Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 29 The Power Of The Magister, The Radiance Of The Fairy That Runs Through The World

In the Heroic Spirit Space, in just a few minutes, Nami felt as if he had lived in the sea for months or even years.

In these few minutes, through Columbus's perspective, she saw him constantly traveling through various sea areas and arriving at various islands.

In the same way, I saw what Columbus did when he came to the islands.

"This man, there is no doubt that he has excellent navigation skills."

"It's just that although he claims to be an explorer, he may be more suitable for the name of a pirate than an explorer."

Nami shook his head and sighed.

"Indeed! Although I didn't see many pictures, I didn't reach an island. As long as there was a chance, he would plunder the natives of the island."

"It's more like a pirate than us pirates."

Zoro said.

"Well, I hate this guy, Nami, you better not choose him as your heroic spirit template."

Luffy put his hands on his hips and said to Nami with a troubled look on his face.

"Idiot, didn't you say last time not to interfere with other people's choices?"

"Besides, even if Nami chooses the template of this heroic spirit Columbus, it will not become his appearance."

"Speaking of which, the black death Mu Ke I chose is still a demon, haven't I also become like him?"

Zoro punched Luffy in the head, preventing him from continuing.

Nami didn't speak, just continued to look at the scene in front of him.

At this moment, the image showing Columbus' nautical skills has disappeared, replaced by the appearance of him fighting as a heroic spirit and as a Servant.

In the face of the enemies surrounding him, Columbus used knives, guns and even directly steered the rudder to smash the enemy. The battle was full of blood and mourning.

"What, it's far worse than the heroic spirit Drake."

"Drake can still summon a turret to attack anyway, which is not cool at all."

Luffy pouted and expressed his opinion again.

Although Zoro didn't speak, he also disliked Columbus's fighting skills so far.

"Columbus is not a pure warrior after all, and his fighting style is indeed a bit exaggerated, but if he really fights, his power is still difficult to deal with."

"Also, like the heroic spirit Drake, the heroic spirit Columbus also has a profound meaning called 'Noble Phantasm'."

"Their Noble Phantasm is relatively similar."

After Rozi finished speaking, the magic power in Columbus suddenly swelled up.

The next moment, in front of Nami and the others, a huge sailboat sprang directly from Columbus's feet.

Columbus grinned and raised his hand to grab the rudder, following his orders.

The flagship Santa Maria on board shot the anchor connected to the chain and smashed it towards the enemy on the opposite side.

For a time, an area of ​​several hundred meters was covered with chains and anchors.

The earth wailed under the bombardment of hundreds of heavy anchors.


"Cool! So ships can still attack like this? Rozi, let's get a ship that can fire anchors as cannonballs later, shall we?"

Seeing Columbus' Noble Phantasm, Luffy directly abandoned his previous prejudice against Columbus and shouted excitedly.

"Luffy, there is no such convenient ship in the world."

"That Columbus can summon such a ship is entirely because of the power called 'Noble Phantasm'."

Zoro said.

"Hehe, even if you can't buy such a ship, Rozi can summon such a ship."

"Just like you summoned the Golden Deer before."

Having said that, Rozi looked at Rozi more and more expectantly.

'Forget it, I don't want the power of Columbus. ’

Rozi groaned inwardly, smiled and shook his head at Luffy.

Columbus's power and Drake's power overlap too much. If there is a difference in power, Drake's overall strength is stronger than Columbus's.

Among them, Noble Phantasm is also more applicable.

In this way, even getting the power of Columbus is only equivalent to getting a copy of the Drake template.

Compared to him, Rozi is more inclined to obtain the power of 'thief' Kazuma Sato and 'a thousand cups' Kana.

"Although they are all navigators, I think I may not be suitable for having the power of Columbus. Let me look at others."

Nami looked down and landed on the name of Kana, who can't pour a thousand cups.

"Kana Arupelona has the attribute of 'a thousand cups not pouring', isn't this the same as the 'alcoholic' Matsumoto Rangiku among Zoro's three previous choices?"

