"I hate it!"

Sabaody Archipelago, an archipelago on the water formed by the Alqimangroves, was the turning point when Xi En and Hina entered the New World and met Maji Carloer.


When Hina was a little mother Tyrannosaurus, an island with her dark history.

"You don't know that Hina caused a lot of damage here at the time. Have you ever seen a Tyrannosaurus rex doing a roller coaster? Then imagine the picture..."


Hina, who was suddenly culled, swarmed into Xi En’s arms, and then began to attack. At the same time, a bright dragon howl sounded, and suddenly a huge red and black dragon queen appeared murderously and stepped on the man under her feet. , Glaring at the surroundings.

"Roar! Don't laugh, forget it all!"

"Yes~ Vice Captain."

that's all.

Since Sabaody Archipelago is Hina’s least favorite island, Xi En and others did not stay too much, but bought some resin of Alqi mangroves, and then under the command of the boatman, the crew would coat the boat. , The purpose is to reduce the pressure of the deep sea water and dive in the direction of The fish men island.

Obviously you can enter the New World through the Calm Belt, but this time the purpose is to go back to the fish men island hometown to visit relatives, then hunt the big octopus, and finally go to participate in the sea battle at Atwall.

Therefore, the crew needs to be fully prepared. The opponents are the other pirate emperors, among them Marine is disturbing, so Xi En plans to upgrade the ship to a lower level, and finally drag them all into the water.

"The Dragon King is ready!"

"Start diving!"

"Go home!"

At this time, the mermaid members on the boat jumped with excitement, but even so, people like Baha, Asa, and Mandrill have not been to The fish men island, a place of 10,000 meters deep in the sea. For them, it is simply another world in the legend. The sunlight spreading from the roots of the tree faintly shows colorful corals and other landscapes, but there is still a long way to reach The fish men island, and there is only pitch black and deep in this distance. fear.

In this depressive and dark environment, it is easy for people to fear the deep sea, and Keli becomes nervous at this time.

"I said, what are you afraid of?"

In this environment, the safest one is the Dragon King. Why, because with their arrival, most of the Sea Kings are terribly scared.

Have you ever seen a huge pirate ship in the deep sea surrounded by thousands of ichthyosaurs, mosasaurs and other carnivorous beasts?

Have you ever seen a picture of a giant winged serpent of 700 meters larger than most Sea Kings pulling a ship into the deep ocean? Especially when this head system is not weaker than the Sky Island legendary creature of Sea Kings and is still fully armed.

It’s better to say that Sea Kings is the one to be afraid of. In front of them,

Like a black dragon entering the sea, the deep sea rolling violently, like huge monsters like Shinigami in the dark and marine carnivorous organisms, the Dragon King and the talents on it are real monsters.


Some of the crew members who were afraid of the deep sea gradually calmed down and took a deep breath: "Under such intensive protection, what are we afraid of!"

"Beware of sharks!"

Suddenly someone yelled, and the megalodon's blood basin bit into it. It frightened many young crew members. Then Carol giggled. It turned out that she made the movement deliberately.

"It was here that we and Hina were attacked by Carol, the navigator!"

Xi En pointed to a piece of dark water and said.

"After the captain was knocked unconscious by me, he was very angry, and after training for more than a month, he went to take revenge on me."


"Don't believe her! It was a sneak attack."

Xina glared fiercely at the silver-haired half-elf-like mermaid beauty in front of her. The deep sea was the place Xina was most afraid of. It used to be, and it is the same now.

"Who told you to break into my territory, if I hadn't kept a trace of reason at the time, I would have eaten you all!"

"Really? Was Carol so good at the time!"

"Of course it's true, I'm super strong, and I am now."

"Carol is really strong, ten, no, a hundred Corrie is not her opponent." Xi En cleared his throat at this time.

"If that's the case, then I'm probably equivalent to the strength of 80 Celis?" Ties said with a smirk.

"Hehe, then I have at least 1.8 crepes." Black cat Khajura licked the cat's paw and said.

Immediately, Ke Li was furious: "Hey, I am not a combat unit! There is also Khajura, I am obviously stronger!"

