However, just as he stretched out his hand, Rosie blocked him.

"I remember that you seem to be Dalston, one of the five foremen of Carrera Company."

"We are not dismantling merchants, and I don't think they are the ones who hurt Mayor Iceberg."

"Why don't you listen to me and let us leave?"

Rosie said with a smile.

"If you say it's not, then it's not."

Dalston snorted coldly and stretched out his hand to grab Rosie's shoulder.

However, before his hand fell on Rosie, Chopper on the side suddenly turned into a human form and grabbed his wrist with an arm stronger than Dalston.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free, which made Dalston's eyes widen.

You know, he is the strongest in Carrera Company in terms of single-wheel strength.

360 However, after noticing that it was the 'little cat' who grabbed his wrist, he couldn't help but be more surprised.

"Raccoon cat...Raccoon cat turned into a human? Strange...Monster?!"

Dailston muttered to himself. He was not afraid in his heart, but he was more alert to Rosie and others.

However, this fearlessness only lasted for a little while before it disappeared.

"No, hurt Vice Captain Rosie."

Chopper said in a muffled voice, and the strange power from Tsunade allowed him to suppress Dailston to his knees.

The surrounding Carrera company employees saw this scene and immediately wanted to help.

However, as soon as they approached Chopper, they were disturbed by Chopper's medical ninjutsu, and their bodies fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Dailston stared at this scene with wide eyes, and his eyes looked at Chopper and Rosie with more and more surprise.

At this time, Kiwi, who did not have time to leave because of the interception of Carrera company employees, was shocked and spoke.

"How... How is it possible? Isn't that Chopper the pet of the Straw Hat Pirates?"

"How can it be so strong? Isn't its bounty only 100 berries?"


Chapter 263 Rescue Franky, the reunion of CP9

"What? Straw Hat Pirates? Chopper?!"

Dailston looked at Chopper in astonishment, and the bounty order of Chopper in the Straw Hat Pirates slowly emerged in his mind.

Although the current Chopper is very different from the photo of Chopper on the bounty order, he was the same as in the photo before he transformed.

After realizing this, Dailston immediately looked at Rosie.

"Just...just now, that woman called you Rosie, right?"

Dailston said tremblingly.

"That's right, it's me. Do you still think I'm a member of the Disintegration Merchant, Mr. Dalston?"

"No, of course not. How can you be Franky's partner, haha." Dalston smiled awkwardly, completely losing his momentum just now.

"That's not certain. Maybe I will really be Franky's partner." Rosie's mouth corners raised, and he added in his heart, 'maybe in the future'.

"Dalston, it should be more important to treat him than to find the person who injured the iceberg."

"It just so happens that Chopper of our Straw Hat Pirates is a very good doctor."

"Take him to the iceberg, he will treat your iceberg mayor."

"As for Franky, he can't be the one who injured the iceberg."

When Chopper heard Rosie's words, he immediately returned to his original appearance and twisted shyly.

And Dalston looked at Rosie in confusion: "You... why do you say Franky is not..."

"Huh?" Rosie frowned, "What did you say?"

"No, nothing." Dalston saw Rosie frowning and immediately swallowed the unfinished words in his mouth.

Seeing this, Rosie nodded with satisfaction and stretched out a hand to pull up the arms of Kiwi and Moz.

"Chopper, this is up to you~〃."

"Remember to treat the iceberg well, we may need his help for our new ship later."

After Rosie said something to Chopper, he took a step and caused a puff of dust, and quickly disappeared in front of the people of Carrera Shipbuilding Company with Kiwi and Moz.

Seeing this, Stussy and others immediately followed at their fastest speed and soon disappeared in front of several people from Carrera Shipbuilding Company.

"Then, take me to meet your icy mayor."

"I'll heal him."

Chopper, who was left alone, turned around and looked at the people from Carrera Company with a smile on his face.


Seven Water City, Disintegration Factory.

"I've already said that I don't know the blueprints of the ancient weapon Pluto."

"He's not Sam's disciple either. You got the wrong person."

"Rob Lucci, Kalifa, Bruno, and Kaku, you four did this to my little brothers."

"Don't think I'll let you go."

Franky supported himself with his hands and stood up with difficulty, looking at Rob Lucci, Kalifa and others in black clothes in front of him with a stern face.

"What a tough guy, it seems that the punishment is not enough."