"I want to ask again! Then again, Nami, you have the attribute of not pouring a thousand cups. Are you good at drinking?"

"Hee hee, how could it be possible, how could a lady like me be an alcoholic. Rozi, did you make a mistake in this Heroic Spirit Space?"

Hearing Nami's words, Rozi spread his hands and said:

"Heroic Spirit Space can check out Zoro's 'Road Chi' attribute, and naturally it can also check out your 'a thousand cups not pouring' attribute."

"Nami, if you have any doubts, you might as well touch the words 'a thousand cups will not pour' with your hand."

"In this way, we can see if you really can't pour a thousand cups."

Nami smiled awkwardly, and decisively raised his hand and patted the name of 'Kana Arupelona'.

As for the picture of herself drinking, she doesn't plan to make it public.

After all, every time she drank a lot of alcohol before, it was when she was going to pour out the pirates and steal their treasures.

As soon as the screen turned, everyone came to a lively building.

Inside the building, people are either talking or fighting.

But no matter what people do, they have smiles on their faces.

"So many people! Rozi, which one is Kana?"

Luffy looked at Rozi suspiciously.

"Why don't you ask, it must be that one!"

Zoro raised his finger and pointed to a position forward.

Luffy turned his head to look, and saw a girl of about 18 years old with long black curly hair holding a wine barrel and pouring wine into her stomach.

"That's right, she's 'Kana Arupelona', a member of the 'Fairy Tail' guild of mages we're in right now."

When Rozi finished speaking, Kana had already drank a barrel of wine, and then, as if not satisfied, she drank with another barrel of wine.

"It's really enviable. We really should change to a bigger ship, preferably with a wine cellar."

Zoro licked his lips, although he really watched Kana drinking, but the alcohol bug in his stomach had woken up.

"Am I the only one who thinks drinking like this is too much? Even me, I wouldn't drink with a barrel."

Nami pouted.

"You can try it next time, it's just a small problem to drink a barrel of wine with your alcohol capacity."

"Rozi, you haven't seen me drinking, so don't talk nonsense, okay?"

"Okay, what you say is what it is."

Rozi shrugged and said nonchalantly.

One bucket, two buckets, three buckets!

After drinking three barrels of wine, Kana seemed to finally feel satisfied, stood up from her position, and walked towards the union gate.

When she opened the door and walked out, the perspectives of Rozi and others also came outside the union.

In the eyes of Rozi and others, Kana took out several magic cards from her waist pocket, and waves of magic began to surround her, and finally converged on the magic cards.

As Kana swung the card forward, magic elements such as falling thunder, flames, icicles, wind blades, water whips, and poisonous gas were stimulated from the cards and shot towards the open space in the distance.

For a moment, the open space 100 meters away in front of Kana was completely covered by dazzling magical elements.

Zoro, Nami, and Luffy opened their eyes wide and looked at Kana's methods in amazement.

None of the three of them thought that the girl who looked weak at first would be so powerful when she moved her hands.

Numerous elemental powers are in her hands, and they are manipulated like ordinary toys.

"Kana Alupelona, ​​a quasi-S-rank magister, Master with card magic, can summon various elements from the card to attack."

"It can be said that her fighting style is almost all-round, without the slightest shortcoming."

At the same time as Rozi introduced, Kana performed card magic a few times again.

And Nami looked at Kana's eyes brighter and brighter.

Rozi raised his eyebrows, seeing Nami's expression, he already had a hunch about Nami's choice.

Excluding the heroic spirit Columbus, the remaining two choices, it is impossible to choose the "thief" Kazuma Sato.

The screen turned again, and there was a tall man confronting Kana in the sight of Nami and others.

Kana took a deep breath and stretched out her right hand, which was engraved with a mysterious tattoo, towards the man.

"One of the three magics of fairies..."

Just listening to Kana's coquettish drink, a golden magic beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth rose from her position.

The originally dark sky was instantly illuminated, and the dark clouds covering the sky were also dispelled.

"The brilliance of the fairy!"

The voice fell, and the brilliance in the sky instantly condensed into a giant ring and fell towards the enemy in front of Kana.


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