Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 44 We Don't Do Anything To This Village, It Doesn't Mean That The Black Cat Pirate

"I, I, I, I can tell you, I am the great Captain Usopp with tens of thousands of men."

"If you mess with me, my little brothers will not let you go."

Usopp trembled with his legs and spoke to Rozi with courage.

Also praying in my heart to scare Rozi in this way.

It's just that Rozi, who had known Usopp for a long time, could be intimidated.

"Really, then you're really good, Captain Usopp."

"It's just right, it's been a while since the last time I completed the massacre of 10,000 people."

"I wonder if this Captain Usopp can call your tens of thousands of men and let me vent my desire to slaughter?"

The corners of Rozi's mouth cracked, deliberately showing a hideous look.

As soon as these words came out, Usopp's legs immediately softened, and his body automatically slid to the ground.

"Al, Rozi, have you ever killed so many people?"

At this time, Luffy finally recovered from the excitement of seeing his bounty.

Hearing the conversation between Usopp and Rozi, he immediately looked over curiously.

"Idiot, of course it's fake."

"I just watched this long nose lie, so I planned to tease him."

Rozi waved his hand and said.

Although after coming to Pirate World, his hands were indeed stained with the blood of many people, but he was still a long way from tens of thousands of people.

"What, it turned out to be a lie."

"No, you're lying, but I'm not lying."

Usopp stood up and immediately looked confident.

It seemed that his extremely frightened appearance just now was fake.

"Hee hee hee, you are so funny."

Luffy came over, and after sizing up Usopp's long nose, he continued:

"Your name is Usopp, right?"

"No... that's right. It seems that the name of my great captain Usopp has also spread to the open sea."

Usopp put his arms around his arms and continued to pretend.

"Didn't you reveal your name just now?"

Zoro glanced at Usopp, speechless at Usopp's performance.

"Hehe, you are really interesting."

"And you look a lot like Yasopp too."

Luffy laughed.

"Yasopp? You know my father!"

Usopp's eyes widened.

"Of course, Yasopp came to my hometown with Shanks..."

Speaking of the past, Luffy immediately opened the conversation.

After Usopp communicated with Luffy, he gradually stopped worrying about the bounty of Rozi and his party, and even took the initiative to ask about Luffy and his party.

"I didn't expect Luffy to meet the son of an acquaintance here."

Zoro sighed and turned to look at Nami, who was still silent.

"Nami, are you still worried about your bounty?"

"If you're really worried about being wanted because of the bounty, you might as well hone your heroic spirit template rather than worrying about it here and there."

Zoro said as he stretched his head to look at the bounty in Nami's hand.

"Huh? Is this picture of you? Did Marine make a mistake?"

Seeing the photo on Nami's wanted list, Zoro said suspiciously.

"What, what's wrong with Nami's bounty?"

Luffy almost jumped behind Nami when he heard Zoro's words.

"What's the problem, isn't this photo exactly the same as Nami?"

As soon as these words were said, Nami, who had been wandering in the sky, instantly regained consciousness and smashed a fist on Luffy's head.

"Idiot Luffy, how is this like me, am I as ugly as the picture shows?"

"It hurts! What are you doing, Nami, that picture is the same as you. You say so, Zoro, Rozi."

Rozi and Zoro waved at Luffy's question.

"Look, Rozi and Luffy both said that the photo on the wanted notice is different from mine. Really, as Rozi said, Luffy, you're a face blind!"

"Damn it, what the hell is going on with Marine, it's okay to put a bounty on me. Why does the portrait on the bounty order look like this?"

Nami lowered his head and let out a long sigh.

"I think the style of the portrait on Nami's wanted notice is somewhat similar to the painting style of the color fruit ability person we encountered earlier."

"Perhaps Nami, your portrait is what he painted according to his own thoughts."

"You are different from us. Luffy and Zoro have both performed in the previous Marine Base, and Marine will probably take pictures of them both."

"And you don't have ready-made photos, so the Marines who chased me to the battlefield with the treasure hunters will use the work of the color fruit ability."

"Compared to this, I'm curious why your reward order says 'Only catch alive'."

Having said that, Rozi raised his finger and placed his finger on the line of text below the portrait of Nami's bounty.

"Indeed, it is clear that our reward order is life and death."

"Nami, do you have any clues about this?"

Zoro asked.

"This... I don't know either. Could it be that Marine thinks I'm cute, that's why he only catches alive?"

Nami tilted her head and stuck her tongue out in a cute expression.

"Does Marine really just catch someone alive just because they're cute?"

"Speaking of which, the avatar on your reward order doesn't have anything to do with cuteness, right?"

At this time, Usopp also came over.

It's just that just after he finished speaking, he was hit by Nami head-on, but in an instant, a big bag appeared on his head.

'Could it be because of the 'fairy brilliance' that Nami used at the end? ’

‘No, not right. Marine wasn't going to issue a bounty for only the living just because of a powerful trick. ’

'What the hell are those guys in Marine, the woman in Crane thinking. ’

Rozi held his cheek with one hand, and after thinking for a long time, he couldn't come up with a result, so he had to give up.

He could never have imagined that Marine had mistakenly thought that Nami had the ability to erase other people's Devil Fruit, and that he wanted to study this ability before issuing a "catch only alive" bounty to Nami.

If he had known, Rozi would probably have laughed out loud at Nami who helped him take the blame.

"We'll talk about the bounty order later. Compared to this, Usopp, is it really okay for you to stay here?"

"Although we pirates just came here to find a way to find a large enough pirate ship, we have no intention of taking action against this village."

"But the one who was chatting with you just now may not be."

Rozi patted Usopp on the shoulder and smiled.

"Eh? The one just now? Is there any problem with him?"

Usopp looked up and looked at Rozi suspiciously.

Rozi: "That person is Zan Gao, the current captain of the Black Cat Pirates. I wonder if my answer will satisfy you."

Usopp: "Zango, the captain of the Black Cat Pirates? How is that possible, isn't that a weird Hypnosis master?"

Zoro: "Zan Gao, the Hypnosis teacher? It's the guy you mentioned in Shields Town, Rozi. That guy does seem to be very similar to the Zan Gao on the reward order."

Usopp's eyes widened and he turned to look in the direction Zanko had left.

The next moment, he opened his legs and ran out in the direction Zan Gao left.

"Looks interesting, Luffy, shall we catch up?"

Rozi turned to look at Luffy and asked.

But he saw that Luffy was covering his stomach with his hands, and his stomach was still not making a 'gurgling' sound.

"Forget it, let's go to the restaurant."


ps: Ask for some flowers, evaluation tickets, data, thank you readers.

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