"Speaking of it, I can understand Hina. After all, she is the captain's god-sister." Baja was leaning on the mast at this time, holding his shoulders and questioning: "But Asa, Carol, Basque, the three of you are Have Conqueror's qualifications?! Since you have that innate talent, why not consider building your own fleet and stay on this ship?"


Everyone looked over and looked at each other at this time.

Xi En Pirate Group, full members, including Xi En: 17 people.


Male members--

Mandrill: Three-eyed tribe, Jiaolong.

Asa: Blackwing tribe, Fengshen pterosaur.

Basque: Human, Giganotosaurus.

Schwarz Wright: Demon, Carcharodon.

Bate: Polar bear fur clan, moon lion is thunder bear.

Baha Mut: Behemoth Beastmaster. The race is unknown.


Female crew members--

Hina: Tyrannosaurus rex, big red dragon fruit, devil queen.

Carol: Megalodon merman, moon lion is the Scarlet Moon Queen.

Tiss: Kulla Dragon Mermaid, Titan Dragon Fruit.

Lelia: The villain princess. Parasitic fruit.

Kelly: Human. Dodo fruit.

Khajuraho: Humans. Black cat fruit.


Non-human, demihuman--

Drake: Titan python, hydra fruit.

Kulkan: Quetzalcoatl, a strange beast from Sky Island.

Sheffield: Weapon form. Seraph (female).

C22108·Damei·Heis·Delta: A self-disciplined humanoid with a female appearance, a mechanical life form.


Among these crew members, only five have Conqueror's Haki: Hina, Asa, Carol, Basque, and Kulkan.

Kulkan is a strange beast known as the "Quaethering Serpent God", so the qualifications of a natural king are also normal.

"Do you want to know?"

Asa looked at Baha, with a grin on his stern appearance: "Fight with me, and I will tell you when you lose."

"Oh haha!" Baha smiled, showing a fearless smile, he shook his head and said: "It seems that I will never know the answer, do you too? Basque?"

"I don't like fighting!"

Basque shook his head. As the champion of the dark world, it is like a professional racer saying that he hates driving the most.

But Basque made no secret of his purpose, saying: "I have come to follow Big Brother Xi En, because I want to surpass him! Although it looks like a distant future, I believe there will be one day!"

"What about Miss Carol?"

Baha looked at the mermaid beauty who often casts his zealous eyes on Xi En. He rarely saw her talking, but stood silently on the side.


Carol returned to his senses and said blankly: "I don't know what you are talking about, and what Conqueror's is. But I only know that they are full of fear for me. They regard me as cruel, violent, and ruthless. Deep sea demon."

Its voice was hoarse, but its words penetrated into its lungs, and it was filled with an indescribable sense of fear.


this moment.

Baha seemed to understand something.

"They...Yes, I was one of them..."

"However, I have taken a step forward and have already surpassed the ethnic group..."

"Monster... also, it seems that I can be called a monster like this..."

"It's just that I didn't expect this feeling to be so pleasant! It's stupid to hesitate to take that step beforehand!!"

"This unspeakable power!!"

Carol, with thunder light and terrible blood surging from his body, primordial desire in his pupils, it was like looking at prey and food.

Only a strong killing intent appeared in the bottom of my heart.

"More powerful than gods, more evil than demons, more cruel than evil spirits...and there is only one kind of thing like that!!!"

"Since they chose to be the enemy of the'monster', don't complain about their death!"

"Huh ha ha~ hum ha ha ha ha!!!!"

Seeing Carol, who was caught in the memory and then madly smiling, the others felt a chill of horror.

"Crazy! She is crazy!"

"Quick, ship doctor! Sedatives!"

If this world has a lunatic asylum, or a Batman worldview, then Carol is definitely a cutting-edge talent in the Arkham asylum.


Khajura looked at the red-eyed Carol who was suppressed to feed the medicine, and suddenly shrank her neck. The ship was full of monsters, and she was a normal person.

Do not.

Two, Dodo Kelly has become accustomed to it, she almost became a food when she first arrived.

"Speaking of which, I remembered."

Xi En suddenly looked at Khajuraah and frowned slightly and said, "More than ten years ago, I did destroy an island with Hina, but the island itself had a pirate group provoking us, your parents... ...I killed it. To be precise, it was caused by the collapse of the building in the chaos, and your parents were not the merchants you imagined. Their true identities are actually..."

