Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 282 Experimental Incineration Gun, Unlucky Pirate Ship

"I, sure enough, I still have to choose Super Transformation Man Janos."

Franky made his trademark move, and then clicked on the name 'Janos' without hesitation.

As Janos's name melted into Franky's body, Franky's body began to change dramatically.

In just a few moments, Franky's originally slightly simple body was transformed into a transformed human body full of technology.

Although those high-tech equipment was integrated into Franky's body, it was more or less handsome in Janos.

But neither Franky himself, nor Luffy and others can care about this, they just want to take a good look at what kind of power Franky is now mastering.

However, soon, everyone was surprised to find that Franky's body had changed into its original form in a moment.

At the same time, Rozi's mind also sounded the mechanical voice of the system.

[Ding!10 Franky makes a choice, obtains the template of 'Transforming Man' Janos, comprehends the initial skills of Janos, and can comprehend more heroic template skills through training and strengthening. 】

[Note: Consuming Devil Fruit for your partners can speed up the progress of comprehending the Spirit Template Skill, and even comprehend the Upright Skill! ] 】

[Congratulations to Host for obtaining the 'Transformation Man' Janos template and the 'Exhibitionist' Gray Folpasta template, and comprehend all the skills of the Heroic Spirit template.] 】

[Note: Although the host can comprehend all the skills of the heroic spirit template, whether it can use the skills and the host's own strength are linked. ] 】

'After all, did you still get Gray's power star?' ’

It's better than getting the power of a sexy prisoner." ’

Speaking of which, Gray's heroic template and Sato and real templates have some matches. ’

If I use Absolute Freeze first, and then use the resurrection power provided by Sato and Makoto later, I should be able to defeat those powerful Admirals.

However, the absolute frozen capture range seems to be limited and cannot be used on too many people at once.

While Rozi touched his chin and thought in his heart, the heroic space had also collapsed with Franky's choice.

Franky's side also heard the disappointed cries of Luffy and others at the same time.

"What's the matter, obviously Franky's body has just changed into the appearance of Janos, why has it changed back now?"

Luffy stretched out her hands and groped Franky's body up and down, both anxious and disappointed.

"Yes, yes, it's still handsome just now, quickly change back to Franky."

At this moment, Chopper even excitedly transformed into human form.

For Rob Lucci et al., Luffy et al. were like changing their position in an instant.

However, Stussy and the others, who knew something about Rozi's power, immediately understood that Franky had made a choice and obtained the power called Valiant Spirit.

Seeing the noisy Franky, Luffy, and Chopper, Stussy, Jabra and others all gathered around curiously.

"Hey, don't touch it casually."

"It's not that I don't want to be like that, but it seems to be a bit limited.

"By the way, I really think it's not that I can't use the power of Janos.

"If I want, I should be able to do something like Janos."

Franky grabbed Luffy's arm away and said with some uncertainty.

"Really, then try it quickly.

Luffy said excitedly.

Franky didn't refuse, just as he wanted to try the force zone he had acquired.

He walked to the edge of the suspended pillow and stretched his hands in the direction of the sea.

"Incinerating cannons!"

Franky screamed, and his hands suddenly turned into dark transformed arms with a sense of poisonous technology.

From the barrel of the cannon in the middle of the transformation arm, two flames surged out, turning into blazing spears and shooting out towards the other side of the sea.

The strong wind and heat brought by the incineration cannon directly lifted the sea below, creating a vacuum area several meters deep, and the sea water gushed out to both sides.

However, after a few seconds, the fierce flame gun disappeared from everyone's sight.

Stussy, Rob Lucci and others, who had not entered the Valiant space to see Janos's abilities, were shocked when they saw Franky's sudden and powerful attack.

Rob Lucci, Kaku and others, in particular, are wondering if they can withstand this blow.

The result was that they could not resist the incineration cannon at all.

Not to mention resisting, with the speed of the incinerating cannon, it is difficult for them to dodge even with the shaving of Marine Six Styles.

"Good: ......... It's amazing, you can really use the incineration cannon, 690, etc., Franky, how did your hand change back?"

Luffy was excited, and looked strangely at Franky's hands, who was a little out of breath.

After all, what Franky obtained was the power of Genos as a heroic spirit, not the crystallization of Genos's body-transforming technology.

"When using Janos's power, a part of Franky's body will change into Janos's mecha form, and when not in use, it will naturally be Franky's current state

"Also, Franky, you test to test, the beginning of the day is not so calendar."

"The incineration cannon just now should have consumed a lot of your strength."

Rozi said, looking up in the direction where the incendiary cannon had disappeared.

With the skill called 'Hawkeye', he could clearly see a pirate ship flying a pirate flag that was destroyed on the sea in the distance.

'I'm sorry, but since it's a pirate, I should be ready to become enlightened.' ’

This time, let it be like heaven is going to let you sink. '

After Rozi apologized to the pirate ship that had suffered an innocent disaster, he refocused his attention on Franky and Luffy and the others.

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