Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 96: Prince Ling, half demonized

Put away the hive, and look directly at the mysterious Zealand student who was across the forehead and painfully covering his forehead.

"His state, I am afraid that even 20% of his strength has not been exerted."

Lei Luo pressed the unconscious left shoulder to control the frost wolf slowly approaching the other side, while retreating to a safer position.

Be careful not to give the other party any chance.

Lei Luo has made up his mind, he must use his magic power to fill the battle with the safest means.

The eyes of the frost wolf, the fierce light of the element shines, and the head moves slowly, waiting for the opportunity to come out.

Seeing this from Rello, this dark red robe blasphemer gritted his teeth. Although he had not yet reached the real desperation, he had felt unprecedented pressure. For the enlightenment scholar of level 0 energy field, the biggest enemy is not the enemy, but The ubiquitous pressure of the world's magnetic field!

Once the body consumes too much energy, this pressure will automatically rise, causing unbelievable damage to the body.

"Don't you want moonstone? How much do you want? I promise your terms!"

After thinking about it, the mysterious rotten scholar roared and made a choice.

"Everything after you die is mine."

Lei Luo is not anxious and impatient, but his two hands clenched the energy crystal nucleus, slowly supplementing the energy in the body. Seeing that the condition of the left shoulder has not improved, he can't help showing a trace of worry and anger.


Hearing Lei Luo's words, the blasphemer revealed a grim, gloomy color.

"Kill me, you can't live! Do you know who I am? I am His Royal Highness the 14th Prince of the Principality of Zeeland! The Prince Ling Ling's Eye! Kill me, you will be wanted by the Principality of Zeeland, and the value of it will make you Everyone wants to kill yourself. The other princes will treat you as glory, and they will desperately dispatch their men to assassinate you and take the glory of you! "

Prince of Zealand! ! !

Prince Chen's cousin, Prince Ling Ling's Eye? ? ?

Rello, who thought he had missed the Universiade this time, was startled when he heard the identity of the other party.

Due to the different cultural systems, the attitudes towards the bounties are quite different between the Principality of Zealand and the Grand Principality.

Tends to be rational and secular. For most people in the Grand Duchy, the slashing reward is purely for bounty and practical benefits. The soldiers plus some military merits are a trend toward bounty hunters.

But for the people of the Principality of Zeeland, the bounty is a sign of strength. Victory has no means, only survival and death, death is the government, and conquest is glory!

They pay more attention to honor.

If Lei Luo killed Prince Ling and became a reward criminal in the Principality of Zealand, it was almost equivalent to announcing to all the princes of the Principality of Zeeland, regardless of any means, as long as he could kill Lei Luo, he would automatically get the glory that Lei Luo had conquered Ling Ling , Automatically inherit the followers of Prince Ling.

Seeing that Ray Lokyu did not speak in the distance, Prince Ling knew that he was hesitating.

These grand pigs are the same.

They only care about gold coins and interests, and do not know how to conquer and glory at all. The result is that they are in different situations from the prince Chen.

He can use his identity to intimidate the enemy's mouse control device, and the prince can only hide in front of the soldiers of the Principality of Zeeland. After doing his best to avoid the exposure of his identity, he was hacked to death by soldiers who wanted to conquer honor.

"Let me see your moonstone!"

After all, Rello compromised.

"Leave the moonstone, I will let you go."

"That ..."

At this moment!

Deep in the cave, footsteps came.

Lei Luo and Prince Ling looked at each other nervously, but after seeing this horned helmet warrior holding a **** axe, Lei Luo looked tight, and Ling Ling was stunned, and his eyes jumped wildly.

This guy is still alive! !

And almost no injuries?

"What about the maid of wisdom temple?"

Under the horned helmet, the blade of the wild cow looked at the confronting Lei Luo and Ling Ling, but couldn't help but be surprised.

There are enemies?

Seeing Prince Ling asked himself, the Blade of the Wild Cow quickly responded: "Everyone except me is dead."

Was confirmed, and Prince Ling sighed with relief, and looked again at the faraway Raylo. His eyes were completely different, and he sneered in a shameful voice.

"What moonstone?"

Rello, who had been unwilling to take risks because of the other party's prince, looked stiff and a bit cold.

"What do you mean?"

Looking at the eyes of Prince Ling, the tall figure of the bull blade nodded silently, and he smiled under the horned helmet, striding toward the frost wolf.

This level of summon is really difficult to threaten him in complete condition.