Rob Lucci looked at Franky in front of him coldly, raised his right index finger and stabbed Franky's body.

Kalifa raised the corner of her mouth and looked at Rob Lucci's actions with a smile on her face.

In her opinion, Franky had absolutely no way to dodge Rob Lucci's finger gun, and there was no one in the dismantling factory who could block Franky's attack.

However, at this moment, a fast and familiar figure suddenly passed by Kalifa and grabbed Rob Lucci's hand.

"Huh?!" Rob Lucci's eyes condensed, and he scratched his head to look at the person who grabbed his arm.

The next moment, his eyes widened as wide as possible: "It's you!"

Kalifa, Bruno, Kaku and Franky were also surprised.

Kalifa and others were surprised by the appearance of Rozi, a former colleague.

Franky felt a little strange that Rozi saved him.

Having said that, it didn't seem like Franky was grateful to Rozi.

"Thanks, brother, if it weren't for you, I would be in trouble."

Franky nodded to Rozi, and then looked at his brothers lying on the ground with worry.

"¨‖ Long time no see, everyone. Long time no see, Kalifa."

Rozzi's sight swept over Rob Lucci, Bruno, and Kaku one by one, and finally stopped at Kalifa.

"Rozzi, is it really you?!"

Kalifa's pupils trembled, and she stretched out her hand in the direction of Rozzi involuntarily.

"Yes, it's me."

Rozzi smiled.

And Rozzi's familiar voice sounded again, and Kalifa couldn't help but walk towards Rozzi.

"Kalifa, pay attention to your current position."

Rozzi's cold voice made Kalifa stunned for a moment, and soon stopped and stood there.

Rozzi shook his head, looked at Rob Lucci helplessly, and let go of his hand.

(Good king)

I said Lucci, this is obviously a touching reply, why are you so cold?

"You are a pirate, and I am an agent of the World Government. We are enemies, so it is normal to be cold to each other."

"Haha, this answer is indeed what you would say, Lucci."

"Don't talk to me in the same tone as before, Rosie! Tell me why you want to stop me from attacking Franky. Could it be that your purpose is also..."

"You are wrong. I am different from you. I just want to ask this guy to help build a dream ship that can sail around the world, so I can't let you take him away."

After Rosie's words fell, Franky was attracted by the 'dream ship' that Rosie mentioned, even though he was still worried about his partner.


Chapter 264 Let me see if you are worthy of the 1.5 billion berries reward

"Build a pirate ship and find this guy?"

"Sure enough, you also know the identity of this guy."

"Rosie, we can't give this guy to you."

Rob Lucci said coldly.

"Really? Do you want to fight me?"

"Come to think of it, we haven't fought for a long time."

"Want to try now?"

Rozzi waved at Rob Lucci with a confident look on his face.

"Hmph, let me see if you are worthy of the 15-berry reward."

Rob Lucci's eyes condensed, and he disappeared from Franky's sight in an instant.

However, such a fast speed seemed like a turtle's speed in Rozzi's eyes.

Rozzi just turned his feet lightly to avoid Rob Lucci's attack, and then a heavy punch swept past Rob Lucci's ear.


Rozzi's fist, even if it fell on the air, caused a sonic boom.

The strong wind directly pushed Rob Lucci's body out.

"So... so strong, 360 is this Rozzi's current strength?"

"Lucci retreated just by relying on the strong wind!"

"As expected of the strongest of CP9!"

Kaku widened his eyes and looked at Rozzi in horror.

Beside him, Kalifa's eyes were already full of stars as she looked at Rozi.

"Isn't this normal? This guy was already abnormally strong before he left CP9."

"Now he has experienced so many things on the sea, and he is also given a bounty of 1.5 billion berries. How can he not be strong?"

At this time, a voice familiar to Rob Lucci, Kalifa and others came from the gate of the Disintegration Factory.

Several people turned their heads and looked, and were surprised again.

"Gabra, is it you!?"

"Owl, Weitou, you are here too, and Stussy!?"

(cjef)  "Are you traitors really mixed with Rozi?"

Rob Lucci gritted his teeth and looked at Gabra and others viciously.

"Don't say it so harshly, Lucci."

"We failed to protect the Celestial Dragons."

"It's also a helpless move to leave."

Gabra walked over with his hands in his pockets and shook his head.

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