Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 235 The Death Of Blackbeard? Rozi Using Shinsō Is More Dangerous Than Robin!

"It's not really Doflamingo, it's just his doppelganger.

"In addition, although that knife is very noteworthy, those white mist are also quite dangerous."

As the crane's voice fell, the white mist evoked by Rozi using Boil Style had completely surrounded "Doflamingo".

Under the observation of Observation Haki of Tsuru and others, the body of "Doflamingo", who lost his support and fell to the ground because Kamishini no Yari retracted abruptly, instantly turned into countless silk threads.

These threads stayed in the white mist for only a moment, and then they were completely melted, leaving no trace.

This scene made Kuzan, Tsuru and the others immediately frown.

"Everyone, don't get stained with those white mist.

Tsuru looked at the Marine generals behind him and immediately gave the order.

As someone who has chased Doflamingo, she deeply understands how hard Doflamingo's silk ~ thread is.

Although the thread that forms the doppelganger may not be the strongest line Doflamingo can make, it is enough to illustrate the danger of Rozi's Boil Style.

The marines, who already felt that the white fog was very dangerous, naturally looked at the red dew more warily after receiving some reminders.

As Tsuru warns Marine, Kuzan looks at Blackbeard to the side.

"Teach, you can still use your abilities, right?"

"Of course it works! But after this time, you must make me a Shichibukai, thief hahaha.

Blackbeard laughed loudly and walked in front of the white mist that continued to spread rapidly.

"Dark Blood Dao!"

Blackbeard screamed, and a large amount of black gas gushed out from the surface of his body to form a swirling black hole.

The white mist touched by the black hole began to pour rapidly into the dark blood path.

On the surface, it looks like Blackbeard completely suppressed Rozi's Boil Style.

But only Blackbeard himself knows that his Dark Fruit's ability is constantly being offset by the white fog while absorbing white fog.

As a last resort, he could only continue to urge the power of Dark Fruit in his body to continuously absorb the scattered white mist.

It is more troublesome than the mucus that resembles magma just now. ’

'Crane's decision is right, if those ordinary marines encounter these white fogs. ”

I'm afraid it will be directly melted into a pile of white bones ... No, I'm afraid there won't even be white bones left. ”

Blackbeard continued to absorb the white mist while turning his head to glance at the crane beside him.

At this moment, a strong sense of crisis suddenly came to Blackbeard's heart.

The instinct to survive made him subconsciously disperse the ability of Dark Fruit in his hand, and his legs flashed to the side with hard kicks.

However, the next moment, a strong tingling sensation came from his heart to his mind.

He looked down while screaming bitterly, and was shocked to find that his heart had been pierced by a long knife.

Kuzan, Tsuru, and the others looked at Blackbeard with wide eyes, equally surprised by what suddenly happened.

"Hey, hey, it's dangerous, I'm just staying on the side of the Marine warship, and I almost got stabbed against Feng!"

Doflamingo jumped out of the Marine warship and flew into the air with Blackbeard and the others.

"Isn't this knife the same knife that pierced my doppelganger's head just now?"

"The speed seems to be a lot faster, even this guy didn't react."

Doflamingo said, looking back at the Marine warship that had been destroyed by a kilometer-long knife, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious in his heart.


He rushed to rely on the doppelganger to test Rozi and the others first, but was defeated by a long knife within minutes.

And he hid in the Marine warship and continued to observe the situation, but he did not expect that the blade that defeated his doppelgänger would attack again.

And it was so fast that he almost didn't dodge.

"So, this time it wasn't Nico Robin, you made the move, Rozi."

A red light flashed in Doflamingo's eyes, and even though Rozi was invisible, he still caught Rozi's figure with his finger Shinsō.

Rozi glanced at Doflamingo, and Kamishini no Yari, who had already understood everything, turned upside down, and then jerked up towards Doflamingo.

Blackbeard's eyes burst with red light, and his head deflected out of an ordinary person who could not possibly deviate Kakuzu was able to avoid the fate of his head being cut in half.

Even so, his body split in two from the heart position to the shoulder position.

Blackbeard's internal organs could even be seen through his wounds.

Kamishini no Yari came directly to Doflamingo after cutting Blackbeard's body.

This time, Doflamingo, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately built a strong wire shield in front of him, and blocked Rozi's attack abruptly.

"Ferferfer, it's really dangerous."

"If I'm not careful, I'll be cut open like that guy."

"But in this way, this guy's dream of becoming Shichibukai will not come true."

Doflamingo said with a sly smile as he looked at Blackbeard's body.

... Ten thousand....

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