Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 57 Laser Push Boat, Crane Invite Garp to Intercept Rozi! (First Order)

"What? To fly in the sky like Rozi?"

"What should I do, they are going to catch up, is my pirate career coming to an end immediately?

Usopp ran back and forth on the deck of the Merry in a panic, and the Emperor's engine began to unfold automatically.

"Idiot, calm down for me."

"Follow my instructions and sail!"

Nami punched Usopp in the head and roared angrily.

When she was done, she turned to Rozi again.

"Your Excellency the Vice-Captain, those people are coming for you."

"I believe you have a way to stop them."

Hearing this, Rozi shrugged, pulled out the famous sword Kinpira behind his back, and said with a smile:

"Anyway, I will try my best to stop them."

At this time, Zoro and Luffy also looked over.

One of the two was gearing up, and the other pulled out the words on his waist slightly, without the slightest fear on his face.

"The elite pursuers of Naval Headquarters, if I can, I really like to see how powerful they are.

Here are Zoro's words.

"Rozi said that there was a Marine Admiral on that ship as a backup, and Marine Admiral was Marine's strongest force, really wanted to see how strong she was.

Luffy said with a giggle.

Since the two obtained the heroic spirit template, their strength has grown faster than the original.

So far, apart from the competition between their partners, they have never felt pressured battles.

Now that Marine is chasing after him again, Zoro and Luffy are naturally quite interested.

"Luffy, there's a woman on that ship who's the same Marine as your grandpa."

"To some extent, your grandfather is afraid of her."

"How, after listening to my words, do you still plan to fight them?"

Rozi didn't look back, and said while guarding Gion and others who were stepping on the Moonwalk getting closer and closer to the Merry.

"Uh! Grandpa is afraid of her?"

Luffy's body trembled, thinking of the picture of being beaten by Garp when he was a child, the fighting spirit he just mentioned instantly wilted.

At this time, Gion finally came to a place close to the Merry.

Seeing Rozi standing at the stern, she didn't want to use the long knife in her hand to make a flying slash.

Facing this tentative slash, Rozi took a breath, turned his body and kicked a Tempest Kick, and the crescent-shaped wind blade slammed into Gion's flying slash.

With a bang, the two wind blades stirred up a gust of wind, and both disappeared into the air.

Stop me, Rozi, you asshole! Explain that to me?

Gion shouted.

"What was that thing? Momousagi Vice Admiral, can you stop being the Riddler?"

"What a mess!? Also, give me back my sword, you bastard, you who don't know how to use swords don't deserve to have a kimpira at all.

"Oh, who told you that I can't use a sword?"

Rozi held Kinpira on his shoulders, and did not intend to return Kinpira to Gion in the slightest.

"Gion, let's stop talking nonsense with that guy, let's attack like this.

"That's right! Just stop the boat he's on, and the Vice Admiral and the other sisters on the warship will be able to support us."1

"Believe this, this Rozi will not be able to escape! Jinpira, will naturally be able to return to your hands.

At this time, the other female Marines who stepped on Moonwalk had also come behind Gion, and they persuaded Gion to start now.

Gion nodded, and the powerful Armament Haki climbed up on the blade and swung a few knives in the direction of Going Merry in quick succession.

In an instant, more than ten slashing flying slashes fell from the sky, and even the entire Meili was included in it.

Seeing Gion's action, the other female marines did not show weakness, some cast Tempest Kick, and some wielded long swords.

Soon, more flying slashes fell from the air.

"It really doesn't hold back at all."

"However, the Meili you just got can't just be cut off by you.

The corners of Rozi's mouth rose, a cold red light flashed in his eyes, and his body even gave off a ghostly aura.

Zoro, who was about to use the Moon Breathing sword skill to intercept the flying slash in the sky, felt the breath of Rozi and looked at it instantly.

'Black Death Mou's Breath!'

'Well, then let me see how you use his power.

Zoro thought to himself, and slowly put down the long knife in his hand.

After seeing that Rozi once used the power of Zaraki Kenpachi to cut the sea, Zoro had long wanted to see Rozi fighting with his sword again.

To this end, Rozi has been challenged a lot.

However, Rozi not only did not accept the challenge, but also rarely used the sword in future battles with the enemy.

