Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 48 Emperor Engine, Haki's Unparalleled Man? (Seeking Data)

"The more powerful the ability, the more powerful the will and strength are naturally required to use."

"'Bow of Prayer' and 'The Faceless King' are both Robin Han's trump cards. Even if you choose Robin Han's heroic spirit template, you may not be able to use these powers at first."

"And even if it can be used, the time that the Faceless King can use and the power that the Prayer Bow can exert are directly related to your physical fitness."

"But you don't have to worry too much. As long as you practice diligently in the future, you will be able to use the Heroic Spirit template proficiently one day."

Rozi patted Usopp hard on the shoulder, calling him back from his stupor.

"This guy named Robin Han is really a powerful man. If I can have this power, wouldn't it be someone who can easily defeat the Black Cat Pirates, and that Crow, he must not be my opponent! "

Usopp clenched his fists, and at this moment, his heart was full of confidence. He completely forgot that Rozi had previously said that the power obtained by using the Heroic Spirit template was linked to his own original strength.

Rozi shook his head without disturbing Usopp, waiting quietly for him to calm down.

In his opinion, Usopp has only Robin Han as an option.

As for Pinocchio and King, these two are not to choose.

After a while, Usopp finally came to his senses and turned to look at the name 'king'.

"Three attributes, and there is also an attribute of 'brave warrior'."

"Let me see what kind of power you have."

Saying that, Usopp raised his hand and clicked on the name of 'King'.

The Heroic Spirit space trembled, and Rozi and the others immediately came to a city full of collapsed buildings.

"What a miserable place, has there been any war here?"

Zoro frowned, turned to look around, and saw nothing but desolation.

"This... this place shouldn't have anything to do with King."

"Huh! Is that King? Well... such a majestic man!"

Usopp swallowed, and his excellent eyesight quickly helped him locate a tall man with three scars on his face, which was very intimidating from a single look.

I saw him walk to a ruin with a calm expression, and slowly took out a box of game CDs from the pile of rubble.

Just then, a man in a black suit ran over.

He looked at the surrounding environment, and then looked at King with a calm expression, suddenly surprised.

" are the powerhouse who defeated the dragon-level monster."

"Please be sure to become a professional hero of the Hero Association, please."

The man in the black suit bent over 90 degrees and gave King a salute.

King wiped the Bloodline on his face, looked at the man in the suit calmly, and a strong "dong dong dong" sound began to sound from his body.

"This... this voice, why do I suddenly feel a little scared?"

Nami took a step back and stood behind Rozi unconsciously.

"Has the same scars on Shanks' face, and the same pressure as Shanks, this man is not simple."

Luffy's eyes sank, his face suddenly serious.

Although Zoro didn't speak, his hand was already on the handle of the knife at his waist.

As for Usopp, he fell directly to the ground and looked in horror at the king who was led forward by the man in the suit.

Rozi was a little ashamed. He never thought that King's imperial engine was so powerful.

It just makes Luffy and Zoro and others think King is a strong man.

Obviously, King's attribute tag still has two attributes, 'coward' and 'big liar'.

Just when Rozi felt obliged to remind Usopp and others, the screen in the Heroic Spirit Space turned again, and several different screen clips appeared in succession.

While the snippets show differences, each snippet has something in common.

That is the broken city, and the majestic king.

Seeing these clips, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and others have fallen into a state of complete amazement.

Although they didn't see the scene of King's hands-on, just looking at the broken city, they had already made up the terrifying battle scene in their minds.

The screen turned again, this time in a gloomy street.

At this moment, King was walking along the passage with a gloomy face towards the front.

Suddenly, a child appeared behind King and stopped King.

"Great, you are the king of the strongest surface man!"

"Now I'm saved, this place is full of weirdos and I've always been scared."

"king, can I follow you?"

While talking excitedly, the little boy ran towards King.

It's just that before he could run to King, the sound of "dong dong dong" resounded in the passage.

"Huh! Emperor Engine? King, I'm just a child, why do you want to enter a fighting stance?"

The little boy quickly stopped and looked at the king in front of him sweating profusely.

"Well, it's better for you to give up on me and find other heroes."

"Even if you act like a spoiled brat to me, there's nothing you can do."

"The more you look forward to me, the more you will fall into despair."

King's face was gloomy, and his eyes were bloodshot at the little boy in front of him.

Such a scene immediately made Nami and the others look puzzled.

"What, isn't this man called a hero by those people, why didn't he rescue this little boy?"

Nami stuck his head out from behind Rozi and looked at King suspiciously.

"Maybe King found something we didn't."

Zoro frowned and turned to look at Rozi.

At this moment, the body of the little boy who was standing opposite King suddenly softened like a slime, and within a few seconds it formed a mess of mud on the ground.

"What's going on here? The little boy turned into mud?"

Usopp was shocked, but soon he jumped up excitedly and pointed to the king in the opposite picture and said:

"That's it, I understand!"

"According to the clip just now, it should be inferred that this little boy should be a strange person."

"And this King actually killed the monster by relying on it."

"It's too powerful, he is indeed the strongest man on the surface."

"I've decided, I'm going to choose this guy to be my heroic spirit template."


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