Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 295 The New Helper, Tianquan Ningguang

Rozi's doppelganger's words made Luffy and the others silent for a while.

The crowd also understood that, as he said, they could not leave.

Even if Rozi's Buddha-figures escape from Kizaru and Hawkeye and others, they will return because of these fallen members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

If they can't escape from Zephyr and others, they will be implicated.

Thinking of this, Luffy and the others couldn't help but clench their fists.

'Damn, I'm still too weak.' ”

Luffy gritted her teeth, raised her head to look at Romy's doppelgänger and asked:

"Rozi, can your Buddha-figure really escape?"

Rozi doppelganger~ The corners of his mouth rose and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, when did I lie to you, haven't you seen such a formation before? The Buddha-figures are all ready.

Nami frowned: "But, over there are the world's No. 1 sword heroes and Kizaru." At Kizaru his speed..."

“ Nami。” Nico Robin took Nami's hand, "Here, let's trust Rozi, he will do what he says."

After speaking, Robao turned his head to look at Rozi's doppelganger's eyes.

Even though she has the same worries as Nami, she is willing to trust Rozi.

And Rozi's doppelgänger also smiled at Robin's trust.

"You guys, it's almost over.

At this time, Zephyr's voice suddenly sounded.

"Give up resistance, Rozi, and Straw Hat Luffy."

"For Garp's sake, I can at least guarantee that you won't be killed here.

"Rozi boy, although you are powerful, if you are just a doppelganger, you should not exert much power."

Zephyr stepped forward and looked at Rozi and Luffy with a fierce look in his eyes.

On the one hand, he wants to arrest Rozi and others, and on the other hand, he can't bear to throw the grandson of his old buddy Garp into Impel down.

"Huh? You know my grandfather Garp?"

Luffy turned her head and looked at Zephyr with a puzzled look.

"He does know your grandfather, Garp, who used to be the same Marine as your grandfather, and is also your grandfather's friend.

"Luffy, be careful later. His robotic hand has a seastone on it, and if you accidentally touch it, you will lose your strength in an instant. ”

Rozi looked at Luffy, and then at Stussy, Nami, and others, who were also Demon fruit power.

Stussy and the others were not stupid and immediately understood what Rozi meant.

"Hey, listen to you, you still have to fight, right?"

"Well, let me test how much power your avatar has."

Zephyr shook his head, took off his cloak behind his back and patted his mechanical arm as he walked in the direction of Rozi and Luffy.

Seeing this, Luffy, Stussy and the others immediately took a fighting stance.

The arrival of Zephyr and Rozi's narration have made Luffy and others understand that Zephyr in front of them is the most difficult existence among the crowd.

"Sorry Zephyr, like you said, I'm just a doppelganger.

"There is no strength to fight you, so I arranged an opponent for you."

Rozi's doppelganger smiled like a fox and saw him pull a Devil Fruit out of his arms.

The next moment, in the surprised eyes of Zephyr, Luffy and others, a demon flashed in front of Rozi.

"Not good!"

Zephyr's eyes froze, and he immediately thought of the movement that would occur when Rozi summoned the screen in the intelligence.

0 Ask for Flowers...............

Without thinking about it, Marine Six Styles shaved out under his feet and rushed towards the magic array at a very fast speed.

However, before he could swing his fist.

In the brilliance of the magic array, several gemstones shining with pure yellow brilliance flew out.

Zephyr frowned and immediately blocked the mechanical arm in front of him.

The gem hit his arm and exploded immediately, forcing Zephyr to fly backwards and fall to Senmomomaru's side again.


"Tsk, still not in time, that traveler called Ying... Well? No, you're not Ying, who are you?!"

Zephyr lowered his arm and looked at the woman in front of him with a puzzled look in front of him, dressed in a gorgeous dress, with a calm posture and a beautiful face.

"The first time we met, I was the [Heavenly Power] of the Seven Stars, matched.

"I came here this time to make a deal with you?"

"What do you think, Traveler Rozi............... No, should I be called a traveler here?

The woman who claimed to be staring at Zephyr casually glanced at Zephyr, then turned to look at Rozi in front of her with interest.

Zephyr frowned, and after thinking about it, he didn't rush to make a move.

He wanted to see what the situation of the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him was, and what kind of power she had.

'This Rozi, except for Francis S. Can Drake and the Traveler summon anyone else?

The force of this condensation attack just now... She's definitely not an ordinary person!'

Zephyr's face was solemn, and his heart was serious.

Although it was only one contact with Condensation, it was enough for Zephyr to see the extraordinary nature of Condensation.

... Righteousness....

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