Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 63 Turning your back to the sniper is not a good habit (seeking data)

"Get in the way! Rubber machine gun nails!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Luffy threw a rubber mechanical punch with a nail-punch effect at the surrounding Krieg pirates.

Those members of the Krieg Pirates who were not strong at all fell down in an instant.

For a while, the remaining pirates did not dare to step forward, and at the same time did not dare to disturb the battle between Zoro and Hawkeye.

Meanwhile, Nami and Usopp are here.

"Nami, Usopp, those two guys will be handed over to you."

"I have to keep an eye on Zoro now."

Rozi kept his eyes on the battle between Zoro and Hawkeye, and said to Nami and Usopp next to him without looking back.

Although Hawkeye didn't use all his strength, the sword stance did not reach the level that he couldn't see clearly.

But watching the battle of this eagle eye who integrated powerful sword skills into flat A sword skills, Rozi still did not dare to be careless.

For fear that he accidentally wields a flat A sword skill that can shred meteors.

Therefore, in order not to let Zoro have an unexpected situation, at this moment he focused Observation Haki on Zoro and Hawkeye.

He even used the power of Black Death Mou that called 'penetrating the world'.

Like Observation Haki, 'Transparent World' can also enhance human perception, even allowing Rozi's eyes to penetrate the enemy's skin to see the inside of the enemy.

With the superposition of the two powers that enhance perception, Rozi can see more of Hawkeye's swordsmanship, and at the same time, he feels more and more that Hawkeye is worthy of being the world's number one swordsman.

Zoro is still far, far away from Hawkeye, even if he is now able to slash flying slashes, he can be called a swordsman.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, Vice-Captain Rozi."

Nami smiled mischievously, facing Ajin and Baru who were rushing towards him without the slightest fear.

On the other hand, Usopp, when he saw Agina's ghost-like expression, his heart began to beat faster again.

"Hey, you guys add it to me and stop!"

"Do you want to take action on the lady?"

This is, Sanji lit a cigarette and stopped in front of Ajin and Baru.

"Sanji, get out of the way, I have to take Captain Krieg.

Ajin stopped one meter away from Sanji and looked at Sanji who had a meal in front of him with complicated eyes.

When Ba Lu saw his boss A Jin stopped, naturally he did not continue to move forward.

However, his eyes were fixed on Krieg, for fear that he would never get up again.

"It's a pity, Ajin. Now you are already full, and I have no reason to act according to your request.

"What's more, you guys are planning to use the weak lady as your opponent."

"If you want to hurt Miss Nami, you must climb over my body!"

Sanji waved his hand and said to Akin with a determined face.

But he was only handsome for three seconds, and he quickly turned his head to look at Nami with a wretched face.

"Miss Nami, please rest assured that your prince will protect you."1

"Yes, I understand.

Nami waved his hand and looked at Sanji speechlessly.

However, someone helped to stop the enemy, and Nami naturally enjoyed his leisure time.

He squatted down and planned to get the valuables such as the golden armor from Krieg's body.

"Tsk, it's a little heavy, Usopp is here to help.

"Nami, we're fighting right now! It's not too late to get the loot after waiting.

Usopp slapped his mouth and decisively refused Nami's request.

Nami can safely hand over the enemy to Sanji, but he doesn't have that confidence.

He always felt that as long as he didn't look at Ah Jin and Baru for a moment, his heart would not be settled.

"What does it matter, don't they look weak anyway?"

Nami didn't care whether Usopp was afraid or not, he directly pulled Usopp and started pulling up Krieg's golden armor with himself.

"Bastard, stop me!"

Seeing Nami being so rude to his captain, Ah Jin couldn't take it anymore.

Under the rage, the speed suddenly increased and appeared beside Sanji almost instantly.


Sanji's eyes widened, and he immediately raised his leg and kicked Ajin.

However, he jumped up in a hurry, how could he stop Ah Jin's attack.

When Sanji stumbled, Ah Jin had already swept past him and charged towards Nami and Usopp.

"Asshole, don't even think about it."

Sanji's eyes were red, and he completely abandoned his defense and rushed towards Akin.

However, no matter how hard he tried to stop Ah Jin to protect Nami, he couldn't do it.

In front of him, Baru, who was directly wearing a shield, stopped him.

Meanwhile, Nami and Usopp are here.

‘Why did this guy come here!?’

Usopp caught a glimpse of Ajin who came up from the corner of his eye, the face of a devil, the emperor's engine was completely activated.

A burst of oppressive "dong dong dong" thunder drums suddenly sounded.

The invisible pressure caused Ajin to pause for a moment.

And it was this momentary pause that was doomed to his defeat.

"Card Magic, Fool's Temperance!"

Nami raised his hand to look at Usopp, and Akin, who was stunned, was a card magic.

A cloud of mist was vacated from the cards she threw out and directly wrapped Ajin around the group.

"what is this?!"

"Wait, this feeling of powerlessness? Hypnosis gas?!"

A Jinqiang held his body to prevent himself from falling, and looked at Nami fiercely.

Because Krieg had used Hypnosis gas, Arkin directly linked Nami's power to the Hypnosis gas Krieg used.

"Cunning woman!"

Ajin roared angrily and tried to rush out of the smoke with all his strength.

However, this time....

"Exploding star!


Usopp raised the slingshot at Akin and it was a powerful shot.

The explosion star, which was born out of Naomi's explosive arrow, instantly caused a huge explosion on Akin.

Directly blasted his body into the air.

It wasn't over yet, Nami summoned a card again, summoning a fiery flame to fall on Akin's body.

At this moment, Ah Jin, who was already in poor condition because of Hypnosis smoke and exploding stars, could no longer hold on.

The moment he fell on the Balati deck of the Sea Restaurant, he lost consciousness.

" over?"

Sanji, who had just repelled Baru, stared blankly at Akin who fell at his feet.

He never thought that the object he wanted to protect would actually knock a powerful enemy to the ground in such a short period of time.

"Yah ah ah, in Rozi's words, it should be said that you protected a loneliness."

Usopp came over to Sanji with the sound of the Imperial Engine and patted him on the shoulder.

"Let me deal with this enemy too."

With that, Usopp raised his slingshot and aimed it at Baru's head.

Ba Lu, who was afraid because of Ah Jin's defeat, suddenly faced the pressure of Usopp's emperor's engine, and could no longer bear the fear, he turned and ran into the distance.

"Haha, turning your back to the sniper is not a good habit (Li Zhaozhao)."

After Usopp finished speaking, he let go of the explosive star and slammed it into the back of Baru's head.

The strong explosive force, coupled with the weak attack, made Baru directly follow in the footsteps of Ah Jin.

"Hey, it's really simple.

Usopp shrugged and pulled back the sound of the Emperor's engine.

He turned his head and saw Sanji was looking at him with a surprised expression, he laughed and gave a thumbs up.

"How about it, we're great."

Sanji twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at Usopp in front of him, and at Nami, who was busy scavenging Krieg's belongings.

At this moment, even he couldn't help but blush a little.

Meanwhile, the battle between Zoro and Hawkeye finally came to a turning point.

"Three swords, the breath of the moon, the shape of the land, the lonely moon in the night, the infinity!

Zoro quickly swung out the three knives on his body and slashed dozens of slashes in the blink of an eye.

However, his speed was not faster than Hawkeye after all.

All of his slashes were picked up by Hawkeye, and even at the next moment, the dagger in Hawkeye's hand had already pierced Zoro's chest.

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