After a while, Roche was surprised to find that the nature of the artificial devil fruit ability could be changed.

‘This feeling is like being able to change Gin Rami’s artificial devil fruit into physical characteristics. ’

‘Or, it is the effect of transforming it into a blood limit…’

‘If I do this, won’t Gin Rami be able to eat two devil fruits? ! ’

Roche raised his eyebrows and immediately became interested.

He did what he thought, and more chakra burst out of his body and began to flow into Gin Rami’s body and transform his body.

With the help of the Sharingan, Roche’s control over energy reached a terrifying level.

Then, Roche began to use magic to strengthen Gin Rami.

During this period, Gin Rami felt pain in her body.

But thinking that Roche had the power to let her change the future, she endured it secretly.

“Okay, Gin Rami, open your eyes.”

Roche retracted his hand, looked at Gin Rami, who was sweating profusely, and said with a smile on his face.

"Is it over, Master Rozi?"

Jin Rami opened his eyes, took a long breath, and looked at Rozi.

"Yes, it's over."

"Come, have some fruit,"

Rozi handed a piece of prepared fruit pulp to Jin Rami with a smile on his face.

A blush flashed across Jin Rami's face, and she opened her cherry mouth and swallowed the fruit pulp into her mouth.

But soon, she opened her eyes wide and tried hard to spit out the fruit pulp.

However, the fruit pulp turned into water and flowed into her stomach.

Even if she wanted to spit it out, there was no way.

"Master Rozi, that taste just now... could it be a devil fruit?!"

Jin Rami wiped her mouth with her arm and looked at Rozi in horror.

"Haha, look how scared you are."

"Don't worry, Gin Rami."

"I don't mean to hurt you."

"After the transformation I made on your body before."

"Your body has become capable of eating another devil fruit while retaining the power of the artificial devil fruit."

"So I took a little flesh of the spring fruit I have for you to use."

"Don't worry about exploding, you see, aren't you okay now?"

"I'm sorry, I was worried that you wouldn't want to eat the spring fruit because of fear."

"So I didn't explain it to you in advance."

Roche put his hands on Gin Rami's shoulders and said seriously.

Gin Rami's artificial devil fruit is the animal-type springbok form, 4.5 which itself is the ability to jump.

The spring fruit is also a similar power.

Roche really wants to see two similar devil fruits that belong to the animal and superhuman types respectively gathered in the same person.

What kind of growth will the user achieve.

"Lord Roche, are you telling the truth?!"

Gin Rami looked at Roche's gentle smile, and she didn't feel anything wrong with her body until now.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Chapter 332: Directly put the knowledge of cultivation into the mind

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe it, you can try it, Gin Rami."

Roche stretched his hands under Gin Rami's arms and helped her stand up in the bathtub.

In an instant, Gin Rami's charming and moving figure was fully displayed in front of Roche.

Roche took a deep breath, suppressed the desire in his heart, and encouraged Gin Rami:

"Gin Rami, you can try to use the power of the spring fruit now."

"The spring fruit can turn any part of the body into a spring."

Hearing Roche's words, Gin Rami nodded heavily.

Then, she instinctively used the power of the spring fruit.

29Sure enough, her two calves became like springs.

"Success... Success, really turned into a spring?!"

Gin Rami jumped twice, and was actually bounced directly onto the roof by the reaction force brought by the spring.

In an instant, more scenery appeared in front of Roche.

Looking at the falling Gin Rami, Roche quickly reached out to catch it.

However, whether it was intentional or unintentional, the place where Roche reached out to catch it just landed on Gin Rami's chest.

The sudden touch made the extroverted Gin Rami blush.

"Haha, how about it, the power of the spring fruit is not bad."

"Gin Rami, try to use your animal-type devil fruit again."

"Let me see if the two abilities can be used together."

Roche put Gin Rami in front of him, patted his shoulder, and said enthusiastically.

"Okay... okay."

After Gin Rami calmed down his nervousness a little, he closed his eyes and carefully felt the power of his artificial devil fruit.

After a while, Gin Rami's body began to show some characteristics of springbok.

Below the spring part of his calf, the unique shape of the antelope's foot appeared.

"Not bad, they can really be used together."

Roche nodded with great satisfaction.

Gin Rami was able to use two devil fruits, and he was even happier than Gin Rami.

"Lord Roche, thank you for letting me master such a magical power."

"Please rest assured, I will be yours from now on."

"I will obey your orders."

Gin Rami said to Rozi excitedly.

At this moment, she wanted to run on the land for a while and show her two devil fruit abilities.

But she also knew that now was not the right time.

If she messed around now, Quinn might pay attention to Rozi.

"I'm glad you said that, Gin Rami."

"Come on, I'm giving you something."

"Now, look into my eyes."

Gin Rami admired Rozi so much at this moment that she naturally looked at Rozi's Sharingan without any objection.

As a dizzy feeling came and went, Gin Rami clearly felt that there seemed to be something extra in her mind.

"This feeling... Lord Rozi, is this the knowledge of practice? 470"

After roughly browsing the extra knowledge in her mind, Gin Rami asked Rozi in surprise.

"That's right. I have directly engraved my experience of practicing the Six Styles of the Navy, Armament Haki, and Observation Haki into your mind."

"It is no exaggeration to say that it is very difficult for you to forget them now."

"Gin Rami, if you want to do great things, you can't do it without strength."

"In the future, you will learn and improve according to the knowledge I taught you."

"As long as you don't get lazy, I believe that it won't take long for you to reach a higher level of strength."

Roqi raised his mouth and said with a smile.


Chapter 333 The sound of cannons, sudden attack

"Thank you, Lord Roqi."

"I will definitely practice hard."

Gin Rami nodded and said very solemnly.

"Well, I believe you, Gin Rami."

"Wait until I find a chance to leave this ship."

"After you return to the Beasts Pirates, you must become stronger."

"If possible, I hope you can get a higher position."

"In this way, when we meet again, you may be able to help me more."

"Of course, everything is still based on your safety as the top priority."

"If it is too dangerous, it is better not to do it."

"I heard that Kaido is also cruel."

"If I accidentally hurt you, I will be heartbroken."

Rozi touched Gin Rami's smooth shoulders and said seriously.

"Thank you for your concern, Lord Rozi. I will take good care of myself."

Gin Rami was moved by Rozi's words.

She became more and more fascinated by the man who wanted her.

"Speaking of which, I heard that Kaido has a daughter named Yamato, right~〃."

Rozi suddenly changed the subject and asked Gin Rami with a puzzled look on his face.

"Lord Rozi actually knows this? You can really predict the future."

Gin Rami looked at Rozi with respect, and then said:

Lord Rozi, you are right.

"Lord Kaido... No, Kaido does have a woman."

"But she usually calls herself a man."

"Even Kaido now calls her his son."

"Lord Rozi, why did you mention Yamato?"

Hearing this, Rozi smiled.

"I am very interested in this person, if there is a chance in the future."

"I plan to pull her into the Straw Hat Pirates."

"That woman has a fate with the Straw Hat Pirates."

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