"In addition, Stussy and his group, whom we met earlier, are also with her."

Rozi smiled and said.

Hearing this, Sanji finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Rozi, why are everyone's bounties so high, and only 50 berries for this one."

Chopper hugged Rozi's calf and looked at Rozi's face aggrievedly.

"Uh... well, it's probably because you didn't participate in the battle much."

"But don't worry, Chopper."

"When you show extraordinary combat power in the future, the bounty should increase."

Rozi laughed awkwardly and said uncertainly.

He didn't expect that even with the addition of himself as a time traveler, Chopper would still be classified as a pet like in the original.

As for the future, considering that Chopper in the original had fought with the Four Emperors, the berries were still so little.

Rozi was not sure whether Chopper on his side would get a bounty that matched his strength in the future.

"Kosa, right? It doesn't matter if you don't believe it now."

"Soon, a ship full of weapons will land in this city."

"In addition, a guy disguised as Vivi's father will come here."

"When you see the guy who took the imitation fruit, I believe you will understand."

Roqi turned his head and looked at Kosa.

"Huh? Why do you know this, Roqi?"

Kosa frowned and looked at Roqi vigilantly.

Even though he knew that Roqi was Vivi's partner, facing a pirate with a bounty of more than 1 billion berries, Kosa still felt in awe.

"Of course I saw it with my eyes."

Roqi pointed to his eyes, smiled and looked at Vivi who was also suspicious, and said:

"¨‖ Before Robin and I separated, I left a small slug with her. "

"I can share vision with that slug."

"I saw through the slug's vision that Crocodile was anxious to hold a meeting with agents MR1, MR2, etc. "

"MR1 and his partner will deliberately crash into the city with a ship loaded with weapons."

"And MR2 will use his devil fruit ability to disguise himself as King Cobra and do something excessive in front of the rebels."

"With weapons, and the king doing something bad in front of the rebels, What do you think the rebels will do next? "

Weiwei covered her mouth, her eyes full of resentment: "The rebels will definitely take the weapons sent and go straight to the capital."

Rozi nodded, stretched out his hand and patted Kosa's shoulder, saying:

"Kosa, it's not far from those agents coming here now."

"Why not stay here for the time being, (it's good to get the money) and wait and see."

Kosa looked at Rozi's hand on his shoulder, and then looked at Vivi with a serious expression on his face, and finally nodded.

"With Rozi here with a bounty of 1.5 billion berries, and all the Straw Hat Pirates here, I think I have no choice but to agree."

Rozi smiled and was about to answer Kosa, when suddenly a very familiar breath broke into Rozi's perception range.

"Smoker? How could this guy appear in this city! Strange, there is a strong breath not far away!"

In order to be able to find Mr. 1 and others in time, Rosie kept driving his observation Haki.

He didn't expect that he didn't wait for Mr. 1 and others, but waited for Smoker first.

Rosie muttered to the window, the power of "Hawkeye" was activated, and his eyes fell directly on the strong breath he sensed with his observation Haki.

"Huh? That guy is... Fire Fist Ace?"


Chapter 169 Ace is Luffy's brother? The collapsed navy!

"Colonel Smoker, the Navy Headquarters did not agree that we should pursue the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Is it really okay for us to come to Alabasta rashly?"

On the street, Smoker asked Smoker beside him worriedly.

"Huh, if I avoid pirates because of fear, what kind of navy am I?"

"I might as well go back to the fields to plow the fields as soon as possible."

Smoker snorted coldly, obviously very unhappy with the order from above.

"But Colonel Tina said that Rozi's domineering aura can prevent the navy below the rank of vice admiral in the headquarters from moving freely."

"If we run into them..."

Tashigi gritted her teeth, and her mood suddenly became complicated when she thought of Rozi, whom she had met once in Rogue Town.

Even with restrictions, she couldn't connect the Rozi who had helped her from Alrita with the vicious pirate Rozi.

Dashige shook her head, threw away the complicated emotions in her mind and continued:

"Colonel Smoker, Admiral Sakaski, Vice Admiral Gion and Vice Admiral Tsuru are all rushing here."

"Even if we want to participate in the operation, should 283 wait until they arrive in Alabasta before starting?"

Hearing this, Smoker shook his head and said:

"Just relying on momentum can make people below the level of vice admiral unable to act?"

"Who would believe such nonsense? When did that Tina guy start joking?"

"The things described in the newspaper are also too exaggerated!"

"That's good, Dashige. As a navy, sometimes we have to make our own judgments."

"Besides, we don't really have to capture the Straw Hat Pirates now."

"Before General Sakaski and the others arrive, we should at least conduct an investigation into this country to see if that group of people is really here."

