"All small doors, stand back."

"Give the space to Foz Fu and Gin Rummy~〃."

"Let's take a good look at the battle between Gin Rummy and Foz Fu."

"Gin Rummy, Foz Fu, you have no objections."

After Plague Quinn finished talking to the surrounding pirates, he solemnly said to Gin Rummy and Foz Fu.

"Of course, I really want to see what kind of fighting power a person who has eaten two Devil Fruits can exert."

Foz Fu said with excitement.

No wonder Fozzie Fu was so excited.

Until now.

Blackbeard hasn't eaten the second fruit yet.

Naturally, there was no chance to show the world his ability to use two Devil Fruits.

And Luo Qi, although Luo Qi can use a variety of abilities.

But in Fozzie Fu's view, Rozzi obviously used some kind of technological means to reach his current situation.

A dual devil fruit user, Ginrammy is the first living and known dual devil fruit user that Fozzie Ford has seen.

Naturally, he would be quite curious about how far it could go.

"I don't have any questions either, Master Quinn."

Jin Lamy jumped on the spot, also looking a little excited.

Although she gained the ability of spring fruit.

But I haven't used it in combat yet.

Now there is an opportunity to use two abilities to challenge the senior leaders of the Beast Pirates.

Jin Lami himself would naturally feel quite happy.

"In that case, let's get started."

Plague Quinn nodded and took out a notepad and a pen from somewhere.

Very quickly, Plague Quinn was ready to record data.

If Rozzi is still here, see Plague Quinn's actions.

He will definitely marvel at Plague Quinn's persistence in research.

"¨ Come here, Gin Rummy."

"Show me what you're capable of."

Foz Fu waved in the direction of Jin Lamy and said with a smile on his face.

Although Ginrami has become a dual devil fruit user.

It can be said that Jin Lami is quite special.

Her strength is also unknown.

But as the most senior leader of the Beast Pirates, Foz Fu was not the first to take action against Ginrami.

This is also Foz Fu's self-confidence.

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite, Lord Foz."

Jin Lamy's reaction when he saw Fozzie Fu was not polite.

She saw her legs sinking down, and the spring between her legs began to compress sharply.

The next moment, there was only a roar.

Jin Lamy had actually used the reaction force to turn his body into an afterimage and rushed towards Foz Fu.


Chapter 349: The iron block reappears, this time it can be defended

among animals.

Antelope itself is an animal that is very good at jumping.

Because of eating the antelope fruit.

Jin Rummy is quite capable in jumping.

Borrowing the antelope's ability to bounce, her speed can triple in an instant.

And now, add the power of the Spring Fruit.

Jin Lamy's speed actually doubled again.

It's six times as powerful as when he doesn't use his Devil Fruit abilities.

And this is not the limit of Jin Lamy.

If Kim Rami uses his full speed.

Her speed may reach 12 times that without Devil Fruit.

However, this speed has exceeded the limit that Jin Lami can bear.

Not that she would 500 tear her body muscles due to such speed.

It's because when using all the speed, Jin Lamy will not be able to control his body properly.

Just like Captain Crow of the Black Cat Pirates in the East China Sea.

When he was using his speed skill 'Spoon', his eyes were unable to carefully observe the surrounding situation.

Therefore, his attacks are all indiscriminate attacks.

If the companion is nearby, his attack will also hit the companion.

If Jin Lamy fully develops his speed.

Her situation will be similar to Crowe's.

Because she cannot capture the opponent's situation, she may not be able to even punch the opponent properly.

Even if Jin Lami has the power of seeing and hearing the domineering power, he still has no way to control the speed of his full expansion.

Even though she was able to capture the opponent's movements with her Haki, but when she launched a quick bouncing impact.

She will be unable to make temporary turns because she cannot control her body.

Having said that, if he really has the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing, Jin Lamy will be a good hand in assault.

It's just that when you attack, there are also risks.

Of course, if Jin Lami's body strengthens again.

This shortcoming will disappear.

"Oh, it looks good."

"The strength isn't bad either."

"It seems that you do have the power to make good use of two copies of the Devil Fruit (cjef)."

After Kinrami's straight punch was blocked by Foz Fu with his arm, he said with a smile on his face.

Through direct physical contact, he could clearly feel the strength of Jin Lamy's fist.

"It does have a considerable advantage in terms of speed. It should be faster than the navy's shaver."

Plague Quinn was also recording data on the side.

"Kim Rami, this shouldn't be your limit."

"Use all your power."

"Don't worry about accidentally hurting me."

Foz Fu smiled and said confidently to Jin Lamy.

"Yes, Lord Fozzie Ford."

Jin Lamy got Foz Fu's permission, so he naturally had no worries.

She took a few steps back, and then her hands took on the state of a combination of antelope and spring.

The next moment, her body turned into an afterimage that quickly passed by Fozzie Fu.

A red light flashed in Foz Fu's eyes, and he locked onto Jin Lamy's figure domineeringly.

"It's really, really good speed."

"It is indeed faster than the average agent using Marine Six."

"Let me see your strength again, Ginrami."


Foz Fu smiled, placed his fists on his waist, and made a squatting posture with both legs.

Then, the Navy's Sixth Form 'Iron Block' was used.


Chapter 350: If Kaido knew about Luo Qi’s ability, he would definitely be very happy

"So fast, is this the strength of Jin Lamy now?"

"Damn it, I can't see Jin Lamy's body clearly at all."

"Now, we are really pulled away by Jin Lamy."

"Obviously she was weaker than me not long ago, but now, I can't even look at him."

"Yeah, if we fight like this, we might be knocked down in an instant."

The surrounding pirates couldn't help but sigh with emotion when they saw the afterimage of Jinrami passing across the deck.

At this moment, they finally confirmed that Jin Lami was stronger than them.

‘Is this the ‘iron block’? ’

‘Master Luo Qi specifically said before he left that it was okay to practice with iron blocks. ’

'But don't use iron as a defensive means unless absolutely necessary. ’

‘Unless the opponent’s strength is really bad. ’

‘Even if you want to defend yourself, you have to use Armament Haki. ’

Jin Lamy looked at Fozzie Fu's posture and thought of what Rozzi said to her before leaving.

'It was Fozzie Fu who thought the iron block was a good defense, so he used it. ’

‘Or is it that Fozzie Fu thinks my power is not worth mentioning, so he uses it? ’

Jin Lami thought to himself, but he didn't worry too much.

After Fozzie Fozzie attacks him.

Jin Lamy did not hesitate, turned around and rushed towards Foz Fu.

Bang, bang, bang!

In the temporary home, Kim Rami’s fists and kicks kept falling on Foz Fu.

Huge crashes echoed across the ship.

Shock waves spread out in all directions.

Quinn couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw this scene.

The pen in his hand began to slide quickly on the recording board.

"It's really good, not bad."

"Gin Rummy really brought out the abilities of both Devil Fruits."

"There's a huge improvement in speed and strength."

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