At this moment, seeing that Rozi was not only going to use Jinpira, but even the power of Black Death Mou, Zoro naturally didn't plan to make another move.

Rozi gathered the Jinpira in his hand over his head, and the blood-red energy climbed up the Jinpira blade.

In just one second, the original long knife became a blade, the handle and grip were all covered with eyes, and a strange-shaped blade with the wrong blade was born.

This is not over yet. After Rozi used Black Death Mou's blood ghost technique to transform the middle long sword, he even covered the Armament Haki of Emission level on the blade.

"Breath of the Moon・Shape of Nine・Falling Moon・Face!"

Rozi quickly swung the sharp blade in his hand, and slashed at Diyuan and others in the sky, creating a multi-layered wind with countless [moon blades].

Those flying slashes slashed by Gion and the others met Rozi's slashes and were quickly strangled.

After that, there were even extra Moon Breath slashes that flew towards Gion and the others, forcing Gion and the others to use their own means of defense.

"Is this the sword form after the Moon Breath of the Sixth Form, so strong!"

Zoro clenched the handle of the knife tightly and looked closely at Rozi's back.

With just this blow, Zoro understood the gap between himself and Rozi.

Even if he integrated the breath of the moon into his three swords flow.

But none of the sword skills he masters now is stronger than the sword skills Rozi is using now.

Thinking of this, a strong desire to challenge poured into his heart.

"When did you learn to use a sword!"

Gion, who was knocked back several meters, stared at Rozi's face with wide eyes.

At this time, she suddenly felt that she couldn't understand Rozi.

It was obvious that they chased after Rozi, but Rozi never showed his sword skills from beginning to end.

How come you can use the sword all of a sudden?

Moreover, the proficiency in using the sword is not at all like the kind of person who just used the sword as the Master.

"Who knows." Rozi shrugged, and suddenly his eyes narrowed, looking in the direction of the Marine.

There, the crane jumped out of the bow of the Marine warship, and also stepped on the Moonwalk and rushed towards the Merry.

"Although I want to prove to you that I am worthy of this sword."

"But if there are other people around, it's really a bit of an image of my state.

"So we still have a chance to meet again."

Now that Crane has attacked, Rozi naturally has no intention of continuing to talk to Gion.

"Bastard, don't try to escape!"

Finally found an opportunity to seize Rozi, how could Gion give up.

She stomped on the air behind her with her right leg, and accelerated again and landed in the direction of the Merry.

"Everyone, find something and grab it, I'm going to speed up the Mei Li."

Rozi shouted to the companions behind him, and put Kimpira back into the scabbard behind him.

Immediately he jumped off the deck, using Moonwalk to control his back against the stern part of the Merry.

Although Luffy, Nami and others didn't understand what Rozi was going to do, they all honestly found a place to fix themselves.

After using Observation Haki to determine the status of Luffy and others, Rozi stretched out his hands towards Crane, which is also the direction of Marine's warship.

"Then, bye everyone!"

"Purgatory Warriors Explosive Heat Wave Cannon!"


With Rozi's loud shout, a huge explosion suddenly sounded.

His outstretched hands slammed out an energy beam of terrifying energy.

In the blink of an eye, the energy beam came to the front of Crane and engulfed her.

At the same time, Rozi then launched the powerful after-action force of the 'Purgatory Warriors Explosive Heat Wave Cannon', and even used his back to push the Merry to sail forward at a high speed.

In the blink of an eye, the Merry leaped over a distance of several kilometers.

"Sister Crane!"

Seeing the crane being engulfed by the beam of light, even the Marine warship behind the crane was shrouded in a dazzling white light.

Gion didn't even have the heart to continue chasing Rozi, she hurriedly turned around and stepped on the crane, who was pushed by the beam of light and moved into the distance.

"Sister He, are you alright?!"

After a while, when the beam of light finally dissipated, Gion looked at the crane in front of him worriedly.

At this moment, although the crane still maintains a calm attitude, her clothes, hair and other places have been damaged and damaged in many places.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." 1

Crane nodded slightly and turned to look at the Marine warship that was pushed back several kilometers by his back.

