Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 92: Deal with Garp's helper; deprive Devil Fruit (thanks to 15917.. Big Brother's

"Your Excellency Rozi, I have read the revolutionary theory book you gave me."

"There is no doubt that this will be a bright light for the revolutionary cause.

"In the future we will certainly act strictly according to the theory you have compiled, Mr. Rozi.

Long took Rozi's hand and said excitedly.

"Haha, it's easy to talk, I have a relationship with Koala after all."1

"Also, if your revolutionary army can develop, and by the way, help me take revenge on the World government, I'd be happy to see it."1

Rozi nodded slightly and said.

"It's just a pity that Your Excellency Rozi can't come to the Revolutionary Army to help."1

"Whatever, Your Excellency Rozi, you have done enough. If we continue to ask for it, it will be too unrestrained."

"Your Excellency Rozi, I hope that your theory will be seen by as many comrades as possible.

"So I have already told Belo Beatty to return to the base of the Revolutionary Army with the books.

"And I, after escorting you to the Grand Line, will also be leaving."

The dragon let go of Rozi's hand and spoke.

"Escort?" Rozi frowned slightly, "I'll let you say the word escort, is there a force stationed in Logue town to arrest us?

"That's right! We in the Revolutionary Army have received news that Marine hero Garp is now waiting for you in Logue town."

"It''s your dad, he's trying to kill me and Luffy.

Rozi was a little ashamed.

Although he guessed that there might be a powerful Marine waiting there in Logue town, he did not expect that the Marine hero Garp would be stationed there.

Faced with Garp, even Rozi was having a tough time.

"Don't worry, if Garp really shoots at Your Excellency Rozi, I will be responsible for stopping him.

Long said solemnly.

"Really, then I'm welcome, haha."

Rozi laughed and patted the dragon on the shoulder.

Since there is free labor, Rozi naturally does not use it for nothing.

After a while of communication, the Merry set sail again, heading towards Logue town.

This time, however, there are dragons on board and Sabo, who voluntarily stayed to help.

Although Koala also wanted to stay, but because of other tasks, she had to leave with Belo Betty.

After a period of sailing, the Merry finally approached the waters of Logue town.

"Sure enough, there is a strong aura in this town, I think it is Garp Vice Admiral."1

Rozi stood on the deck of the Merry, looking at the lively Logue town with slightly complicated eyes.

"Since that's the case, then, should we just leave?"

"Anyway, there are still a lot of supplies on the ship. The worst thing is, can't we save some food? 1"

Usopp offered his suggestion with trembling legs.

"Do you think that when we have two big stomach kings on board, untimely replenishment of supplies can safely sail on the sea?"

"I'm going to buy some food, Usopp, come with me, I can't carry that much by myself.

"And aren't you also planning to purchase some materials for making special ammunition?"

Sanji glanced at Usopp and put his hand on Usopp's shoulder.

"I... I don't have to, in fact, I have a disease that will kill me as soon as I land!

"What does it matter? Didn't Long and Sabo go to Logue town first? If that Garp really made a move, Long would definitely stop him."

"Luffy, you come too."1

Saying that, Sanji didn't wait for Usopp and Luffy to react, and directly led them off the Merry and walked towards the depths of Logue town.

"Then, I'll also go and see if there are any suitable knives for sale.

Zoro rubbed his shoulders and wanted to leave the Merry.

"Wait, Zoro!"

"Huh? Is there something wrong, Nami?"

"I can't let you leave alone, you will definitely get lost if you are alone.

"How many times have I said it, I'm not a lunatic.

Nami ignored Zoro's complaints and turned to look at Rozi who continued to sense Logue town with Observation Haki.

"Rozi, let's move with Zoro.

"After Sanji and the others have bought enough supplies, we will leave together.

"Although with the help of the dragons, it is always good to be able to leave without disturbing the Marine hero Garp."

Hearing this, Rozi retracted his Observation Haki and nodded to Nami.

"Alright! I happen to know where the weapon shop in Logue town is going, so let me take you there, Zoro.

"If there is no accident, there should be a demon knife in that place, which may be very suitable for you.

Demon Sword Third Generation Ghost, who accompanied Zoro against the Four Emperors Kaido.

Rozi didn't want Zoro to be unable to get the Third Generation ghost because of his butterfly.

"Huh, Yaodao, I heard something good.

"If that's the case, let's go."

The corners of Zoro's mouth twitched, and when he heard the two demon knives, he immediately changed his mind about going to the shop alone.

After Rozi and Nami set off side by side, he immediately followed.

Logue town, weapon shop.

"Thanks to patronage, a total of 3.26 million Berry.

The owner of the weapon shop, Yiben, rubbed his hands loosely, and faced the beautiful buyer in front of him with a charming smile.

"3.26 million Berry, do you think this can be paid for?"

The beautiful buyer smashed a huge mace on the counter with a faint smile on his face.

"Hahaha, to ask our boss for money, I think you don't understand."

