That being said, everyone knows that Gion's military industry is sufficient.

The one who really wants to accumulate military industry is Huang Mu.

Considering the situation in Gion, this is entirely to accumulate enough military industry for Aramaki and allow him to grow into a naval admiral.

Although everyone thought Aramaki was just a newcomer, considering Akainu's fancy for Aramaki and the strength Aramaki showed, none of the navy's top brass refuted Crane's proposal.

"The method that Staff Officer He said is very good, just do it."

.... ..... ...

"But in the next few days, please ask Marshal Warring States to go and don't assign any tasks to me."

"I feel like I can cultivate for a long time."

"By the way, will the general's salary still be paid?"

Porusalino shrugged and said with a vulgar expression.

"You guys are still thinking about your salary at this time."

"Don't worry, it will be paid out, and the bonus will come with it."

Warring States put one hand on his forehead, shook his head with a headache, and then continued:

"However, that guy Luo Qi is gone."

"But the bounties on other members of the Straw Hat Pirates still need to be increased."

"Judging from the combat records of Polusanoni, Zefa, and the Straw Hats, their bounties need to be improved to a certain extent."

"Captain Straw Hat Luffy has a bounty of 350 million Berry."

"Swordsman Sauron has a bounty of 100 million beli."

"Blackfoot Sanji, the reward is 100 million berries."

"Navigator Nami, although it turns out that she does not have the ability to deprive others of their Devil Fruit."

"But since she possesses the Thunder Fruit, her bounty cannot be low. The total bounty is 120 million berries."

……100 million.

Chapter 316 Morgans: Rossi fell? I don't believe it!

"In addition, sniper Usopp has a bounty of 93 million Berry."

"Ninja Vivi has a reward of 50 million berries."

"And that pet Chopper, we underestimated him before."

He actually has the means to directly attack the inside of the body. Even Zhan Momomaru was convinced and ordered 60 million berries for him.

"Besides these people, that Ningguang has a bounty of 500 million berries."

"Although that woman Stusi doesn't seem to be a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, she is too close to the Straw Hat Pirates. Coupled with the power of the Shasha Fruit, she was given 330 million Berry."

"And Kalifa, who gained the real power of Smoker's Smoke Fruit "Four Five Three", has a bounty of 50 million Berry..."

Sengoku set a bounty on everyone including the Straw Hat Pirates in one fell swoop.

Even Rob Luqi, Kaku and others are no exception.

Obviously, they have all been regarded as associates of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Well... these guys are indeed worthy of such a bounty."

"After all, I can leave Judiciary Island without any problems."

"Speaking of which, Marshal Sengoku, that Blackbeard captured Ace. Has our navy determined to promote him to the Shichibukai?"

Kizaru asked curiously.

"Yeah! That guy did a lot of work when he captured Luo Qi."

"Now we have captured Ace, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates. If we don't let him become the Shichibukai."

"It's indeed a bit unreasonable."

Warring States nodded slightly and said.

"Hey, Sengoku! Just let Ace be sent to Impel Down."

"Now the Navy has been able to gain enough gravitas from what happened with Rozzi."

"About Ace's public execution..."

Garp took a step forward and made a slightly anxious suggestion to Sengoku.

However, before he finished speaking, Warring States shook his head.

"Garp, we will discuss this matter later."

"Ace can be sent to Impel Down first."

"As for now, let's deal with the follow-up matters of the Straw Hat Pirates."

"The new bounty and the announcement of Rozzi's defeat must be sent out."

"There may be some turbulence on the sea in the future, and our navy will need to do its best to deal with it."

Warring States' heart was like a bright mirror.

Although Luo Qi has been defeated, the navy will indeed gain a certain dignity.

But before that, Rozzi had repeatedly trampled on the Navy's face.

Now simply defeating Luo Qi cannot restore the majesty of the navy.

Therefore, Warring States felt that it was very necessary to execute Ace publicly.

It's just that we need to slow down temporarily.

Then, after Sengoku explained a few more words to Kizaru, he turned around and left, avoiding Garp at a distance.

Soon after, the results of the battle between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Navy on Judiciary Island spread to the Five Old Stars conference table and major news agencies.