"If they are here, where are they?"

As Smoker spoke, he looked at his surroundings, his brows suddenly frowning even more tightly.

"The rebellion in this country is really serious."

Smoker sighed for a while, but he had no intention of caring about it.

Insurgency within a country is not something that the navy needs to manage.

"Hey, you just said that the Admiral will come to this country, and the Straw Hat Pirates will come here, right?"

At this time, a loud voice suddenly rang on the right side of the roof next to Smoker, Dasqi and other marines.

"Who?!" Smoker turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, "With this face, are you... Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates?!"

Smoker's words startled Duski and the navy soldiers behind him, and they all picked up their weapons and pointed them at Ace.

The actions of the navy shocked the surrounding rebels, but they breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that they were not aiming their weapons at them, and they all stepped aside to avoid being involved in the battle between the navy and the pirates.

"Hey, don't look so scary. I just want to ask you something."

Ace squatted on the roof, looking at Smoker and others with a relaxed expression.

"Fire Fist Ace, why would a pirate like you appear in this country! And why are you asking about the Straw Hat Pirates?"

Smoker's right hand turned into smoke and he looked at Ace warily.

Unconsciously, he remembered what Garp had said about a member of the Whitebeard Pirates who were brothers with Ace and Sabo when he was in Rogge Town.

‘Could it be this guy? ’

Smoker frowned. In terms of age, Ace, Luffy, Sabo and others were indeed similar in age. It could be said that they were sworn brothers.

Thinking of this terrible possibility, Smoker's face became extremely serious.

Just when Smoker was about to ask the doubts in his heart, a powerful (cjef) overlord-colored domineering force suddenly fell from the sky accompanied by the sound of "dong dong dong" war drums.

The expressions of both Smoker and Ace at the scene became extremely surprised in an instant.

Smoker wanted to turn his head and search around, but was surprised to find that his body could no longer move freely.

"Smorg, we meet again."

"You should listen to what Tina says. Some people's overbearing looks are indeed so powerful that they are unreasonable."

"At least, you are still too young now."

Rossi suddenly appeared behind Smoker in the Imperial Engine and put his arms around his shoulders.

"You...you are Rozzi?!"

Cold sweat broke out on Smoker's forehead instinctively, and the only eye he could move desperately looked at Luo Qi beside him.

"Yes, that's me. Also, thank you for telling me that Sakaski and the others would be here to catch me!"

Rossi smiled and looked up at Ace.

At this moment, he was really grateful to Smoker and Dasqi.

If he didn't know that Sakaski, Gion, and Tsuru were coming here, he might have taken his time to deal with Alabasta's affairs.

But now that he knows that Sakaski will still pursue him, he can naturally speed up the process of dealing with Alabasta.

"What a domineering and overbearing look. Luffy has really recruited a pervertedly powerful crew."

Ace stood up straight and was about to jump off the roof when a very familiar voice came from behind him.


Upon hearing this voice, Ace immediately turned around.

"Luffy, it's really you!"

Ace happily opened his hand and touched Luffy who leaped over.

"Hehehe, long time no see, Ace! By the way, do you know who I saw in Rogge Town? It's Sabo, Sabo is still alive!"

"What?! Luffy, are you kidding?"

"It's true, he lost his memory! Thanks to Luo Qi, he regained his memory! By the way, he seems to be the second-in-command of the revolutionary army on my father's side now?"

"What? The second in command of the Revolutionary Army? Wait, Luffy, do you have a father?"

"I'm also surprised, but grandpa said that the dragon of the revolutionary army is my father!"

"Are you... kidding? Your father is the leader of the revolutionary army?"

Ace had a big mouth. He thought his father was exaggerated enough, but he didn't expect that Luffy's father was also a big shot.

But he soon forgot about this and eagerly asked Luffy about Sabo.

Under the roof, Smoker's pupils shook.

‘Captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace is really the brother of Luffy and Sabo? ! ’

‘Lieutenant General Garp, how do you teach children? ! ’


Chapter 170 Where is my smoke fruit? Rossi, you are the one who can take away the Devil Fruit! (asking for data)

Smoker was surprised when he saw Rozzi suddenly lift a dark finger and put it in the center of his forehead.

'Armed and domineering...'

As soon as this thought came to Smoker's mind, a powerful impact hit his mind as his finger fell.

Smoker, who was originally affected by the overlord's domineering energy, immediately blinked and passed out.

Immediately, Luo Qi put away his domineering aura.

However, except for Tashigi who had collapsed to the ground due to her Conqueror's Haki, no one in the navy at the scene was still awake.

"Colonel Smoker?! Rosie, what did you do to Colonel Smoker?!"

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