orn after taking the leaves ~ ~ Suddenly thought of something, his palm trembling: "Is this ..."

The female elf nodded and smiled, "This is two leaves of life, and also the friendship of our Liangshu tribe."

Hiss ...

After taking a deep breath, Aoun solemnly put away the leaves of life.

Although he has never seen the leaf of life, Lei Luo has already been like a sacred medicine for this famous healing, detoxification, and regeneration repair. Since he knows its preciousness, he hastily collected the treasure.


Lei Luo suddenly awakened, remembering the reasons for the failure of "Self Control" that he got through many experiments since this month.

"If you rely on the nourishment of this leaf of life, you may be able to withstand the crisis of kidney failure after frequent detoxification!"

Thinking of the breakthrough progress of the experiment brought by the leaves of life, Lei Luo felt a little excited.

Aun looked at the female elf sincerely and said: "Krerina's situation at that time, I believe that even if you meet other people in the Grand Duchy, you will never stand by!"

The two of them really did not expect that the unintentional actions that they had made sincerely could get such a reward today.

After seeing the two accept the gifts, the four elves nodded and pulled out a thank-you letter from Kleina before leaving.

Rello and Orn can't wait to open the letter.

However, since it is an elven script, it can only be translated by Lei Luo, a scholar who studies evolution.

"Dear Orne and Rello, I have returned to the Moon Tree tribe safely under the **** of the mercenaries of the Grand Duchy. This experience has made me unforgettable, let me see the bad guys in mankind, and lucky to know It ’s up to you. I ’m working hard to learn the human language. When I grow up, I will definitely apply to the elders and go to the Grand Duchy ... "

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