The Grand Line, a branch base of the World News Agency.

"Luo Qi was defeated and fell?"

"Admiral Kizaru killed Luo Qi with his own hands?"

"Navy, did you do it this time?"

Morgans, the president of the World News Agency, frowned and looked at the news on his desk from the Navy and the World Government in disbelief.

Looking at the message 'Kizaru kills Rozzi' on the message, Morgans' fingers began to tap on his desk rhythmically.

"Admiral Aokiji and Admiral Akainu tried, but they were unable to capture Rossi..."

"One Kizaru has this ability?"

"Is the Navy trying to show that it is not that the Navy is incapable of catching Rozi, but that it failed to catch him because Rozi was so fast?"

"Heh, ridiculous! If that were the case, you wouldn't have deliberately sent out messages to reveal some of Rozi's ability information."

Morgans shook his head and said with a mocking look.

"President, since you are doubtful about the news, should we publish this report?"

A reporter looked at Morgans and asked.

"Of course we should publish it."

"The Navy has sent the news, and if we do nothing, it would be too disrespectful to them."

"However, as a reporter, it is also necessary to confirm the accuracy of the matter."

"So, I have to go to the vicinity of Judicial Island in person."

"See if Rozi is really gone."

"Or is he actually hiding somewhere, ready to scare the Navy, hehe."

Morgans stood up from his seat and said with interest. 4.5

At this time, he couldn't help but think of the scene where Rozi was targeted by Smoothie in Wan Guo.

At that time, Rozi was also in a desperate situation, but he still escaped.

Although at that time, Rozi was able to escape with his help.

"I understand, President."

"I will prepare the fastest ship for you now."

The reporter nodded and turned and ran out of Morgans' temporary office.

After a while, with the departure of Morgans' ship, a large number of news birds flew to all parts of the world with the latest news and bounties of the Straw Hat Pirates.


Chapter 317 Hawkeye and Red Hair Meet, Latest News of the Straw Hat Pirates

Grand Line, an unnamed island.

A man with a huge black knife on his back slowly landed on the island on a raft.

If there were swordsmen here, they would definitely be able to recognize that this person was Hawkeye, who was known as the world's number one swordsman.

"It should be here."

Hawkeye Mihawk looked up at the sky, then looked ahead, muttering in his mouth.

"Hawkeye? Why are you here?!"

The two pirates were just about to find a place to relieve themselves, but Hawkeye suddenly appeared and frightened them so much that they almost fell to the ground.

"Miscellaneous soldiers, get out of the way. I'm going to see the officers and Red Hair. They're in front, right?"

Hawkeye just glanced at the two pirates casually, and they couldn't stop trembling.

It was because Hawkeye's aura was too fierce.

Even Hawkeye didn't notice that after the battle with Rozi, he had been maintaining that powerful sword force.

Whenever he thought of the last slash that Rozi used after using the template of Kenpachi Zaraki, Hawkeye's eyes flashed with brilliance.

He asked himself, that slash that completely exhausted his life, even he himself might not be able to take it.

It was a blessing that Kizaru, who was in the lead, had his limbs cut off.

If he had been a little less lucky, Kizaru would probably have been dismembered on the spot.

"Hey, Hawkeye, don't embarrass our newcomer."

"If you want to see Shanks, just follow me."

At this time, a heroic voice sounded in the bushes.

Hawkeye Mihawk turned his head and saw that it was Ben Beckman, the vice-captain of the Red Hair Pirates, who came out.

Hawkeye Mihawk nodded slightly and took a step to catch up with Beckman's footsteps.

Not long after, the two came to the place where the Red Hair Pirates' cadres gathered.

At this moment, they were still having a banquet.

And Red Hair was sleeping soundly against the tree.

"Mihawk, why did this guy come back here?"

"Hawkeye, what is he doing here?"

"Is he here to fight with the boss again?"

"Speaking of which, I heard recently that this guy was forcibly summoned by the Navy and the World Government to deal with the Straw Hat Pirates."

Have you forgotten that we came to the first half of this Grand Line because of this matter?

"So, the battle is over?"

When the Red Hair Pirates saw him coming, they all started discussing.

The discussion gradually sobered Red Hair up.

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