Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 198 Have a child? Completely focus on Rozi's Gion

"Gion, are you really okay?"

"If you're not feeling well, can I arrange for someone else to go to Amazon Lily?

Sengoku frowned slightly and said to Gion.

"No, don't worry, Marshal Sengoku... ugh!"

As Gion spoke, an even stronger sense of disgust hit his heart.

Seeing this scene, He couldn't help but have a very bad feeling.

"Gion, shouldn't you..."

He murmured in his mouth, with a little trembling in his tone.

Before she could finish her words, an extremely arrogant voice came from the side.

"What, Gion Vice Admiral is not feeling well?"

"Do you have a cold?"

"Or... is it morning sickness?"

"I heard you were caught by Rozi for a while.

"That kid isn't a bad guy, you shouldn't be his one, Fufufu." 1

Doflamingo walked over with a grim smile, taking steps that he did not recognize.

Because Sengoku threatened him to stay on Marine's side and be on call, he was upset at the moment, and when he saw Gion's performance, he immediately looked at him mockingly.

Not far away, Mihawk, Jinbei, Moria and others who couldn't teleport at high speed like a bear couldn't help but look over curiously when they heard Doflamingo's words.

It has to be said that it is human nature to watch the fun.

Even Hawkeye, Jinbei and others who are Shichibukai can't eliminate this nature.

When they meet interesting enough, they will also be interested.

Not only them, but Marine, who was a little closer, also looked over.

You must know that Gion is just a flower among their marines. In addition to tea dolphins, there are many people who like Gion.

At this moment, when they heard that their cabbage might have been robbed by others, their mood instantly sank.

"Doflamingo, watch your words!

Sengoku frowned, turned and cast a warning look at Doflamingo.

"Don't look at me like that, Marshal Sengoku."

"I'm not saying it casually.

"There were people in my family who got married and had children.

"I can still see morning sickness or something.

"Fufufu, Gion Vice Admiral, would you be interested in letting me take a look."1

"Don't look at me like this, I still have some medical means."

Doflamingo was not afraid of Sengoku's warning at all, but the smile on his face was even greater.

"Doflamingo, shut your mouth!"

Gion drew his sword sharply, slashing in Doflamingo's direction.

In an instant, a fierce flying slash swept across the ground and arrived in front of Doflamingo.

"Shield Net!"

With a big wave of his hand, Doflamingo uses the ability of String-String Fruit to build a strong defensive net in front of him.

But even so, he was still knocked back several meters by Gion's powerful slash.

Although he was attacked, Doflamingo laughed even louder when he saw Gion's performance.

"Interesting, really fun."1

"If anyone in the outside world knew that Marine's Admiral candidate Momousagi Gion was pregnant with a pirate child, they would be very interested, Fufufu."1

Doflamingo opened his hands, as if to vent all his suffocation on the matter in front of him.

Crane gave Doflamingo a deep look, and then looked at Gion worriedly.

"Gion, you..."

"Sister He, don't worry, I'm fine, I just felt a little uncomfortable just now.

Gion took a deep breath, put a faint smile on his face again, turned to Sengoku and Tsuru and said:

Marshal Sengoku, Sister Crane, I still have a mission, so I left first.

After speaking, Gion nodded to the two of them, turned around and jumped on his own warship, and began to command the Marine soldiers to raise the sails and prepare for the sailing.


Sengoku narrowed his eyes and looked at the crane with some concern.

"Sengoku, let Gion leave alone.

"No matter what happens, she will handle it herself."

Tsururu hugged his arms and said while smiling and waving at Gion.

"Okay, so be it.

Sengoku shook his head, finally agreeing with Crane's idea.

Gion obviously didn't want to talk about this matter, and if she canceled Gion's mission or arranged for someone else to accompany her, it might cause Gion's displeasure.

'Even if you are really pregnant, it should be easy to deal with in such a short time, and it will not affect the battle. ’

Sengoku thought to himself.

'Damn Rozi, the old man will catch you. ’

Crane thought to himself.

On the other side, Gion walked to the bow of the warship, looking at the other side of the sea, with his right hand on his lower abdomen, and his left hand on his thigh, which was once full of letters.

‘Could it be that I really…have?

'Just that one time...impossible?'

Gion pursed his lips, his face flushed and white.

'Rozi, this thing, don't think it's over!!!'


On the Merry, Rozi rubbed his nose and frowned slightly.

"What's the matter, Rozi, do you have a cold?"

Chopper was playing with medicinal herbs, and when he heard Rozi sneeze, he immediately looked over worriedly.

"Impossible Chopper, even Usopp they can't catch a cold, how could Rozi he catch a cold county."1

"I see, it must be some woman Rozi bullied who is scolding him.

Nami crossed his arms and walked over with a determined face.

"A woman who was bullied by me?"

"Nami, can't you be a little more confident with your partner?"

Rozi shook his head and looked at Nami helplessly.

Just when she wanted to teach Nami a good lesson, a huge shadow completely covered the Merry, causing Nami, Luffy and others to look up at the sky.

"Then...what is that, well....what a giant!!"

Nami's beautiful eyes widened, and in a panic, he ran behind Rozi and completely hid his body.

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