Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 251 Meet At Sea, Stussy's Training Ideas

Some time passed.

Three ships met unexpectedly on the sea.

They are the Golden Lion pirate ship piloted by Rozi and others, as well as the ships piloted by Belobetti of the revolutionary army and the ships piloted by Stussy.

"That's so, so Rozi had to have a relationship with Gion at that time."

"It's just that what people didn't expect was that it was just this combination that made the two crystallize."

Belobetti clasped her hands around her, and after listening to what Koala said, she sighed and looked at Rozi, who was still eating in the distance.

"Koala, what are you going to do, do you want to take Rozi while you are working now?"

Marine's "three-five-three" Gion can only be regarded as an accident, and Rozi may not really like her. ”

"But with the relationship between you and Rozi, maybe you can make him like you directly through that further relationship."

Belobetti said with a chuckle.

"Don't... No kidding, see Loberti. ”

"There's enough food here, and Rozi can't do something like that."

"And if Rozi really needs it, I don't know, but Nico Robin over there seems to be more than willing to give himself."

Koala shook her head with a blush and glanced at Nico Robin, who was sitting across from Rozi and feeding Rozi from time to time.

"So, so it seems that Koala you have quite a lot of competitors."

Belobetti took off her sunglasses slightly, glanced at Nico Robin with interest, and then at Vivi and Nami, who were carrying two plates of freshly made meat and bone for Rozi.

"Belobetti, don't just laugh at me, didn't you also say earlier that you were interested in Brother Rozi?"

Koala pouted and said to Belobetti.

"Indeed, it seems that I have a lot of competitors.

Sure enough, I still have to go over and take a picture with Rozi, at least to leave a good impression.

Belobetti touched her chin, as if she was really thinking.

At this time, Stussy passed Koala and Belobetti with graceful steps.

The conversation between the two also happened to fall into her ears.

"Rozi's charm is really great, and he even let the two argue for him."

Hearing this, Belobetti looked at Stussy: "Why, can it be said that your excellency is also interested in Rozi?"

Stussy shrugged helplessly and said:

"I'm really interested in him, but Rozi doesn't seem to be in much mood for me."

"Really, obviously I said that I don't want him to be responsible."

"Forget it, who told me I'm not young enough."

"Then again, if you two are interested in Rozi, you have to work hard."

"As far as I know, Wear Qi has a good impression of his Kalifa, who co-worked at the CPP."

"And it won't be long before the two may meet."

"Maybe by that time, the two will rub some sparks."

With that, Stussy smiled mysteriously at the two and walked towards Rozi.

"Kalifa, it's that woman!"

Koala said incredulously, widening her eyes slightly.

"How, you know her, Stussy?"

Belobetti looked over curiously.

"Hmm! When he was rescued by Brother Rozi, he had seen the woman from a distance. ”

"Yes, what kind of woman do you think it is, and is Rozi close to her?"

"It's a very sexy, mature woman [Rozi is really close to her.] [012011410201062010]

Speaking of this, Koala couldn't help but purse her lips, and a sense of urgency once again arose in her heart.0

"Sexy and mature, it seems that Rozi likes this genre more, so maybe I still have a chance."

Belobetti chuckled, raised her hand and patted Koala's shoulder, and continued:

"Don't think about it so much, Koala, if you give up now, you really won't have a chance."

"We're leaving soon, and if we don't go and have a good chat with Rozi now, we probably won't have a chance to chat for a long time."

With that, Belobetti pulled Koala towards Rozi.

........ Stussy, Laki asked you to take care of it, she also contributed to the previous battle, and she is a trustworthy person. ”

"Trouble you to train her like a CP0 agent, of course, only in terms of combat, and other espionage aspects are not needed."

Rozi raised his hand and pointed to Laki, who was not far away, and said to Stussy with a smile on his face.

"Is it just the combat aspect, doesn't I need to cultivate her knowledge about seduction?"

Stussy knelt beside Rozi and looked at Rozi with a smile on his face, ignoring Robin, Nami, Vivi and others on the side.

Nico Robin, who knows a little about Stussy 0.1, doesn't feel anything yet, but Nami pouts involuntarily.

"Don't make trouble." Rozi slapped Stussy's somewhat dishonest hand away, "Laki has good talent, but there is no one to guide her, plus she is skilled in using Sky Island's shell combat, she should be able to grow up soon." ”

"I see, Rozi." Stussy didn't care about Rozi slapping his hand away, and instead rested his head on Rozi's shoulder:

"I'll train her to be a qualified fighter, don't worry."

"However, if she knows anything else............. If seduction is also interested, Rozi, you can't stop me, right? ”

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