Rozi himself saw this scene.

‘It seems that we can stop this guy for a long time.’

‘But the trouble is over there. I hope Gion and Sakaski will not notice me because of the wood giants fighting here.’

Rozi’s observation Haki swept across the sea and locked onto the most powerful auras on the bow.

… 100 million.

Chapter 186 Akainu, your magma is only worthy of candles

Alabasta, coast.

On the deck of a navy warship.

“What is that?”

Novel Junyang: 856323613

Gion was originally meditating, and the sudden strong roar pulled her out of meditation.

She stood up and walked to Sakaski’s side, looking at the two 100-meter-high wooden giants standing opposite each other not far away with a surprised look on her face.

“Those are the two big guys who just suddenly appeared.” Sakaski frowned slightly, and thought of Rozi for no reason in his heart. "Perhaps, it's Rozi's trick!"

"Rozi?" Gion's eyes narrowed, "Indeed! Although Rozi has not shown the ability to control trees before, that guy has shown new abilities many times, and this time is probably the same."

Sakaski deeply believes that. Not long before "283", he had faced Rozi's ice power that had never appeared before.

"Two tree giants, if one of them is controlled by Rozi."

"Who will control the other wooden giant?"

"Two identical forms of power, that guy is really mysterious."

At this time, a steady voice sounded beside Sakaski and Gion.

Gion and Sakaski turned around and found that Crane had come close to them.

And on the side of the warship they were on, a warship with a huge "Crane" character was following closely.

"Sister Crane."

Gion saw Crane, and his originally cold face rarely smiled.

It looked like the same as before.

However, He's eyes were so sharp that he immediately noticed the changes in Gion.

"Gion, are you... okay?"

"Sister He, I'm fine. Rather than this, let's carry out the mission first."

Gion smiled lightly and looked back at the two wooden giants fighting closer and closer on the coast.

A red light flashed in her eyes, and her observation Haki quickly swept towards the two giant tree men in the battle.

But in a moment, her attention was quickly locked on the breath of one of the wooden giants.

"Found it, Luo Qi!"

A cold light flashed in Gion's eyes, and a sharp swordsmanship aura instantly burst out from her body.

He looked at Gion blankly, wondering why Gion was only on a mission, why the swordsmanship aura became stronger.

'Something must have happened, let's ask her later. '

He frowned and turned to look at Sakaski.

"Sakaski, let's go too."

"Although we don't know who is fighting with Rozi, this is a good opportunity for us!"

Hearing what Crane said, Akainu nodded:

"Vice Admiral Crane, please watch from the outside to prevent Rozi from leaving."

"Gion and I will go to take Rozi down."

This time, Akainu did not choose to fight alone.

With the experience of the last time, after the death of Ghost Spider and the disability of Maynard, he now only wants to kill Rozi instantly with the strongest firepower.

After saying that, Akainu jumped directly from the deck and flew towards the direction of the two wooden giants, followed by Gion.

And Crane commanded other navy to land and surrounded the battlefield.

However, neither Gion, Sakaski, nor Crane could detect that Rozi had already turned on the "stealth" skill and detoured from another direction.

When they landed, Rozi just left the territory of Alabasta.

“Come on, Aramaki, is that all?”

Even if it’s like this, there’s no way to catch my original body.

“By the way, after so much time, I must have already run a long way with my original body’s speed.”

“Even if you can fly, you can’t catch up, hahaha.”

While controlling the True Thousand Hands, the clone of Roqi kept mocking Aramaki.

Although the True Thousand Hands controlled by Roqi’s clone had many damages because there was no Roqi’s original body to continue to supply chakra... .........

It was slightly worse than the wooden giant controlled by Aramaki.

But even so, Aramaki’s attack could not cause a devastating blow to the True Thousand Hands created by Roqi in a short time.

However, after being constantly provoked by Roqi, Aramaki’s attack became more difficult to cause a fatal attack on Roqi’s clone.

“Damn guy, even if you escape this time, I will definitely catch you next time!”

Aramaki roared angrily.

Luo Qi's clone smiled, and just as he was about to continue to mess with Huang Mu's mentality, a series of scorching breaths suddenly fell from the sky, attracting the attention of Luo Qi's clone.

At the same time, it also attracted Huang Mu's attention.

One person and one clone looked up at the same time, and what came into view were countless magma fists.

