Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 46 The Faceless King, Penultimate's Invisibility Noble Phantasm

"Okay... It's amazing, I was able to inherit the power of Heroic Spirits here."

"Is this true, Nami?"

Usopp's eyes were wide open, and he looked in surprise at Nami, who introduced himself to the role of the Heroic Spirit Space.

"That's right, it's not just you, before you, me, Zoro and Luffy have obtained the template of Heroic Spirit through Rozi's strange ability."

"Mine is a template of a magister named Kana, Zoro's is a template of a heroic spirit named Black Death Mou, and Luffy is a template of a super foodie heroic spirit named Alu."

In the end, Nami looked a little helpless.

Luffy's bottomless appetite seemed to come to mind again.

Usopp looked at Zoro and Luffy, who each nodded, confirming Nami's words.

"Okay Usopp, now that your Nami has explained the function of this heroic space to you."

"Next, it's up to you to make a choice."

Rozi waved in front of Usopp, and a translucent sci-fi panel appeared in front of everyone.

"Piluocao of the 'long nose' attribute, Luo Binghan of the 'sniper' attribute, and..."

Looking at the last candidate on the panel, even Rozi couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

"Wow, that's amazing, this person actually has three attributes!"

"'Big Liar, Coward, Brave Warrior' king, what's up with the king of Rozi, why does he have three attributes?"

Luffy asked curiously.

"It's really strange. The words 'coward' and 'brave' are relative, right? Why do they appear on the same person?"

Nami rested her cheek with one hand, and looked at Rozi with doubts in her heart.

"Don't look at me like that, there will be three attributes on King's body, most likely because his three attributes coincide with the three attributes on Usopp."

"It's not a big deal that the attributes 'coward' and 'brave warrior' will appear in a person."

"But no one ever said that a coward can't be a brave warrior."

"You're right, Usopp."

Rozi shrugged and said.

As for why there are three attributes on 'King', although Rozi was puzzled, it was only regarded as a special manifestation of the system, and he didn't care too much.

After all, this king from 'One Punch Man' does have three attributes of 'coward', 'big liar' and 'brave warrior'.

In the face of some crises, King can stand up bravely, which is enough to show his courage.

"What... what, I'm not a big liar."

"And I am someone who is going to be a brave sea warrior in the future, how can I be a coward."

"Rozi, have you got this ability wrong?"

Usopp waved his hand and looked at Rozi.

"Hehe, you know if you're right."

"Choose now, Usopp, Nami told you just now how to do this?"

Rozi also did not want to argue with Usopp, and directly urged Usopp to make a choice.

"Okay... okay."

Usopp smacked his mouth, his eyes fell on the three names on the panel, and he gradually became fascinated.

Rozi also set his sights on the names of 'Pinocchio', 'Luo Binghan' and 'king'.

‘I didn’t expect that this time, even the characters in the fairy tale fruit came out. ’

‘Pinocchio, this character should not have much combat power. ’

'And King, this guy doesn't seem to have much ability other than being able to summon Saitama and have a big heart. ’

'Awesome, there is only this heroic spirit of the moon type 'Luo Binghan'. ’

‘Hopefully Usopp can make the right choice, at least I can inherit a useful role. ’

Rozi sighed inwardly and thought silently.

"It's decided, let's look at it in order."

"Let's start with this 'long nose' Pinocchio."

"Since I have a long nose like me, I think he is also an excellent fighter."

Usopp rubbed his long nose confidently, raised his hand and pressed the name of 'Pinocchio'.

With a tremor in the Heroic Spirit Space, a little boy with the same long nose as Usopp and a body entirely made of wood appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, why is it a toy?"

Usopp leaned down and looked suspiciously at Pinocchio several meters away.

The image of Pinocchio is completely different from what Usopp imagined.

"Pinocchio is a puppet."

"Of course, he's a living puppet."

"As for his abilities, it's all on his long nose."

While Rozi was talking, Pinocchio had already stood up and walked slowly towards the lake in front of him.

"The ability is all on the nose? What kind of ability is that?"

"Could it be that it is the same type of power as Alu's powerful sense of smell?"

Luffy asked curiously.

"No! Let's put it this way, Pinocchio's long nose can be freely stretched and shortened."

"When Pinocchio lies, his nose grows."

"When he tells the truth, his nose shortens."

As Rozi was talking, Pinocchio had come to the lake and began to show his abilities to his own reflection in the lake.

"What kind of strange ability is this, what's the use of shortening the nose?"

Usopp twitched the corners of his mouth, looking at Pinocchio who was between lying and not lying, a drop of cold sweat left on his forehead.

"Maybe when you choose the power of Pinocchio, you can have an invincible nose."

"You can keep your nose stretched out by telling lies."

"With your sniping ability, maybe you can use your nose as a kind of bullet."

Hearing Rozi's words, Luffy burst out laughing.

Nami and Zoro, who were standing beside him, also raised their lips.

Usopp was ashamed for a while, not to mention whether he could obtain an invincible nose. Just thinking about the fact that his nose would reveal his thoughts as long as he lied, Usopp felt repulsive to Pinocchio's power in the bottom of his heart.

He shook his head, and when Pinocchio's demonstration had just ended, he clapped his hand on the name of 'Sniper' Robin Han.

"Forget it, I still don't want Pinocchio's heroic spirit template."

"Let me see the power of this Robin Han."

Following Usopp's solemn speech, the Heroic Spirit Space trembled again.

After a second, several people came to a dense forest.

"What a beautiful forest."

Nami turned around, looking around.

"But Rozi, why is there no one here? Isn't that Robin Han supposed to appear in front of our eyes?"

After Nami finished speaking, Usopp nodded again and again, looking at Rozi suspiciously.

"It's invisible to the naked eye, but that doesn't mean he's not by your side."

"Nami, Usopp, how are you looking behind you?"

Rozi raised his finger and pointed behind Nami and the others with a mysterious look on his face.

Hearing Rozi's words, several people looked behind them obediently.

At this moment, a man wearing a spiritual green suit and a dark green cloak suddenly appeared in front of several people.

"This is Robin Han? How did he suddenly appear?"

"And the bow in his hand! It turns out that he is an archer."

Usopp stepped forward, wanting to take a closer look at the man named Robin Han.

"Sudden appearance? This is somewhat similar to the power called 'lurking' that Kazuma Sato showed before."

"Captain Rozi, shouldn't this man be able to use some kind of invisible power?"

Nami asked.

"You guessed it, Nami, Robin Han does have invisible powers."

"And this power is far from comparable to the primary 'lurking' that Sato Kazuma is a Master."

"See that dark green cloak behind him?"

"Don't underestimate that cloak, it can be called the power of Robin Han's Profound Truth."

"The Noble Phantasm 'The Faceless King', as long as you put on this cloak, you can eliminate your own breath and escape into a state of invisibility."

"Sato Kazuma is 'lurking' and is easily detected by the enemy's Observation Haki."

"But the invisibility effect brought by this Noble Phantasm called 'The King of Facelessness' cannot be detected unless someone who has practiced Observation Haki to a certain extent."

"It can be said that for those with poor perception, as long as you put on the 'Lord of the Faceless' and don't make any noise."

"Even if you stand in front of the enemy, he has no way of knowing your existence."


ps: Silently ask for point data.

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