"Our captain is a big pirate who offers a reward of 5 million Berry. It's good luck to take away your weapons. How dare you ask for money?"

"Captain Alvida, let's just take all the weapons from this shop and smash him hard.

The beautiful buyer, that is, the pirates with various swords and weapons behind Alvida, roared, and looked at Ben Song with a grin.

"Boss, you see my crew say that, what do you think I should do?"

With a charming smile on his face, Alvida asked Benson.

Because she has already eaten the Slippery Fruit, now she just smiles, which is enough to make men who like women feel intoxicated.

The same is true for a pine.

But after thinking of his wife, Ben Song immediately woke up again.

Seeing the counter cracked by the mace, he said with a serious face:

"I need to remind a few people that it's Colonel Marine Smoker who leases and sells Logue town.

"Also, recently legendary Marine hero Garp Vice Admiral is also in Logue town."

"If some of you mess up and bring in Colonel Smoker and Garp Vice Admiral, you're bound to end up in Marine's prison."

Alvida and the pirates behind her immediately burst into laughter when they heard this.

After a while, just when Alvida wanted to directly blow the book away.

Two more pirates ran in from the gate of the weapon shop.

"Miss Alvida, something is bad."

Captain Buggy, his crew, and some of us met Marine hero Garp.

"All have been arrested now."

"Miss Alvida, what should we do?"

The voice fell, and the weapon shop fell silent instantly.

The mace that Alvida had held high also slowly lowered.

"That Buggy got caught?"

"Marine hero Garp is really here?"

Alvida murmured, her brain racing.

Because of the slippery fruit, Alvida not only got better in shape, but also improved her IQ a lot.

Soon, there was a calculation in her heart.

"Everyone, get out of here immediately, we'll go back up."

Alvida waved his hand and issued the order to go to sea.

Although he didn't understand how strong Garp's power was, Alvida didn't want to face the man who could defeat Buggy.

Bensong's eyes widened as he watched Alvida and his party prepare to leave with a large bag of weapons, and after a while, he didn't call out to Alvida.

'Never mind, safety first, tell Marine when they're gone. ’

Just when Ben Song made up his mind, an exclamation suddenly came from outside the weapon shop.

Bensong frowned, and driven by curiosity, he finally walked to the door of the weapon shop.

"Huh?! Isn't that the little girl Marine who often maintains swords in my shop?"

"Wait, those people are... the Straw Hat Pirates?"

"Stop, with me here, you pirates will never be allowed to leave.

Logue town Marine Ensign stopped in front of Alvida and others and said righteously.

"Go away, I'm not interested in playing right now."

Alvida ran quickly to Tashigi, swung his mace and smashed him in the head.

Tashigi was not afraid, and quickly touched the hilt with his right hand.

I saw a flash of cold light, Tashigi's blade came first, and quickly cut to Alvida's arm.

But what Tashigi didn't expect was that the long knife she swung out automatically slipped aside when it touched Alvida's skin.


Tashigi exclaimed, trying to avoid Alvida's attack before it was too late.

Just as she closed her eyes, 543 was about to eat Alvida's attack.

A hand suddenly grabbed her back collar and led her to float behind her.

Alvida's mace fell, and in the end only took away the glasses that Tashigi was wearing.

"Huh? Who?"

Alvida raised her head and glared at the person behind Tashigi.

However, after seeing Rozi's face, Alvida's expression changed instantly.

"It's you, you are that Straw Hat Road..."


Before Alvida could finish speaking, a domineering and violent force instantly pressed on Arria and the pirates behind her.

The powerful pressure instantly made Alvida and the others turn their eyes up and fainted.

"I didn't expect to meet this guy here. It's an unexpected joy."

Rozi put down Tashigi's collar, walked over to Alvida, who was stunned by his Conqueror's, and reached out to lift her up.

"do you know her?"

Nami glanced at Tashigi casually and walked to Rozi's side.

"Well, besides, you actually know her too." 1

"Huh? But I don't seem to have this person in my memory?"

"Hehe, you'll know if you know her later, so do me a favor first.

Rozi said, sending the fainted Alvida directly to Nami.

Seeing this, Nami quickly stretched out his hands to catch Alvida's body.

Just when she wondered what Rozi wanted to do, Rozi slapped Alvida's back, and then Nami felt that a fruit with thread marks gradually floated out in front of Alvida.

Nami blinked, and soon realized that it was Rozi taking the Devil Fruit from the other party.

Thinking of the value of Devil Fruit, Nami excitedly picked up Devil Fruit.

And Alvida, who lost the slippery fruit, instantly turned into the former fat woman.

"Al, what is this guy?"

Nami took a step back with the slippery fruit, rubbed his eyes, and looked at Alvida lying at his feet in disbelief.

"How did you become a fat woman, do you do magic?"

Seeing this scene, Zoro also came over with great interest.

But after passing by Tashigi and seeing Tashigi's face, Zoro immediately froze in place.

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