"Damn, they used their ultimate moves right away?!"

Luo Qi's clone twitched his mouth, and quickly controlled the fists of the True Thousand Hands to wave at the magma fists in the sky.

"Hmph, using wood to attack lava, overestimating yourself!"

Akainu, who followed the lava fist closely, snorted coldly and looked at Luo Qi's clone with sarcasm.

However, what happened in the next second made him widen his eyes.

The wooden fist and the lava fist collided, making a huge roar of 4.5 times.

However, the scene that Akainu wanted to see of wood being burned by lava did not appear, but his lava fist was directly blasted apart.

And the wooden fist did not seem to be damaged much.

"What? How is it possible?!"

Akainu exclaimed.

Such a counterintuitive scene made Akainu extremely puzzled.

It was fine that Luo Qi used ice to freeze his lava, but when did wood that was easily burned by fire actually block lava? !

"Sorry, Akainu, your lava is only worthy of lighting a candle, and it is simply impossible to ignite my True Thousand Hands."

Luo Qi's clone raised the corner of his mouth and said sarcastically.


Chapter 187 The Hard-to-Break Wood Giant, the Frustrated Green Bull (Subscribe)

Just kidding, the True Thousand Hands beside him performed the Wood Release Ninjutsu while using the Immortal Technique, and it was the strongest ninjutsu of Hashirama Senju.

If it was easily destroyed by the magma, then the title of the Ninja God of Hashirama Senju would cry.

Having said that, the Rochi clone did not let down his guard.

After all, in addition to Akainu, there was a crane beside him.

And opposite to the Rochi clone was Aramaki who had transformed into a giant tree man.

"Although I agree with you, magma may not be able to ignite the giant tree."

"But your expression, I am quite unhappy, Rochi bastard."

Aramaki exhaled and snorted.

Having said that, he did not rashly attack Rochi this time.

He did not want to be implicated in Akainu's attack range.

"Damn you, I'll see how long you can keep your mouth shut!"

Akainu snorted coldly, and planned to use the Moon Step to speed up his descent so that he could attack Luo Qi at close range.

But before him, Gion rushed down before her.

"One-sword style·Sign Rabbit!"

Gion's eyes flashed red, and the powerful 29-color domineering aura quickly gathered on the famous sword Kinpira in her hand.

As she held the sword with both hands and slashed hard in the direction of Luo Qi.

A peach-colored sword energy rushed towards Luo Qi at a very fast speed.


Luo Qi's clone frowned, and the strong sense of crisis made him subconsciously merge his body into the body of the True Thousand Hands.

At this moment, the sword energy fell and covered the True Thousand Hands.

In an instant, a long crack appeared on the body of the True Thousand Hands.

"This woman, when did she become so strong?!"

Luo Qi's clone frowned and looked at Gion in astonishment.

You know, he and Gion have been in contact for quite a while, and she shouldn't be that strong.

Even if Kinpila returns to her hands again, it's still the same.

Similarly, Gion frowned, looking at the wooden giant that completely surrounded Luo Qi's clone in the middle with fear.

That slash was already her strongest slash.

Theoretically, even the sea can be cut open.

But now, not only did she fail to cut off the wooden giant that protected Luo Qi, but even the scars did not meet her expectations.

How could Gion not be surprised.

"Hey, the navy above!"

"This guy's wooden giant is very strong and has the ability to repair itself."

"It may take a lot of time to defeat this giant."

"What Luo Qi left here is his clone, and his original body has already escaped."

"I will stop Luo Qi's clone here, and you guys go chase Luo Qi's original body."

At this time, Huangmu suddenly spoke.

Gion and Akainu, who were originally planning to attack Rozi's clone, were stunned and cast doubtful glances at Aramaki.

"Hey, you are kidding, right? Rozi himself has left?"

Akainu frowned and asked.

"Why would I lie to you? By the way, there should be a number of navy soldiers blown away by the battle between Rozi and me in that direction. You can go ask them. They should have seen Rozi leaving behind his clone and leaving."

Hearing Aramaki's words, Gion frowned, and his observation Haki quickly spread out, quickly locking onto the positions of Smoker and Tashigi.

"Sakaski, I'll go ask Smoker and Tashigi, and I'll be back soon!"

After saying that, Gion wanted to perform the Moon Step and leave.

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