Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 284 Stealth Infiltrate, Rescue Kalifa's Father

"Old........ Wife, why would you call me?"

"Also, what does it mean to leave Enies Lobby, I'm the supreme officer here."

Spandam withdrew the sword that was clamped around Kalifa's father's neck and asked with some doubt.

"You fool, fool! It's not something you made up yourself. ”

"I learned a little bit about Rozi through my channels."

"That guy has appeared in the capital of the seven waters, and now it is very likely that he will lead Kalifa and his party towards Enies Lobby."

"It's fine if it's just a misunderstanding, but if that madman does come to Enies Lobby, you should understand what that means?"

Spandain's angry roar came from the phone bug, and Spandam who heard these words was also quickly stunned.

"Wait.......... Wait, why did that guy from Rozi come to Enies Lobby?"

"No, what can he do even if he comes to Enies Lobby?"

"I used to be his boss, I was the tallest here..."

Spandam spoke harshly, but 657 did not notice that his legs had begun to tremble.

"Stupid, that guy even dares to kill Celestial Dragons, and will care about you as the supreme commander of Enies Lobby?"

"Anyway, hurry up and hide for me, if you don't want to be touched by Rozi."

Spandain's roar terrified Spandam, and by the time he came to his senses, he had hung up the phone worm in his hand.

"Rozi, how could that guy come to Enies Lobby, it must be a joke."

Spandam muttered his head up, and the next moment he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

In front of his eyes, a character appeared that should not have appeared here, the one that Spandain had just mentioned.

"I said uncle, you are a bit embarrassed, hurry up and hurry, Spandam this waste is not worth facing him like this."

Rozi reached out and helped Kalifa's father, bafj, up, and patted the dust on his shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Rowe........ Rozi, it's really you! Could it be that Kalifa has come back too?"

David looked at the man in front of him in horror and asked.

"Kalifa's words are now coming here."

"I'm a little faster, so I'll come first."

Rozi smiled at David and turned to look at Spandam

Oh, long time no see, Spandam.

"You guy is really desperate."

"I used to do a lot of things for you when I was in CP9.

"You sent Jabra and them to work with Stussy and Marine to get me."

"To be honest, I'm a little sad."

Rozi crossed David and walked over to Spandam with interest, glancing at the long knife in his hand.

Familiar with the plot, he knows that Spandam's long knife eats Zoan's elephant fruit, and if he can kill it, he can get an extra Devil Fruit.

"Rozi?! No...... Don't come near me. ”

In horror, Spandam wields his long knife in terror, trying to turn into a colossus and attack Romy.

However, Rozi only released a little bit of Conqueror's Haki, and directly knocked out the soul of the colossus in the long knife.

Then he lightly slapped the knife, and the elephant fruit was directly ejected from the blade body and fell into Rozi's God's Eye space.

"How... Possibly?!"

Spandam looked at this scene stunned, and it took a while to react, yelling for Nero next to him to protect him.

"Nero, you seem to have mentioned surpassing me earlier."

"I have to say, but in terms of ambition, you still have two brushes.

Rozi chuckled, turned his head to look at Nero, and the invisible aura began to press towards Nero.

Nero widened his eyes and looked at Rozi as if he had seen a predator, and his body unconsciously took two steps back.

Such a move made Rozi shake his head regretfully.

"I thought it was a fierce man, it seems that you are just a coward."

"Then it's up to you guys."

Rozi shook his head and turned to walk away.

"Rozi, where are you going?"

David hurriedly followed Rozi and asked suspiciously at the same time.

Here, he didn't dare to get too far away from Rozi, and if Nero next to Spandam suddenly made a move, he wouldn't be able to stop him.

Rozi smiled and pointed in the direction of the courtroom door.

David, Spandam and the others looked in the direction of Rozi's finger.

I saw that there, the originally closed gate suddenly opened, and strangely, there was no one else outside the door except the fallen gatekeeper to send troops.

Just when David, Spandam and others were puzzled.

Meili's petite body appeared in front of everyone out of thin air, and after Meili appeared, the figures of Franky, Luffy, Kalifa and others also appeared out of thin air.

"Stealth........ capabilities? That's right! The intelligence said that you obtained the ability of color fruit, and it seems that you were eaten by the little girl. ”

David's eyes flashed a bright light and he spoke.

"Uncle, don't you want to have a chat with your daughter compared to this?"

When Spandam threatened to do something to you, she was quite worried.

Rozi patted David on the shoulder and picked his chin in Kalifa's direction.

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