Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 40 Momousagi Likes Women? Stunned Prisoner (Seeking Data)

'What did that man do to you? ’

Naomi complained in her heart, and she felt more and more that Rozi also used the 'stealing' skill on Gion.

But under the eaves, she didn't dare to really say what was in her heart.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Gion was not in a good mood at the moment.

"It's not really a big deal. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that that man used some kind of strange ability to steal something from me?"

"Steal your things? Treasures, weapons?"

"Really...really, don't make me say it."

Naomi glanced at Gion resentfully. In her opinion, if Gion had experienced the same thing as herself.

Then she should know what she is talking about.

"Isn't it just underwear and bows and arrows, what can't be said."

"Speaking of which, Naomi, you didn't play your role at all in the previous battle."

"If you don't lose your mind because your clothes are stolen, maybe your weapons won't be stolen."

"If you can make good use of your role as a sniper, maybe we won't lose the boss."

"As a sniper, there will be situations where weapons are stolen and weapons are used by the enemy. If I were you, I would have no face to live in this world now."

At this time, Seku P suddenly said.

"Huh? Stealing private clothes?"

Gion suddenly turned to look at Seku P.

In just one second, she had already thought of a series of peach dramas in her mind.

Even, her eyes swept to Naomi's thigh, wanting to see if she also had the word "Zheng" on her leg.

"Idiot Seku P, what are you talking about!"

Naomi immediately blushed, got up and pointed at her partner and yelled:

"You can also see the strength of that guy. He is a man who can easily take the boss's fist and kick the boss away with ease."

"And his stealing ability is too weird, what can I do?"

"Can you imagine a situation where something on you suddenly disappears?"

"If you were asked to deal with him, would you have any way?"

"Speaking of which, if your stealth ability can work on him in the beginning, we may be able to quietly defeat them in the beginning."

Hearing this, Seku P's forehead burst with blue veins, and he immediately wanted to get up and argue with Naomi.

"Okay, just be quiet for me!"

Gion slapped the interrogation table and stood up from his position, staring straight at Naomi.

"You, come out with me, I want to talk to you alone about something."

After finishing speaking, Gion did not give Naomi a chance to answer questions, and turned around and left the interrogation room.

Naomi blinked and looked down at the crane sitting on the chair.

"Okay, let's go." He waved his hand, "As for you, Seku P, let's talk."

With Crane's answer, Naomi glared at Seku P, hurriedly left the interrogation room, and followed Gion to an empty room.

It's just that before Gion could ask questions, Naomi couldn't help but ask first.

"That, Miss Marine, may be my delusion, but there's one thing I want to figure out."

"You seem to be very familiar with that Rozi. Could it be that you have encountered the same thing as me?"

Hearing this, Gion's brows furrowed.

After staring at Naomi's face for a while, she said:

"You don't have to worry about my affairs. I ask you, did that man do anything to you too much!"

"Of course there is! As I said just now, he stole my clothes."

"I didn't say that, I wanted to ask him if he did anything more extreme to you?"

"Worse? Wait, did he do something worse to you, Miss Marine, than I did?"

"Naomi, I'm asking about you now, don't get involved with me. I ask, you answer, do you understand?"

"Ming...Understand! Well, besides stealing my weapons and clothes, he didn't do anything too much to me. He just used a strange ability to suck my physical strength, and then I Passed out."

Naomi, who was startled by Gion's eyes, shivered, and quickly said everything about Rozi.

"Is there really nothing else?"

Gion frowned.

"It's really gone!" Naomi shook her head. "You can ask my partner about other things. After I woke up, I was already caught by you."

Gion let out a breath and looked down on Naomi's tight thighs wrapped in leather pants.

"You, take off your leather pants!"

After thinking about it, Gion finally wanted to verify it with his own eyes.

After all, it's not impossible for Rozi to do something she didn't know about after Naomi fainted.

"What... what?"

Naomi felt as if she had auditory hallucinations, and looked at Gion in front of her with some bewilderment.

"I said, take off your leather pants!"

"This, this... that, I'm a normal woman, I prefer men!"

"I don't care if you like men and women, just say you can't take it off. If you don't take it off, I'll help you!"

Knowing that she had been misunderstood, Gion glared at Naomi, raised her hand and pulled out the long sword around her waist, as if she wanted to do it herself.

"Don't, don't, I can't take it off!"

Naomi pursed her lips, blushed and acted according to Gion's order.

‘Could it be that I’m really going to be dealt with by a woman? ’

'Damn, how can there be such an unruly Marine woman in Marine. ’

Naomi groaned in her heart, and a strong sense of shame flooded her heart.

She even felt that, rather than being defiled by the woman in front of her, it was better to let the bastard who stole her clothes do these things.

At least, that's a real man.


Just as Naomi closed her eyes and was about to usher in her own destiny, Gion's surprised voice rang in her ears.


Naomi opened her eyes and saw that Gion's eyes were constantly passing over her legs.

"It's nothing, you can leave now."

Gion rubbed his temples with a headache, turned and left the room.

Naomi stared at Gion's back, once again dazed.

"No... No, this is the end? Are you playing with me? Let me go, but you will give me a boat."


ps: Ask for a wave of data, thank you.

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