Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 20 Nami: Can I Have These Gems If I Marry You (Seeking Data)

"Bastard, couldn't you have said it earlier if you wanted to summon the ship?"

The wet Zoro yelled at Rozi with his mouth wide open.

"What's the matter, isn't it just a little bit of sea water on your body?"

"And thanks to me, you don't have to row now."

Rozi laughed.

"Hee hee hee, it's amazing, I finally saw the real Golden Deer."

"I will also build a pirate ship like this in the future."

Luffy held down his hat and said excitedly.

"It's not easy to build a ship like the Golden Deer, can you really do it, newcomer?"

At this moment, an unfamiliar voice sounded on the deck.

Zoro, Luffy and the others turned their heads and saw that a group of pirates dressed as sailors were walking over.

The one who just spoke was the leading pirate.

"Hey! Who are you?"

"Is it here to rob the ship?"

Luffy frowned.

"Snatch the ship? No, this ship itself is our ship, how can it be robbed."

"Al? This is your ship? But isn't this the one Rozi summoned using Drake's powers?"

"That's true, but don't you think there's something missing from just summoning the ships?"

"What's missing?"

Luffy tilted his head, obviously not understanding what the sailor meant.

"Luffy, what he meant was that when he summoned the ships, he also summoned the sailors who originally belonged to the Golden Deer, right."

Nami said tentatively.

"What a smart lady." The sailor glanced at Nami in admiration. "That's true. After all, the voyage of the Golden Deer still needs people to control it."

"So when the Golden Deer appears, those of us who control the ship will be summoned together."

"But what a pity, I thought I would see Captain Drake after a long time."

"It now appears that she has not been summoned."

Said, the sailor looked at Rozi with some regret.

Rozi was not surprised by the presence of sailors on the Golden Deer.

Even Rozi could understand where Drake might be on the Golden Deer.

To a certain extent, Derek's Noble Phantasm "Golden Deer and Stormy Night" is like the "Army of the King" of the conquering king.

Just as the shadow dancer 'Hephaestion' of the King of Conqueror can use 'Army of the King' to summon the King of Conqueror himself, Rozi can also summon 'Derek' himself at the same time as the 'Golden Deer'. .

Of course, the cost of summoning Drake, who was born as a heroic spirit, is huge.

Just to hurry, he doesn't want to do such a thing.

Although he is also interested in the woman who conquered the ocean in the Moon World.

"Everyone, please help to control the course of this ship. Our destination is the island ahead."

"I still have something to talk to our Miss Navigator, so I left first."

Rozi greeted the sailors with a smile and pulled Nami towards the captain of the Golden Deer.

"It seems that our eldest brother is a free and easy person just like Drake's big sister."

Now that Big Brother has ordered it, brothers, let's get to work.

The leading sailors shouted to the sailors behind them, and everyone went to their posts one after another.

"Can you even summon the sailors of the Golden Deer, and even Derek himself?"

"I don't know if I can summon Black Death Mou himself in the future."

Zoro looked at the backs of the sailors and muttered in a low voice.

"Hee hee, Zoro, Rozi is great."

Luffy patted Zoro's shoulder hard, raised his leg and walked towards the sailors.

With his character, the sailors on the Golden Deer soon became one.


"Rozi, are these...are these all your collectibles?"

Nami's eyes widened, looking at the various jewelry and gems in the suitcase in disbelief.

Just now, Rozi completely took out the Berry banknotes in the suitcase that he was carrying.

Then remove the compartment under the Berry completely.

Then, in front of Nami's eyes, in addition to the two Devil Fruits that Rozi had taken out before, there were also many shining gems.

"Yes, these are my favorites."

"Okay... It's amazing. The color of these gems is so shining and beautiful."

"Of course it's beautiful. Among these gems and jewelry, the cheapest ones cost tens of millions of Berry, and some even cost hundreds of millions of Berry. It's also for this reason that I take them with me."

"On... hundreds of millions of Berry?! Then you just gave me..."

"Sorry, the one I just gave you is worth a few million Berry at most."

"What? You have so many gems, and you gave me the cheapest one?"

"What? Disliked? Disliked you and returned it to me."

"No, in my pocket, it doesn't belong to you anymore."

Nami took a step back, folded his arms around his chest, and looked at Rozi warily.

But soon, her eyes were attracted by the various sparkling gems in the suitcase.

"Then... that Rozi, are you showing these gems in front of me to give them to me?"

"I think it's beautiful, these are the best items I picked out of the Celestial Dragons collection. How can I give it away. Maybe my wife will need these jewelry in the future."

"Wife? If I came to be your wife, would I be able to have these gems?"

"Hey, Nami, can I take what you said as your confession to me?"

"It's not that it can't be regarded as a confession, as long as you are willing to give me these gems, Rozi."

Bewitched by the gem, Nami has lost his mind, and when he is excited, he even takes the initiative to propose to Rozi.

"Haha!" Rozi chuckled, stretched out his hands to quickly organize the gems and Berry, and closed the suitcase.

Nami immediately woke up when he saw this, and showed an expression of extreme disappointment and longing.

"Okay, don't stare at my property."

"But you asked me to follow you here, didn't you think I was showing off my wealth?"

"Showing off your wealth... No, showing your baby is just an excuse. In fact, I want to have a good talk with you about your problems."

"Me? What's wrong with me?"

"Nami, I'll say it clearly. Are you afraid of me and what I will do to your hometown, so you don't plan to take us to your hometown. And you plan to leave us halfway, even some If possible, will you steal the treasure from my hands?"


ps: Thanks for the reward from the "Demon King CWK", thank you very much.

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