Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 257 The Sought-After Rozi, The Gaze Of The Epidemic Quinn (For Subscription)

Rozi, has grown to the point where he can fight and maneuver with Marine Admiral?

Should you say that you are worthy of being the strongest existence of CP9 in the past? ’

I didn't expect you to be a partner of Monkey D. Luffy, who ate Rubber Fruit." ’

Is there anything unique about the Rubber Fruit, which I guarded and was snatched by Red Hair Pirates?

'So unique that a strong man like you would like to become his crew?'

Or did you become his crew simply by coincidence and interest?

Foz Fu frowned, thinking of the impression he once had of Rozi, Foz Fu couldn't help but shake his head.

When Rozi was in CP9, he was too perverse, and even Kalifa, who was closest to Rozi, sometimes didn't understand what Rozi was thinking.

How could Foz Fu guess Rozi's mind.

Having said that, Fooz Fer is ready to talk to Rozi and ask him about 'Nika'.

"When I was imprisoned by the World government, the guardian mentioned Nika, the sun god who brought laughter to 10 people

Rozi, with your knowledge of more or less everything, you should also know something.

Foz Fu thought to himself.

"Foz Fer, are you still reading that newspaper?"

At this moment, a slightly lively and mischievous, but full of majesty sounded behind Foz Fo.


Foz Fur quickly put away the newspaper and turned to nod to Quinn, one of the three disasters of Beasts Pirates.

"Hmm!" Quinn nodded slightly and glanced at the newspaper in Foz Fer's hand:

"This time, Rozi guy really made a big fuss. Unexpectedly, even the alliance between Marine and Shichibukai failed to keep him. ”

"Even this guy showed more, seemingly not relying on Devil Fruit's abilities."

"Foz Fer, you used to be his colleague."

"Has he demonstrated outstanding scientific knowledge in the past?"

As a scientist specializing in science, Quinn was interested in Rozi's Master's technology.

That's why he took the initiative to apply to Kaido to go to the first half of the Grand Line to find Rozi.

In order to increase the probability of successfully inviting Rozi, Quinn also took the initiative to invite Foz Fer, who had worked with Rozi, to the first half of the Grand Line together.

Foz Verben wanted to see Rozi, and naturally had no objection to Quinn's arrangement.

"I have the impression that Rozi is a very smart person."

"Even smart enough to be able to remember a lot of things and draw inferences from others."

"I usually make some gadgets."

"But at that time, he didn't show the power to produce great scientific products."

After thinking about it, Foz Fur shook his head and said.

"So, did that man Rozi really become interested in science and start research and development after coming into contact with Djerma 66?"

"Being able to do it reminds me of Vegapunk."

Quinn lit a cigar and recalled the days he had worked with Vegapunk.

Although he considers himself a better scientist than Vegapunk, he still admires Vegapunk in his heart.

"Speaking of which, what do you think is the probability that we will successfully invite Rozi to join Beasts Pirates based on the conditions we have prepared?"

"That man, will he be willing to hand over all his master's skills to us?"

Quinn spat out a puff of white smoke and asked.

The ship was prepared as a gift to invite Rozi, in accordance with the information about Rozi presented by Foz Fu.

Now they have come to the first half of the Grand Line.

Quinn wanted to confirm further.

"You understand, Lord Quinn."

"Rozi is a strong man, and those things may make him feel good."

"But just relying on those things to let him join other pirate groups may not be enough."

"We still need Lord Kaido's name to intimidate him."

Foz Fur shook his head and said.

Quinn frowned, as a member of Beasts Pirates, he naturally believed in the prestige of Kaido's fame.

However, he also understands that just relying on the name of Kaido, who is far away in New World, may not be enough to get Rozi to join Beasts Pirates and hand over his master's technology.

To this end, Quinn is ready for battle, and even brings some weapons that he has developed to buy from Guy Sa.

But now that he has seen the fact that Rozi has repeatedly escaped from Marine Admiral, even if he has the destructive 043 weapon, Quinn feels unsafe in his heart.

As if seeing Quinn's thoughts, Linkerfer proposed:

"Perhaps, there is a way to get Rozi to join the pirates, at least to let him hand over part of the technology."

"At cp9, Rozi had a good relationship with a woman named Kalifa, and if we could keep Kalifa in our hands, maybe Rozi would be willing to compromise.

Hearing Foz Fer's words, Quinn raised his eyebrows: "So that's the case, is this Kalifa Rozi's lover?" But, Foz Fozz, do you have a way to find this woman?

Foz Fer opened his mouth, but finally shook his head: "Sorry, Lord Quinn, I can't determine where Kalifa is right now. Maybe it's in the Enies Lobby, or it's possible to do something out there.

Quinn frowned: "So, there is no way."

Seeing that Quinn was a little impatient, Foz Fur hurriedly said: "I once worked in cp9 for a while, and the then Enies Lobby chief heard that spies were going to be sent to the capital of the seven waters to carry out certain tasks, maybe we can go there and take a look."

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