Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 55 Gion: The Enemy, In The Village Of Shirobu (Seeking Evaluation Votes)

"Luo... Mr. Rozi, I have moved all the treasures of our pirate ship to you as you said."

"What do you need me to do? As long as you say it, I'm willing to do it, whether it's going up the mountain or down the sea of ​​fire!"

Zan Gao rubbed his hands together and looked at Rozi in front of him.

The tragic situation of Sam and Budge became the last straw that completely overwhelmed Zanko's psychological defense.

At this moment, he just wants to hold on to his own life, as for the rest, he doesn't care at all.

"Okay, you can get out."

"Remember to bring your companions."

Rozi waved his hands, carried the treasure chest that Zangao brought in both hands, and walked towards Zoro and the others.

With Rozi's instruction, Zangao was overjoyed, and quickly began to laboriously carry his friends.

Even the dead are not spared.

Now that he is about to leave, he doesn't want to make any mistakes.

"It's okay, let those guys go?"

"If they turn the boat and come to this village in the future, and we are not there, it may cause some danger to this village."

Zoro took a treasure chest from Rozi's hand and said while walking beside Rozi.

"Don't worry, among those who are alive, whether it's Zangao or others, I have broken some bones with my skill."

"In the future, I'm afraid they can only live like ordinary people."

"If they use too much force, they will suffer excruciating pain. Even if they come to this village, they will not be the opponents of ordinary people."

Rozi laughed.

"As expected of the deputy captain, you are really thoughtful, but where did you learn these methods?"

"Zoro, don't forget what I used to do. Like that kind of torture that doesn't kill you, I have it."

"So, you are really a terrible man. Fortunately, such a man is not an enemy."

"Hehe, if you don't have such a strong fighting spirit when you say this, I'll still think you really think me scary. Give it up, Zoro, I'm not interested in competing with you. Compared to this, Let's go find Luffy."

Having said that, Rozi directly crossed Zoro and walked to Nami, Kaya and others.


A few days later, there was a sea area not far from Xi Luobu Village.

On a Marine warship with a giant 'crane' written on its sails.

"Unexpectedly, Captain Crow, who had been beheaded before the public, is still alive."

"Is it worthy of being praised as a pirate who is good at strategy? The captain Crow who was beheaded once was arranged by you, the real Captain Crow."

"Tell me, who made you and your crew look like this."

Crane folded his arms and looked at the members of the Black Cat Pirates, Klo and Zango, who were imprisoned directly opposite.

Crow raised his head and looked at the crane in front of him with a gloomy face, indescribably depressed in his heart.

He never imagined that his three-year plan had just been sabotaged by Rozi.

After waking up, he appeared on Marine's warship again.

Thinking of this, Crow glared fiercely at Zan Gao who was beside him.

"Captain Crow, don't look at me like this, I can't help it either."

"I finally escaped from that bastard Rozi, and I don't want to meet these Marines."

Zan Gao looked desperate.

They thought they had escaped, but who thought they had not found a stable foothold on the sea, they encountered the Marine warship again.

And it is also a warship of the Naval Headquarters General Staff.

"Huh? You said Rozi just now?"

"Did Rozi beat you all?"

"Where is that man now?"

Gion's eyes lit up, and he quickly questioned Zangao.

They have been searching for Rozi in the sea for several days, and now they suddenly get news about Rozi, Gion is naturally very concerned.

"Are you looking for Rozi?"

Crow frowned, his eyes swept across Gion and landed on Crane.

"We're really after him."

"Looking at your appearance, you have a deep hatred for him."

"Why don't you tell us about him and let us Marine come to avenge you?"

Crane was keenly aware of Chloe's emotions, and moved a chair to sit opposite Chloe.

"Haha, haha, it's interesting, it's really interesting."

"Although I'm very unhappy with you Marines, I'd be quite happy if you could get that Rozi."

"Listen, we met those guys in Shirobu Village..."


"Sister He, shall we go to Xiluobu Village now?"

"According to the time, Rozi and his party may have left the village."

In the aisle of the cabin, Gion asked as he followed Tsuru forward.

"No matter what, you have to go and have a look."

"Gion, it's not just about Rozi anymore."

"You also heard that the young man named Usopp who joined Rozi's pirate group, may be the Red Hair Pirates officer, Yasopp's son."

He frowned slightly, his face serious.

Even she had never expected to meet someone who might be related to the Four Emperors in this place.

Gion nodded, and with her knowledge, she quickly understood Tsuru's mind.

Among the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy is Garp's grandson, and Rozi is the vicious criminal who killed the Celestial Dragons. If there is a son of a Four Emperors cadre, the weight of this newcomer Pirates is too heavy.

Among other things, if something happened to Usopp, the Red Hair Pirates might also get in on the action.

"Well, I heard you talk about Rozi just now, have you found Rozi?"

At this time, a mature female voice rang in the ears of Tsuru and Gion.

"You're still here, Naomi, I should have said you could leave?"

Gion frowned and looked helplessly at Naomi, the treasure hunter who was following her.

"Didn't I say it before, I have nowhere to go."

"Right now I just want to find that ruffian Rozi."

"Since you both want to find Rozi, can't you take me with you?"

"I can join you as Marine if you agree."

Naomi said seriously.

Seeing this, Gion shook his head with a headache and turned to look at Crane.

"Since she is so determined, give her a chance and let her start with recruit."

"Since she is a woman, she can naturally fit into our big family."

Crane stood on the deck, looked at Naomi and said:

"Recruit, let's change into Marine's clothes."

"Then come with us to Shirob Village, and if the Rozi guy is still there, we'll arrest him."

Hearing this, Naomi immediately became excited.

She gave the crane a military salute awkwardly, turned and ran to the female sailor beside her, intending to ask her for Marine's uniform.

"Then let's go too."

Following the crane's order, the Marine warship immediately turned its bow and started to head towards the direction of Shirobu Village.


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