"Accept or reject? Navy, what are you talking about? I don't understand! And you're blocking my way!"

"Don't joke, Empress! The Navy has sent you a message before, asking the Seven Warlords to participate in the action against the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Against the Straw Hat Pirates?" Hancock frowned, and immediately thought of Rosie's figure. "Navy, why do you want to attack Rosie?!"

As she spoke, a domineering aura faintly emanated from Hancock's body, and she rushed towards Gion and the navy behind her.

'It's going to happen! '

Zha Po Po was horrified and immediately wanted to step forward to stop Hancock.

At this moment, the Den Den Mushi on Gion, who was a little confused about Hancock's behavior, suddenly rang.

Gion squinted and stared at Hancock for a while, then raised his hand to take out the phone from his arms and pressed the connect button.

"This is Gion, what can I do for you?"

"Gion, it's me, Crane! Your body... Have you completed your mission?" Crane pursed her lips, but still couldn't ask questions about Gion's body.

"Sister Crane, I just met the Empress Hancock and am communicating with her!"

Hearing this, Crane nodded and said:

"Is that so? That's perfect!"

"Not long ago, that guy Doflamingo provided a possible location for Roche and the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Now we are planning to send the navy and the Seven Warlords of the Sea there."

"Try to take the Empress to Gaya Island in the first half of the Grand Line."

Hearing this, Gion, the Empress, and Grandma Zha's faces changed at the same time.

"You, actually plan to send troops to deal with Roche, and let me attack him as well?!"

Hancock trembled all over, and the anger in her tone could no longer be suppressed.

"What's the problem, Empress Hancock?"

"You seem very angry. Are you dissatisfied with the navy's action this time?"

"Could it be that there is some hidden relationship between you and that Rosie?"

Gion frowned and looked at Hancock suspiciously.

It has to be said that women's sixth sense is terrible.

Even though Hancock hadn't shown much affection for Rosie, Gion directly pointed out Hancock's affection for Rosie.

Zha Po Po Xin Zhongguo shouted that it was not good, and handed the template with the text written in a hurry to Sanda Sonia and rushed out directly.

"Shut up, Navy!"

"Who do you think Snake Princess is?"

Grandma Zha jumped and landed on the edge of the Nine Snake Pirate Ship. She pointed at Gion with her cane with an angry face and scolded:

"That Rozi once sneaked into the Amazon Lily, where men are not allowed to land."

"And this is the task assigned to that man by your Navy and the World Government."

"That man violated the Nine Snakes' regulations."

"It is very natural for Snake Princess to be angry. Even if you are a candidate for admiral of the Navy, you cannot slander our Snake Princess without authorization."

"Everyone, don't you agree?"

Grandma Zha said, and turned to look at the other crew members of the Nine Snake Pirate Ship.

The crew members of the Nine Snakes blinked. Others didn't know, but they knew the closeness between their own Queen and Rozi.

For a moment, no one dared to step forward to support Grandma Zha.

Fortunately, at this time, Marigorud stood up, stood firmly beside Grandma Zha, and loudly scolded Gion.

At the same time, Sandasonia came to Hancock with the wooden board on which Granny Zha had written the words.

Hancock, who was about to scold Granny Zha for her usurpation, frowned when he saw the words "Rozi" on the board, and read it patiently.

[Snake Princess, temporarily agree to let the Navy deal with Rozi. In the Navy's camp, you may be able to help Rozi! ]

This simple sentence made Hancock frown more and more, and then she seemed to have made some kind of decision, passing in front of Sandasonia and coming to Granny Zha and Marigorud.

Even though she had a fiery personality, she couldn't help but start thinking and enduring when it came to Rozi.

She first glanced at Granny Zha, and then looked at Gion.

"Tell me, Navy, how do you plan to act, and how many people agree to participate in this action?"

Hearing Hancock's words, Gion raised his eyebrows, and wanted to answer Hancock's question while being surprised by Hancock's change.

However, a familiar feeling of discomfort suddenly surged into her heart, causing her to cover her mouth and retch.

"Huh?! You're pregnant?"

"Is the navy so short of manpower that a pregnant woman is sent to perform the task of summoning Snake Princess?"

Zha Po Po opened her eyes slightly and looked at Gion in surprise.


Chapter 210 Gion, are you going to give birth to the child?

"Pregnant? Are you sure?"

At this time, Tsuru's slightly anxious voice came from the other side of the Den Den Mushi.

"This voice is Tsuru, the chief of staff of the navy."

"No, you didn't see it~?"

"By the way, you seem to have never married in your life, and it is indeed possible that you don't know the signs of pregnancy."

"I have seen this situation many times. This female navy is definitely pregnant."

"I don't know which man can be favored by the candidate for the navy admiral."

Grandma Ze raised her eyebrows and looked at Gion in front of her with interest.

At the Navy Headquarters, He was stunned as if he heard a bolt from the blue. He kept muttering the words "pregnant" and "Roqi" in his mouth.

He actually had a premonition in her heart, but she just didn't want to believe it.