After seeing the Marine warship and that there were no casualties on the Marine warship, Tsuru Chang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn, that Rozi can't help Cheng Fangxie?"

"How much power does that man have yet to use?"

"Did he lie to us before?"

Gion clenched the long sword in his hand and looked at the sea in the distance, but at this time, there was still the shadow of the Merry on the sea.

Using Moonwalk, Tsuru jumped back to the Marine warship deck, looked at Gion who fell from the sky beside him, and said:

"It's a bit odd that Rozi can use a sword, but maybe it's because he didn't have a proper weapon before, so he only used fists and feet when he had a conflict with us.

"However, it's a bit strange that he can use the laser just now, and I don't know if that guy got some strange Devil Fruit."1

At this time, the new Marine Naomi ran to Crane's side with a new Marine coat and handed it to her.

"Vice Admiral Tsuru, Vice Admiral Gion, the swordsmanship performed by Rozi just now is similar to the swordsmanship performed by the pirate hunter Zoro.

"Although Rozi's swordsmanship is much stronger than Zoro's, their swordsmanship can also trigger the crescent sword aura.

"Remembering that Rozi once used the same card as Nami the thief cat, I suspect that this Rozi intentionally taught his abilities to his friends.

Naomi said.

Hearing this, Crane nodded in agreement.

"It seems that this Rozi is not only a dangerous wanted criminal, but also an excellent teacher.

"Looking at it this way, he also has a reason to join Monkey D. Luffy's pirate group."

"Maybe this guy has the idea of ​​​​training rookie pirates."1

While talking, Tsuru took off the Marine coat that was slightly burned by the 'Purgatory Warriors Explosive Heat Wave Cannon' behind him, and put on the new Marine coat that Naomi handed over.

"Well, Crane Vice Admiral, are we going to keep going?"

At this time, a female Marine asked.

Crane pondered for a while, and after thinking for a while, she shook her head:

"The strange laser just now pushed us back several kilometers, and the same Rozi pushed their ship several kilometers with this laser."1

"Although the pirate ship is small, it moves nimbly. It is very difficult to catch up in these 527 hours."

"Although I don't know the price of Rozi's release of the laser, but he has such an ability that even if we catch up for a short time, it is difficult to really catch them.

"Unless, in the first place, a powerful warrior can come to him and let him not use this strange laser to push their ship away.

As soon as these words came out, Gion immediately grabbed the handle of the sword around his waist.

"Sister He, leave this to me."

"Next time I will sneak into his side quietly and use all my strength to hold him back."1

"At that time, as long as the sisters can support me in time, we will be able to capture Rozi and his partners!"

At this moment, Gion's eyes were firmer than ever before.

At the same time, it is also embarrassing. She felt that if she had not been surprised by Rozi's swordsmanship before, perhaps she had a chance to entangle Rozi.

At that time, he naturally couldn't cast strange laser rays to help himself and his partner escape.

"Well, if possible, I will work with you to stop him."

Crane nodded, then suddenly, as if thinking of something, he took out his phone and dialed a familiar phone number.

Soon, a very familiar voice rang from the phone bug.

"Xiaohe, what's the matter? Could it be that you have already captured Luffy and the others?"

Opposite the phone bug is the voice of Marine hero Garp.

"No, that Rozi again showed a weird ability that made him run away."

"Escaped again? Xiaohe, what did that guy do?"

"It released a powerful laser, shrouding me and the ship behind me. The power is very strong, and I can't destroy it for a while, but if you and Sengoku were you and Sengoku, you must have this ability."

Speaking of which, the crane sighed.

Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr, Crane, none of the four Marine old men are weak, and Crane's ability is even stronger to some extent.

But when it comes to destructive power, she is indeed a little lacking.

"Is that so, should I wait until I meet with you and then go to their troubles?

"I've reached Logue town now, and it shouldn't be long before I join you." 1

Garp offered his own suggestion.

Of course, whether he wanted to catch Luffy and his party, only he knew.

"No, I'm calling just wanting you to stay in Logue town."

"According to the current route, Luffy, Luo: Pedestrians are likely to go to towns soon.

"It's enough for us to search the sea, you stay there to prevent them from entering the Grand Line.

Crane said.

"This... well, I'll listen to you."

Garp replied in a muffled voice.

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