"Pirate, isn't it?" Khajura lowered his head at this time, and said with a gloomy face: "I knew their identities when I was investigating your news."


The members of the Xi En Pirate Group were taken aback at this time and looked at Khajura. Many of them didn't know that this new girl was actually Xi En's enemy.


The pirates showed suspicious eyes, as if they wanted to make a move.

"So, even if I kill you, nothing can change, right?"

Now that Khajura has also become a pirate, it is quite ironic. At this moment, she looked at Xi En, and the other nodded, as if tacitly approving of something.


In the black phantom, Catwoman Khajura violently, drew a short blade and stab at Xi En's neck.

At this time, the others tried to stop, but Xi En's eyes stopped. Then the short blade touched Xi En's skin and broke instantly. Catwoman's soft and graceful body poured into Xi En's arms.

"You can't kill me, it doesn't matter how many times you try!"

If Khajura is not allowed to give up, she may not know the gap between the enemy and ourselves. After all, Xi En's approach is different from Arlong and Nami's relationship, and Khajura is old enough to be Xi En's adopted daughter. It was out of a certain sympathy or appreciation for her courage to stay until now.



Khajura had tears in her eyes, why, as an enemy, she would still be so kind to her.

"As you said, if I am a wicked person, I can easily pinch you to death. But unfortunately, you are wrong. I am a person who wants to do whatever I want. I cannot be treated with ordinary people’s concepts of good and evil. What I do Everything is God’s will, and what I do is in my heart. Sometimes I even give porridge rice to the families who have been killed after destroying a town, and even save the people who were killed by me. Do you think Am I good or evil?"

"You are a bastard!"

"That's right."

Xi En squeezed her chin and smiled with a clear conscience, and said, "But, Khajura, no one is innocent on this ship. Everyone is guilty, and we are all going to hell. Do you dare to say that you have killed fewer people than us? You are a bounty hunter. Don't the pirates you catch have flesh and blood? Even if they do a lot of evil."

"So, don't worry about anything. As long as your heart is on this ship, whether you obey me or not, do whatever you want. Remember that you are a carnivore. Life or death is your freedom. Everything comes from your choice!"

"Finally, welcome to the top of the food chain!"

Xi En smiled unscrupulously, as if completely dispelling Khajura’s inner confusion and doubts. As long as she does something for Xi En, no matter how many times she wants to beat him, it doesn’t matter. After all, no one will support herself. The'pet' is angry.

"Asshole, I'm not your pet!"

Khajura was very angry, but she didn't have a temper. She couldn't beat and beat, and she could only curse a few words. With a mental balance, she was not what she should do afterwards.

But at this moment.

The Dragon King in the deep sea suddenly bumped up and down, and The fish men island and the beautiful Dragon Palace city appeared in the eyes of Xi En and others.

"What a nice view!"

Everyone's eyes were attracted to the past, the colorful Madara ocean world is like a dreamlike paradise, with floating bubbles everywhere and beautiful mermaids walking on the street faintly visible.

"Is this The fish men island!"

"Finally home!" Ties cheered.

"Huh." Carol was in a complicated mood, a little irritable, and didn't seem to want to see this place at all.

"Who dares to trespass The fish men island!" From the new novel group 712205071

One one one one one one

This group updates daily novels

(From the new novel group 712205071)

At this time, the Marine soldiers quickly turned on the lights, and rode the huge fish with bright eyes towards the Dragon King. When they saw the black pressing against the mosasosaurus, ichthyosaurs and other ancient marine predators Behind the figure, the skull-like bow of a dragon was displayed among these terrifying monsters. When the huge horns, the terrifying bones and the black monster-class battleship arrived nearby, the fish people recognized the ship. Silhouette.

"Black...Master Black Dragon!!"

"We are the guardians of The fish men island, Dragon Palace soldiers, let us go!"

Tiss’s speech made the murlocs look at each other. Even the murlocs are in conflict, but the opponent is powerful and the pirate emperor in this sea, so when the marine soldiers froze temporarily, there were already some people. Begin to report to Dragon Palace and inform King Neptune, who has just ascended the throne for a few years.