But when this premonition was broken by an experienced person, even if he was as calm as a crane, his defenses collapsed instantly.

The conversation between He and He also caused Warring States, who was originally in contact with Tyrant Bear, to stop and look over with a gloomy face.

In the Nine Snakes Sea, Gion raised his hand to touch his belly, and his teeth bit his lip involuntarily.

"Am I really pregnant with Luo Qi's flesh and blood?"

"How is it possible? It's obviously just that one time!"

Gion murmured in her mouth, recalling the ridiculous things on that desert island in her mind. Soon she realized that she seemed to have been with Rozzi more than once, even if it happened on the same day.

Gion's cheeks instantly turned red when he thought of himself being played with and tossed about by Luo Qi at will, of how he resisted at first, then became confused, and finally lost his mind and enjoyed himself.

Even the body couldn't help but squirm, and the temperature of the body was gradually increasing.

My heart gradually became extremely entangled with the possibility of life in my belly.

Same goes for Rozzi.

‘No, let’s not talk about the child for now. ’

‘But that guy Rozzi, I must arrest him myself. ’

Although Rozzi wanted to regain her physical strength, and although Rozzi just made a joke when he first arrested her, this does not mean that Gion can forgive Rozzi.

Gion took a breath, buried the thoughts in his mind deep in the ocean of consciousness, and raised his head again to look forward.

"Huh? Empress?!"

"When did you come here?"

Gion frowned, and immediately took a step back to look warily at the Empress Hancock who arrived at the navy warship from the Nine Snakes pirate ship at some unknown time.

"Navy, what did you just say? The child in your belly belongs to Rossi, the Rossi of the Straw Hat Pirates?"

Hancock's beautiful eyes widened and he looked at Gion in disbelief.

Not to mention Hancock, even Grandma Ze looked at Gion with wide eyes.

She even began to think that the Navy knew about Hancock's feelings for Rozzi.

And Gion is now using the pregnancy issue to lure Hancock into revealing his flaws in order to abolish Hancock's identity as the Shichibukai.

"This shouldn't have anything to do with you, right, Empress Hancock?"

Gion frowned and said coldly to Hancock.

"As long as it's related to Rozzi, it's related to me. Navy, you'd better make it clear about the child!"

Hancock's hair was calm, and an increasingly intense hostility rushed towards Gion.

This made Gion frown even more. Feeling Hancock's growing hostility, she quickly raised her hand and put it on the hilt of her knife.

"Yes, you must explain this matter clearly!"

At this time, Grandma Ze, who felt that the situation was getting worse and more confused, jumped onto the navy ship and stared at Gion with her eyes.

"Navy, tell me! This matter has a deep relationship with our Nine Snakes, and it also has a deep relationship with the actions mentioned by your navy."

"That man violated the rules of our country and is the person we need to target."

"If the child in your belly is Luo Qi's, why did your navy summon the Shichibukai to deal with Luo Qi?"

"Can we think that your actions against Rossi and the Straw Hat Pirates contain some malicious intent against us?"

"Or do you want to say that the child in your belly is not that of Rossi from the Straw Hat Pirates, but that of another unknown Rossi?"

Mother-in-law Zha strengthened her tone of 'Rozzi violated the Nine Snakes rules', trying to make Gion regard Hancock's behavior as simply the anger she had after Gion became pregnant with the enemy's child.

Clearly, her actions were successful.

Gion, who was originally sensitive and doubtful about Hancock's performance, also dispelled his doubts about Hancock.

Under the gaze of Hancock and Granny Zai, Gion finally nodded after thinking for a moment.

"Don't get me wrong, Luo Qi and I are not lovers, let alone husband and wife."

"That man has the ability to regain his strength by being intimate with a woman."

"During an arrest, I...I forced him to use his ability to temporarily restore physical strength."

"The price is death if you don't get a lot of food in a short period of time."

"At that time, he didn't have enough food."

"And because he has the ability to regain strength by being intimate with women, so...so it's right...for me..."

At the end of the sentence, Gion's voice gradually weakened.

Even in order to dispel Hancock's misunderstanding and allow her to participate in the next action, she was mentally prepared.

But when the words came to her lips, she still couldn't say them.

"Are you... kidding? How can you have such power!"

············Please ask for flowers···· ·····

"Are you really sure that Rozzi isn't coveting your body?"

Grandma Ze was surprised for a while, then she opened her mouth and asked Gion.

As soon as he finished speaking, a domineering aura suddenly burst out.

Grandma Zha was startled and turned around to see that the one who burst out the domineering aura was none other than the emperor of Amazon Lily, the Empress Hancock.

"Snake...Snake Princess, you have to calm down, calm down!"

Grandma Zha had cold sweat on her forehead and waved her hands continuously to calm Hancock down, fearing that she would do something bad to Amazon Lily.

In her opinion, Hancock was very likely to attack Gion at this time.

Even if Gion really had an intimate relationship with Luo Qi due to force majeure, even if the two were not in a real relationship.

'Amazon Lily, it won't really be over. '

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