Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 208 Four Emperors in action; Marine and Shichibukai in action

Naval Headquarters, Marshal's Office.

"Sakazuki, are you telling the truth? One of the four generals of the big·mom pirates has come to the first half of the Grand Line?"1

"Well, I get it, Sakazuki, you keep following them and don't let them cause trouble.

Sengoku's face was serious, he hung up the phone bug's microphone, and glanced at Doflamingo, who was also talking with the phone bug in the corner of the office, and frowned slightly.

Although Doflamingo was kept at Marine's side so that he could be dispatched at any time, Sengoku also felt quite troublesome with Shichibukai, who was not very obedient, by his side.

It's like when he's working, a bastard who's not in the system runs into his office to interfere with his work, and that's a lot of trouble.

After all, many of his things are inconvenient for a pirate to hear.

Just as he was about to speak to kick Doflamingo out of his office, the phone bug in front of him rang again.

Sengoku sighed, picked up the phone and said, "Hey, this is Sengoku!"

"Hey, this is Polusalino, I have something to report to you, Marshal Sengoku, about the Beasts Pirates.

"Beasts Pirates? What happened to those guys?" Sengoku frowned.

I just learned about the unusual movement of the big-mom pirates from Sakazuki, and now there is another Beasts Pirates!

Although it is known that the actions of the two of them may be because of Rozi, the movements of the two Four Emperors are also enough to attract enough attention to Sengoku.

"I got word that the guys from the Beasts Pirates now seem to be going for the first half of the Grand Line.

"Those guys are coming for the first half too?! I get it, Polsalino, keep watching those guys and report anything to me right away

Sengoku had a serious face, and after hanging up the phone, his mood became more and more solemn.

"Fufufu, it seems that Marine's marshal is really in a hurry.

At this time, Doflamingo suddenly spoke to Sengoku.

"Doflamingo, this is not the place you should be, I hope you can leave honestly!"1

Sengoku frowned and immediately warned Doflamingo.

"What a frightening tone, Marshal Sengoku."

"However, is this really good, obviously I got some news about Rozi here and I want to analyze it with you.

Doflamingo put his legs on the stool in front, looked at the serious cranes and Kuzan on the other side of the office, and then looked at Sengoku, saying with interest.

As soon as he finished speaking, Sengoku, Kuzan, and Crane in the office immediately looked over.

"Doflamingo, do you know Rozi's whereabouts?"

Sengoku asked quickly.

"Fufufu, otherwise, you Marshal Sengoku, why do you think I came here to see your face? It's a pity that Marshal Sengoku is too busy, and I only found a chance to talk to you now.

"Doflamingo, if you have something to say, I believe you also want to find the Straw Hat Pirates earlier so that you can take Vergo.

"As expected of Marshal Sengoku, it's really direct. Well, since that's the case, I'll be more direct."

Doflamingo stood up, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a serious face.

"Not long ago, I got information from my pirate group.

"After the Straw Hats Luffy and Rozi left Alabasta, they used some means in the waters near Gaya Island to make the pirate ship sail towards the legendary Sky Island in the sky."

"If Marine intends to capture the Straw Hat Pirates, perhaps he can send troops to search around Magic Valley Town now."

"Maybe at a certain time, we will be able to get their news.

Speaking of the Straw Hat Pirates, Doflamingo's forehead burst into a burst of blue veins.

"Gaya Island? I remember the island where the lawless town of Mogu is located."1

"There is indeed a legend of Sky Island in that place."

"That guy Rozi, is he running for the legend?"

Aokiji raised his cheeks with one hand and said with a frown.

"Sky Island?" Crane rubbed his temples and said:

"If the Straw Hat Pirates find Sky Island, they may return to Gaya Island later.

"If this news is true, it is indeed possible to send troops to intercept Rozi and his party."1

"I don't think Doflamingo would give wrong information at this time."

(1 Sengoku, do you think we should send troops targeting Gaya Island?"

As soon as the crane finished speaking, Aokiji took the initiative to stand up and said:

"Leaving from Alabasta, the Grass Code Pirates do have a certain chance to go to Gaya Island."1

"Marshal Sengoku, I happen to be free, why don't I bring my troops and..."

Aokiji paused slightly, looked at Doflamingo not far away, and continued:

Why don't I take Shichibukai to Gaya Island and wait for that Rozi and the Straw Hat Pirates for a while.

Sengoku frowned slightly, and the information about Rozi passed through his mind one by one.

"That Rozi is a former cp0 agent, he knows a lot of secrets.

"Since he dared to go to Sky Island, then Sky Island must exist."1

"If they can stop at Sky Island for a while before leaving, we will have more time to mobilize our troops to Gaya Island.

(King's)" Kuzan, let you lead the team there.

"In addition to Doflamingo, I also contact other Shichibukai.

"Let's see if they can get to Gaya Island sooner!"

"Go get ready, Kuzan."1

Sengoku said.

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku!

Aokiji stood up, glanced at Dover in the distance, walked out of Sengoku's office, and walked towards the Naval Headquarters port.

"Fufufu, interesting! It would be great to meet that guy.

"Speaking of which, Crane Vice Admiral, aren't you going?

"Or are you worried about hurting your brother-in-law?"

Doflamingo laughed and looked at Crane. After seeing Crane's gloomy face, he immediately walked out of the office with a big laugh and followed Aokiji's footsteps.

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