Driven by the huge Arowana cart, Neptune, the king of The fish men island, named as the "Poseidon", arrived at the scene. A huge ship opened the bubble channel and entered The fish men island. .

"Hey... Xi En!?"

I haven't seen it for many years. At this time, Neptune's eyes became panicked, and he still remembered the pain of the punch on his face.

"Long time no see, Neptune!!"

As if the gods descended, all the pirates stepped off the Dragon King and stepped into the land of The fish men island. Oncoming them were nearly a thousand soldiers of the Dragon Palace, as well as huge fish and sea horses and other biological mounts. , On the largest Arowana car, it was obviously Neptune's figure, shaking slightly at this time.

"Why, I didn't speak when I saw my old friend 990?"

Xi En didn't expect that Neptune was still afraid of himself. Could it be that he was too ruthless in the early years.


Neptune cleared his throat. At this time, a petite female mermaid princess stood beside her. Her voice was soft but very powerful, but she was small and less than 100 meters tall but looked very courageous.

He has long wavy golden hair, blue eyes, orange hair accessories, and a long robe with fish scales.

The young and beautiful mermaid princess spoke: "Long admiring the name of the black dragon, the little girl is named Otohime, who is the wife of King Neptune. I didn't expect that a distinguished guest like you would wait to visit The fish men island and drive The fish men island. It is really a loss. Yuan Ying, please forgive me for the lack of hospitality. Soldiers of Dragon Palace, open the passage and let them go. These people are our friends. Her Royal Highness Princess Carlos is the sister of Lord Bai Lian and the half-kin of Neptune! Hurry up and entertain them!"

"well said!"

Compared to the naive Neptun, Princess Ouhime can be said to be everyone of Gu Quan. Her words made the relationship between the Xi En Pirates and The fish men island closer, and eliminated the hostility between the two sides under the tense atmosphere. Can not lose the prestige of the owner.

After all, what Xi En doesn't know is.

Otohime’s Observation Haki is very powerful, can feel the other’s thoughts and emotions, and convey the user’s own consciousness to others, affect other’s minds and thoughts and resonate strongly, and can even change the other’s values ​​and ideology. This kind of highest-level Observation Haki cannot be obtained by cultivation, but is innate like Conqueror's, and even rarer than Conqueror's. Only Otohime has this level of Observation Haki.

Under this kind of experience, she can clearly perceive the mood swings of Xi En and others, so she is best at this kind of scene.

But what she couldn't think of was that Xi En was able to say the following sentence without any disturbance in her heart.

"Nipton, your wife is awesome! I like it very much."

Although she knew that Xi En said this deliberately and wanted to provoke Neptune, Princess Otohime was still a little surprised. This vulgar remark was not like what a decent person should say.


Suddenly, the people of the Xi En Pirates group couldn't help laughing. At this time, Neptune's beard and hair flew up, glaring at Xi En, but couldn't say anything.

Upon seeing this.

Xi En really underestimated his endurance, so he was about to continue speaking, but was interrupted by Princess Otohime.

"Emperor Black Dragon doesn't have to worry. The fish men island treasury is not as rich as you think. It won't be in your eyes. Besides, the concubine is already a married woman, so I would like to decline your kindness first. "

By the way, the fish men island has nothing worthy of blackmail.

At the same time, he satirized Xi En as a greedy and insatiable guy, but Xi En turned a deaf ear, tilted his head and laughed.

"good, very good, excellent!"

After three consecutive compliments, Xi En turned to look at his crew seriously, and said loudly: "Princess Yihime said, The fish men island is a barren land that is not easy to plunder. Everyone should stay back and don’t give me. To cause trouble, you have a period of free activities before you set off, so disband on the spot!"

"Yes, Captain!"

A large number of ordinary pirate members, young men and women about 1,200 people, all excitedly poured into The fish men island at this time, but warned not to make trouble, so they did not carry weapons, like Same as tourists.


Xi En looked deeply at Princess Yi Ji. This smart and beautiful mermaid was really liked, but he didn't embarrass the other party, and took his cronies and subordinates into the Dragon Palace.

after all.

He still has something to do! .

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