Whether it's for the Merry or the snipers of the Straw Hat Pirates, Silob Village is a must-go place.

"Great, can we finally have our own pirate ship?"

"Everyone, let's go get our boat right now."

Luffy almost jumped with excitement.

"Idiot, we are still far away from Xiluobu Village now."

"At the current sailing speed, we won't be able to reach our destination in just a few days."

Nami took out the navigation chart, looked at it, and sighed again.

Now she just wants to find a boat with a bathroom and take a cool bath.

"Since it still takes a few days to reach the destination."

"Nami, are you interested in taking advantage of this time to exercise your strength?"

Rozzi asked.


Nami pursed her lips and immediately realized what Rozzi's words meant.

‘What is supposed to come will definitely come. ’

‘Forget it, I have no choice now, I’ll just trust this guy once. ’

'Luffy and Zoro have not changed. If they inherit the heroic spirit template, I will definitely not have any problems. ’

Nami thought to herself and took a deep look at Luo Qi.

Now that she had made a decision, she didn't want to continue to hesitate, as that would only make her sleepless and dreamy.

Until now, I have seen Luffy’s behavior as a pirate but was willing to leave his treasure to Orange Town, and I have seen Rossi and Zoro’s usual speech and behavior.

Nami didn't say anything, but in her heart she gradually felt that the men in front of her were different from other pirates.

‘Perhaps it would be nice to join them. ’

Nami smiled and said to Rozzi:

"Rozzi, I'm ready, let me see what heroic spirits I have to choose from."

After hearing Nami's words, Luffy and Zoro also became interested instantly.

"As you wish."

"Trust me, you won't regret it."

Rossi also stood up, smiled and nodded to Nami.

The next moment, Luo Qi activated the system permissions and brought everyone on the ship into the heroic space.

"Nami, this is the heroic spirit you can choose."

"'Navigator' Christopher Columbus, he was a man with excellent navigation skills, a captain and an extremely greedy man."

"'Kana Arupelona', she is a mage. Her card magic gives her the power to control various elements."

"'Thief' Sato Kazuma. This person...well, how should I put it, is a man with very powerful stealing skills. But you should see it yourself for details."

"Nami, come here and choose."

Rossi pointed to the panel in front of him and gave a general introduction to Nami.

But when Kazuma Sato was introduced, the smile in the corners of Luo Qi's eyes almost spread out.

After all, the 'stealing' skill mastered by Sato Kazuma is quite a perverted trick for a woman.

If you are not careful, you will pull the other party's inner pants directly from your body.

"I understand, Rozzie."

With the experience of watching Luffy and Zoro make choices the first two times, Nami knew what she wanted to do.

Without much hesitation, she raised her hand and pressed on the name 'Christopher Columbus' at the front of the panel.

Following the turmoil in the heroic space, several people instantly arrived on a huge ship that was experiencing a storm.

On the deck, a tall man with a vicissitudes of face was constantly giving orders, directing the crew on the ship to control the ship.

A few minutes later, with the tall man's last order, the ship finally broke out of the storm and arrived at the safe sea.

"Is this man very good at navigation?"

Nami raised her eyebrows, looked at the man and said.

A layman looks at the excitement, and an insider looks at the door. In the storm just now, the order to control the ship issued by the tall man could not be faulted even in the eyes of a talented navigator like Nami.

"He is indeed a very good man in one-wheel navigation."

"Nami, take a good look, he is the navigator 'Christopher Columbus'."

Luo Qi raised his hand and put it on Nami's shoulder, looking ahead calmly.

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Chapter 29 The power of the magister, the light of the fairies that penetrates the world

Within the Heroic Spirit Space, in just a few minutes, Nami felt as if she had lived at sea for months or even years.

For a few minutes, she watched Columbus travel through the seas and islands through his eyes.

Similarly, we also saw what Columbus did after he came to various islands.

"This man undoubtedly has excellent navigation skills."

"It's just that although he claims to be an explorer, he may be more suitable for the name of pirate than the name of explorer."

Nami shook her head and sighed.

"Indeed! Although he didn't see many scenes, he didn't reach an island. As long as there is an opportunity, he will plunder the island's indigenous people."

"They are even more like pirates than us pirates."

Zoro said.

"Well, I hate this guy, Nami, you'd better not choose him as your heroic spirit template."

Luffy put his hands on his hips and said to Nami with a tangled look on his face.

"Stupid, didn't you say last time not to interfere with other people's choices?"

"Besides, even if Nami chooses the template of the Heroic Spirit Columbus, she will not become like him."

"Come to think of it, the Black Death Boko I chose is still an evil spirit, but I didn't become like him, did I?"

