Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 582: Law Weapon(44)

At the core of Antonio's nascent eye.

That is a huge tree.

The giant tree is over 100 meters tall, with thick stems, intertwined roots, and lush foliage.

Look closely.

The height of the giant tree is more than 100 meters. Compared with its incredible four trunks, it is like a bulky and vast bird's nest. It is not worth mentioning.

The so-called packing root of the giant tree is precisely because these four trunks are intertwined and twisted into a ball, and a large amount of green moss grows between the cortex cracks.

In the end, it was that horrible leafy!

Billions of emerald green leaves flutter with the air flow in the wind eye. At first glance, they can't help but be shocked by their lush greenery, but under close look, they have countless blades, and the shape is awesome. Palms covered with green moss gestures, nightmarish thrillers.

The original body of this horrible giant tree is the real body of the decaying demon god.

After consuming too many parasitic spores, the decaying demon transferred the billions of new life creatures representing the new will of Antonio Whale in the eyes of this new wind into his own body.

Judging from the rules of the ecological evolution of the star screen world, it is to build itself into a new whale.

in this way.

A rare scene in the history of evolution appeared.

A fourth-level creature that lost its support of belief, because it was too weak, suffered a parasitic infection, was actually used as a new carrier by the hundreds of millions of spores in the eyes of a newborn wind, and then eroded the law of its body divinely, and sacrificed in massive death Later, a few of the mutant spores finally adapted to the world, and then transformed them into the moment they were born, the ecological laboratory botanical garden left by Antonio.

But if this is the case, this giant tree is just a plant with a special history and evolutionary opportunities.

Such creatures may be unique in the land of the star screen, but from the perspective of the long history of the vast star screen world, there is nothing special.

The key is.

That black egg!

It almost swallowed the demon corpse and was born from scratch in its body.

From the moment it formulates a greedy contract, confuses and devours the devil to sign the contract, it is in the dark original sin, patiently waiting for the end of this greedy soul and its new life.

Tens of thousands of years of underground world career.

These ancient creatures that once ruled the land of the star curtain, although they failed to create a more splendid civilization, mastered the weapons that once scared them, and failed to get rid of the grotesque rebels, but they were isolated from the world for a long time. In addition to the various amazing surviving abilities that passively evolved, the brutal competitive killings of the world also controlled an emotional power through the dark creatures.


Those monsters that truly stand at the top of the food chain can often gain insight into the deepest emotions in the hearts of other creatures, and use all kinds of abilities to arouse greed, and confuse the other party to sign a greedy contract. In the death that ushered in, I got a long life while waiting for dormancy.

Otherwise, if there is no Tianfu God Kingdom similar to the landmark world gods casting, avoiding the erosion of the law, then even if it grows to the fourth level demon god, the life span is only one or two thousand years.

He was hit hard in the battle of the real demons led by the dark real demons in the underground world, but the decaying demon **** also gained a glimpse of growth based on this.


The black egg quietly cracked a thin slit.

This black egg is only about Mi Xu, and almost at the moment when the crack is split, with its center as the center, the original spooky ghost claw leaves in all directions, the original traces of greenness have turned into black, and then with a wind, These black blades were like dust, drifting away with the wind.

The blackened area is getting bigger and bigger.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, after expanding for more than ten meters with this floating black egg as the center, the giant tree seemed to evaporate a hole out of thin air. It was originally a cracked black egg. Suddenly, the sound of "Bang" was After a violent explosion inside, forcibly opened the eggshell, a wonderful black phoenix was born!

Glancing at the light, it first looked down at the ‘giant tree’ beneath it, and the beak of humanity sneered, and then glanced at the rapidly expanding wind eye hundreds of meters away, a curiosity.

"This is what the surface creatures rely on to survive?"

Compared with the lava valleys and dark valleys that the underground creatures have opened up, surface creatures rely on the wind-eye survival mode. For underground creatures, it is indeed quite strange.

But curiosity was only a brief moment.

Even if there are phoenix eyes separated, as the higher demon **** who can already feel the threshold of the power of the true demon, it can still clearly perceive that just outside this wind eye, there are some small things full of hostility, paying attention to it.

"That guy was just killed by these surface creatures?"

Proudly spreading its wings, it did its best to absorb the power of the thin and almost nothing in the air.

Unfortunately, the monsters who invaded Gran haven’t been able to build a decaying shrine so far, which is obviously not in the radiation range of the decaying shrine in the underground world, so there is not much gain, only to learn from some believers nearby Just a little bit.

Fortunately, the amount of stored divine power in Nirvana's newly born gods is still sufficient.

Almost instantly, the black phoenix came near the wind wall of Antonio.

Before he arrived, the wind wall formed by the constantly exploding black and green bubbles first cracked a crack. Through this crack, it finally saw the real scene of the outside world.

The picture is frozen at the moment of its Nirvana recovery.

Time seems to be solidified, and there are tragic scenes of the **** sea of ​​corpses after the fight between monsters and humans everywhere.

The higher monsters have left here, and the remaining lower monsters are being slaughtered by human beings. The dark sky is hung with a dark menstrual **** moon, and four strange suns emerge from the end of the distant horizon, a metal fortress In the sky a few kilometers away, the energy protection mask shone, and very few still barely kept the soul's will, looking at themselves in horror.

as well as……

A group of **** apostles.

"Hiss, it's so powerless!"

"I... feel like I can't breathe anymore!"

Frightened murmurs, endless overwhelming pressure.

From endless oppression in all directions, waves of tide flooded in, and this group of gods made the surrounding surroundings still have enough light. In the dark night sky, they were squeezed into egg shells in a short time, and they stared in horror. The scary creature about to break away from the phoenix's eyes is like destroying all the black eroded light masses.

The power of the mottled weak law, the decaying demon naturally ignored those who helped the apostles.

Its gaze stayed only a bit on the harvest apostle, the **** of power, and then looked up at the coming **** of justice.

The image of the **** of justice is a colossus of light and shadow holding the bell of justice.

Before the divine body was damaged, his full name was originally the **** of fairness and justice. Since the crusade expedition was damaged, it has broken its fair divine body, even the eternal balance representing the divine power of the law of fairness. Was permanently destroyed.

"Huh? It's not your radiation area of ​​faith. It's so weak that you dare to use your arms as a car.

Feeling the power of the adventing **** at this moment, the decaying devil sneered contemptuously.

Even before Nirvana's rebirth gained insight, his own strength was far from the other's reach. Now, it is undoubtedly looking for his own way!

However, as a fourth-level pinnacle creature, after all, it has been separated from the earth, and here is not the underground world. It is an expedition. These creatures that have ruled the surface world for thousands of years may not have any secret means. Therefore, the decaying devil does not have the slightest main idea.

It even screamed, intending to take the lead before the other party had completely arrived.

twitter! !

The crisp and loud tweets sounded like a layer of invisible sound waves.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff...

A horrible scene That was the decaying force that Raylow had devoured in the belly of the demon **** and devoured the border between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of decay.

One figure after another, whether it is a three-level extraordinary scholar, the most ordinary soldier, or even the remaining monster, but within a few kilometers of this wind eye crack, even a few seconds, like a gust of wind, Instantly turned into dust in the sky.

In an instant.

Tens of thousands of Gran Soldiers and monsters, in the freezing and dignity of the soul's will, will be wiped out!

In the process of violent erosion, some little guys survived, but it didn't matter. After cooking these gods, let's study these little guys who seem to have some mutations.

The remaining glimmers, under the supreme power of the decaying demon god, are like burning candles under the violent wind, which will extinguish at any time.

Its will has fallen completely on the **** of justice that is about to complete its coming.

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