Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 89 The relationship is exposed! Sabo, you have a younger brother named Luffy (seeking data)

"What, is that Luffy's dad's boat?"

"Wait, since it's Dad Luffy's fleet, that means it's not an enemy.

Usopp touched his chin and said.

"Idiot, Luffy's grandpa was Marine, and his father could be Marine as well."

"If that's the case, we're also enemies."

Zoro narrowed his eyes and looked at the approaching ship on the opposite side, without letting down the slightest guard.

"That being said, but there's no way the ship on the other side is not a Marine warship.

"Luffy, since it's your father, what are you talking about?"

Sanji exhaled a puff of white smoke and turned to look at Luffy.

The others looked too, but Luffy's reaction surprised them.

"Eh?! What? Do I have a father?"

Luffy scratched his head and looked at Rozi with some doubts.

"Idiot, everyone has a father, otherwise how did you get here?"

Nami patted the back of Luffy's head, once again feeling speechless for Luffy's brainless speech.

Failing to get an answer from Luffy's mouth, everyone could only turn their heads to look at Rozi.

"Don't worry, it's not the enemy. Luffy's father 543 is not Marine either, but Marine's nemesis, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Dragon!"

Rozi laughed.

"What?! Monkey D. Dragon? How is that possible?!"

Sanji accidentally cut off the cigarette in his hand and looked at Rozi in surprise.

"What's so surprising, the elders can't decide the way out for the back."1

"Luffy can go to sea to be a pirate, can't Garp's son go to sea to be a revolutionary army?"

"It's all basic operations, calm, calm.

Rozi waved his hand and said something casually, then walked to the bow of the Merry, waiting for the arrival of Helong and others.

However, as the distance got closer, Rozi's eyes were gradually drawn to Koala standing beside the dragon.

'Really, long time no see. '

Thinking about the experience of Koala, who used to be a revolutionary army, recklessly in front of himself as a cp9 agent, Rozi's eyes flashed with nostalgia.

It can be said that the encounter with Koala planted the seeds of leaving for Rozi, who originally planned to go all the way to the dark at the World Government.

"It's not some basic operation, Garp, Dragon, Luffy, these are some monster families.

"Rozi, are you listening to me?"

Nami walked over to Rozi, followed Rozi's line of sight, and quickly locked onto Koala.

Before Nami could ask anything, Koala jumped and flew straight to Rozi.

"Mr. Rozi, we meet again!"

Koala, who was in the air, opened his hands and fell directly in front of Rozi, and the open hands also hugged Rozi's back.

This made Nami's eyes widen for a moment, and looked at Rozi and Koala in surprise, and was a little confused about the relationship between the two for a while.

As for Sanji, the cigarette in his hand fell directly to the ground, and the whole person was petrified in place.

Rozi patted Koala's back and was about to speak, but felt Koala's body in front of him tremble.

"Great, Mr. Rozi, you're fine."

"I heard you killed Celestial Dragons earlier, and I was worried that you would be caught.

"Now that you are safe and sound, I am finally relieved."

Koala raised her head, her eyes reddened a lot, and a little bit of tears were streaming down her face.

"Don't worry, I won't die so easily."1

"Let me introduce you, these are my companions.

"Everyone, this is Koala from the Revolutionary Army.

"It's a friend I used to know."

Rozi let go of Koala, turned around and said to Luffy and Nami.

"Hee hee, hello everyone, I'm Koala, but I've had a close relationship with Mr. Rozi."1

Koala glanced over Luffy and the others one by one, and finally stopped on Abac Mei.

Facing Nami's suspicious eyes, she smiled and nodded.

While speaking, the Merry and the Revolutionary Army ship finally approached.

Dragon, Belo Betty, and Sabo jumped onto the deck of the Merry.

'This man is here too.

'Now things get interesting. '

Rozi glanced at Sabo, then turned to look at Luffy.

Sure enough, I saw Luffy frowning at Sabo's face.

Long first nodded politely to Luffy, Nami and others, then came to Rozi and said:

"Your Excellency Rozi, I finally meet you.

"The theory that your Excellency handed to Koala is truly breathtaking and it has opened our minds."

"We were looking for your traces after we learned that you were sentenced to World government.

"The people who were searching for you were all in North Blue, but I didn't expect you to appear in East Blue."

After joining the Pirates, I don't know if our revolutionary army still has the opportunity to invite you to become one of our members. "

The dragon took off his hood and revealed his true face to Rozi.

As soon as he finished speaking, Luffy immediately looked away from Sabo's face and turned to look at the dragon with a displeased expression.

"Hey, you guy, Rozi is my partner! If you say that again, even if you're my father, I won't forgive you."1

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm just asking... eh? What did you say?!"

The dragon's eyes widened and he looked at Luffy in surprise.

Sabo, Belo Betty, and Koala looked at Luffy in equally astonished wonder, wondering why he would say that.

"Huh? What's your reaction? Aren't you my father?"

"But Rozi clearly said that you are my father, grandpa's son, and also said that your name is Monkey·D·Dragon.

Luffy tilted his head, looking strangely at Long's surprised face.

"Really, Mr. Rozi, you are really joking, how could the leader be Luffy's father."1

Koala put his hands on his hips and pouted to Rozi.

"Hehe, if the leader is really the son of Marine hero Garp, that would be very interesting. However, how can such a thing be possible.

Belo Betty shook her head and said with a chuckle.

"It can be seen that Lord Rozi is a humorous person."

Sabo took care of his politeness with a faint smile on his face.

"Humorous?" Rozi raised his eyebrows, his eyes falling on Sabo's face. "I have something more humorous, I wonder if this gentleman of the revolutionary army is interested in hearing it?"

"Since it is Lord Rozi's words, I am naturally willing to listen."

Sabo nodded slightly, speaking softly and politely.

"It's nothing, just want to say that in the revolutionary army, apart from Long being Luffy's father, your chief of staff is also Luffy's brother!

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