Ling prince's mouth showed a sneer arc, sneer and sneer even worse, a bottle of potion in his hand, should belong to the potion that can add some magic power after taking it, but will leave some sequelae of the sequelae, the threat is self-evident.

"what do you mean?"

During the speech of Prince Ling, the Blade of the Wild Bull was also abruptly dispatched, just like a barbarian bullfight. Its strength is far superior to that of ordinary trainee fighters, and the Frost Wolf is not an opponent at all.

After a few axes, the frost wolf was broken up and the frost splashed.

"you sure?"

The voice was cold and bitter, and Lei Luo still did not move. His eyes were fixed on Prince Ling, because he was too angry, and his breathing became heavy, as if it were a bomb that would explode anytime.


In the stunned colors of Ling Lingzi and the barbarian blade, Lei Luo's body pores showed black smoke, which diffused to the surroundings.

Such a weird scene suddenly surprised Prince Ling and the barbarian.

Although it seems rough, this heart is very meticulous. After seeing the strange change of Lei Luo, he pulled the hidden Xiujian trigger without thinking.

咻! call out! call out!

Three faint green poison arrows flickered.

Saw Rello in the dark mist, raised his hand without warning, and made a sound like a metal collision.


The black smoke became thicker and thicker, drowning the figure of Lei Luo, and a dozen wraiths swelled out, and the twisted baby face, with a sharp wailing sound, swirled around the black smoke and diffused thicker black smoke around. , Completely flooding the figure of Lei Luo.

The darkening, unknown, cold, and evil breath that gradually expanded in the black mist changed Ling Ling's face.

The left-hand magic ring flashed, releasing a purified water ball.

This is a very significant force for the effect of negative forces. With the sound of "poo", the power of water polo purification dispelled a large amount of black smoke, revealing a terrible humanoid monster covered with grim bone spurs over two meters tall.

Especially the bone spurs on the shoulders and shoulders reached Mi Xu, and the Prince Ling who had witnessed this scene suddenly shuddered.

The humanoid monster slowly raised his head.

The whale sucked water, all the black smoke solidified on the skin surface of this monster, and a black **** substance was formed. The black smoke was still blowing from the top of the bone spur, which was continuously inhaled by the skin.

Three sleeve arrows, just submerged into the monster's body surface less than half an inch.

"No, it is not the real body of the bloodline, is it the curse of the real body, or ... um !!!?"

A ray of warmth on his nose, Ling Ling was confused, but unexpectedly shed two nosebleeds, and the signs of aggravated energy turned back.

"How to do……"

Prince Ling's face was pale and terrible. He realized the seriousness of the situation and may have completely gone beyond the control.

He began to regret his greed. In the face of the increase in energy backlash, he no longer cared about the aftermath, swallowed the potion in his hand, and his eyes spun quickly, thinking about the solution to the current dilemma.

the other side.

The demonized Rello, silently looked down at the bone spur on his arm, and put away the invalid media scroll.

Feel the energy magnetic field in the body temporarily raised to the first level due to the medium scroll ~ ~ It seems as relaxed from the deep sea shore, no longer suppressed by the world magnetic field.

Under the influence of this qualitative energy magnetic field, the body bursts out amazing power, and at the cost of burning cell vitality, it releases the power of absurdity, cruelty, coldness, and evil in the body.

Even because this force is too powerful and has some kind of spiritual corrosiveness, Rello had to suppress part of its power and only completed semi-demonization to avoid permanent negative emotional corrosion and become a conscious monster.

Clenched his fist gently.

Satisfaction that the body is filled with explosive power comes naturally!

"How do you want to die?"

The monster that is half demonized, with a silver sword in its hand, draws the terrifying power of natural energy from the air in all directions. After each step, it leaves a long-lasting black smoke on the ground and slowly evaporates.

Ling prince Ling and the bull blade, instinctively retreat.

"Moonstone! I have moonstone here! Let me go, I will never embarrass you!"

Prince slowly receded while taking out a half-egg-sized translucent gel from the space ring, exuding a soft light and shouting loudly.

So many moonstones are naturally not only mined by these days, but most of them are left by the Temple of Wisdom.

"Don't you embarrass me?"

The pace of the monster's approaching continued to increase, and the terrifying momentum of the invincible, Ling Ling roared hysterically.

"This is what you forced me! Barbarian! You stop him!"

Prince Chen realized that this time it is likely to be his true desperation. There is no room for relaxation. After feeling the empty energy in the body, he took another bottle of potent potion and poured it.

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