Zoro hit Luffy on the head with a punch to stop him from continuing.

Nami didn't say anything, but continued to look at the picture in front of her.

At this moment, the picture showing Columbus's navigation skills has disappeared, replaced by his appearance as a Heroic Spirit and a Servant fighting.

Facing the enemies surrounding him, Columbus used knives, guns, and even directly took up the rudder to smash the enemy, and the battle was full of blood and wailing.

"What, it's far worse than the Heroic Spirit Drake."

"Drake can at least summon turrets to attack, which is not cool at all."

Luffy pouted and expressed his opinion again.

Although Zoro did not speak, he was also somewhat disdainful of the fighting skills that Columbus had shown so far.

"Columbus is not a pure warrior after all, and his fighting style is indeed a bit exaggerated, but if he really fights, his strength is still very difficult to deal with."

"In addition, like the heroic spirit Drake, the heroic spirit Columbus also has the secret of the "treasure."

"Their treasures are also quite similar."

After Rosie finished speaking, the magic power on Columbus suddenly expanded.

The next moment, in front of Nami and others, a huge sailing ship sprang out directly under Columbus' feet.

Columbus raised his hand and grabbed the rudder with a grim smile, and issued his order.

The flagship Santa Maria, which he was riding on, shot out a large anchor connected to the chain and smashed it towards the enemy on the opposite side.

For a time, the area within a radius of hundreds of meters was covered by chains and anchors.

The earth was also wailing under the bombardment of hundreds of heavy anchors.

“Cool! So ships can be attacked like this? Rosie, let’s get a ship that can use anchors as cannonballs, right?”

Seeing Columbus’s Noble Phantasm, Luffy threw away his previous prejudice against Columbus and shouted excitedly.

“Luffy, there is no such convenient ship in the world.”

“That Columbus can summon such a ship because of the power called ‘Noble Phantasm’.”

Zoro said.

“Hehe, even if you can’t buy such a ship, Rosie can summon such a ship.”

“Just like you summoned the Golden Deer before.”

Speaking of this, Rosie looked at Rosie with more expectation.

‘Forget it, I don’t want to get Columbus’s power. ’

Rosie complained in his heart, smiled and shook his head at Luffy.

Columbus’s power and Drake’s power overlap too much. If you want to rank them in terms of power, Drake’s overall strength is stronger than Columbus.

Among them, the Noble Phantasm should also be more applicable.

In this way, even if he gets the power of Columbus, it is just equivalent to getting a replica of Drake's template.

Compared with him, Rosie is more inclined to get the power of "Thief" Sato Kazuma and "Thousand Cups" Kana.

"Although they are all navigators, I think I may not be suitable for Columbus's power. I'd better look at others."

Nami's eyes moved down and landed on the name of "Thousand Cups" Kana.

"Kana Alupelona, ​​actually has the attribute of 'not getting drunk after a thousand cups', isn't this the same as the 'drunkard' Matsumoto Rangiku, one of Zoro's three previous choices?"

"I was going to ask that! By the way, Nami, you actually have the attribute of not getting drunk after a thousand cups, are you a good drinker?"

"Hehe, how is that possible? How can a lady like me be a drunkard? Rozi, did your Heroic Spirit Space make a mistake?"

Hearing Nami's words, Rozi spread his hands and said:

"The Heroic Spirit Space can detect Zoro's 'difficulty in direction' attribute, and naturally it can also detect your 'not getting drunk after a thousand cups' attribute."

"Nami, if you have any doubts, why not touch the words 'not getting drunk after a thousand cups' with your hand."

"In this way, we can see if you really can't get drunk after a thousand cups."

Nami smiled awkwardly, and decisively raised her hand and slapped the name of 'Kana Alupelona'.

As for the scene of her drinking, she didn't intend to make it public.

After all, every time she drank a lot of wine before, it was when she was about to knock the pirates out and steal their treasure.

The scene changed, and everyone came to a busy building.

Inside the building, people were either talking loudly or fighting.

But no matter what people did, they were all smiling.

"So many people! Rosie, which one is Kana?"

Luffy looked at Rosie in confusion.

"Do I need to ask? It must be that one!"

Zoro raised his hand and pointed to a position in front of him.

Luffy turned his head and saw a girl with long black curly hair, about 18 years old, holding a barrel and pouring wine into her stomach.

"Yes, she is 'Kana Alupelona', a member of the Magician's Guild 'Fairy Tail' where we are now."

When Rosie finished speaking, Kana had finished a barrel of wine, and then, as if she was not satisfied, she held another barrel of wine and drank.

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